<br />
<br />
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<br /> with leakproof Uodies of easily cleanable
<br /> Lega! Notice cobstructian and campletely covercd with
<br /> metal. Vehicles shall be so operated tha[
<br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA crontents do vat *ll ar drip upan streets
<br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY or alleys ar otherwise create a nuisance.
<br /> ~ VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS SEG'T10N 5. Licensing of Collectors.
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 43 5ubdivisian. I. Na persoai, firm or cor-
<br /> AN ORDINANCE REGUL?,,TING THF. poratian shall collect garbage vr other
<br /> STORAGE, COLLECTION, AND 015- refuse within fhe village without first
<br /> PO$AL dF GA~RBAGE AND OTHER having applicd for and received a]icense
<br /> REFUSE. as herein provided.
<br /> The Village Council of the Village of Subdivision 2. Any perspn, firm, or
<br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as fal- corporatian desiring a license to collect
<br /> :
<br /> ~ IoWS: garbage ar other refuse within the village
<br /> 9ECTION I. Definitioas. Subdivision shall make applicatian for the same td
<br /> 1. Far the ptirpase of this ordinance the the village clerk upon a form prescribed
<br /> term °garbage" means all putrescrible by the village cauncil. The application
<br /> wastes, including animal ofFal and car- shall set farth: (a) the name and address
<br /> casses of dead antmaly bwt excluxling of the app,icant; (b) a list of the equip-
<br /> human excrea, sewage and other water- ment which he progases ta use in such
<br /> carried wastes. collection; (c) the place or places ta which
<br /> Subdivsian 2. The term "ather ref- each kind of waste is ta be haul64; (d)
<br /> " use" means ashes, glass, crdckery, tin the manner in which said waste is td be,
<br /> ~cans, pape7', boxes, rags, bltl c!loith~ing disposed af; (e) a schedula of fees ta be
<br /> and furniture and all similar non-gu#re- charged by the licen.see within the village;
<br /> scible wastes; but does nat include any (f) the agreement of the applicant tq
<br /> material, such as earth, sand, brick, stone, abide by the terms of this ordinance and
<br /> plastzr ar ather similar substances, that all rules md regulation$ then ar there-
<br /> j may accutnwlate as a result of construc- after made by the cour,ci] and/ar the
<br /> tio'n operatiuns. village health officer; and (g) such ot:er
<br /> SEC1TdN 2. Deposit of Garbage ansl information as the cauncil tnay direcY.
<br /> ~ Refvse Restrictetl. Na person shall de- Said appIication shall be submitYed t,, zhe
<br /> posit or canse to be depasited any garbage health officer af the village for investiga-
<br /> or ather refuse upon any vacant lo't or ti~an, and report. If the health officer
<br /> ather tract of ]and, whether platted ar finds that the applicant is respons:ble and
<br /> mnplatted, or upon. any graund appurtenant has P~Per equip~ment 4or such callection,
<br /> to any building tn the Village of Arden and that no nuisance is liab'e to be creat-
<br /> Hills except in the manner prdvided by ~ by the granfing a{ said license, ` he
<br /> this o:'dinance. No persons except a cal- shall endarse his approval upon the ap-
<br /> C lector dulp licensed by the Vill'age shall Plicatiori. The application shall then be
<br /> j collcct or m any manner interfere with submitted ta the village rouncil znd, if
<br /> garbage and ather refuse placed in con- appraved, shall be referred ta the village
<br /> i tainers foT collectidn ar interfere in any clerk far issuance of the license. Tha
<br /> manner with cantainers for garbage or council may, if it deems the pubiic inter-
<br /> ' ather refus~ est will best be served thereby, *efuse
<br /> SEQT10'N 3. 5torage of Garbage and to issue any license or limit the number
<br /> 08ier I2efuse. E-xcept as otherwise pra- of licenses and may issue ]icenses cover-
<br /> ' vided in this sectian all garUage and ing °hly part of the village. A;icense
<br /> ~ther refuse shall be kept in rust-resis fee of Tivelve I~ollars ($12.00) per cear
<br /> shall accom an
<br /> tant water-tight, nonsbsorbent and easilp P Y the application and upon
<br /> • waslable eontainers which are equnpped Branting thc license such fee shall be de-
<br /> with a bail or handles and cavered with PQSited in the general fund of the village.
<br /> close-Eitting lids. Insofar as practicable, If the license is denied sach, fee shall be
<br /> all garbage shall b~ drained of liquids refunded to thz applicant. Na license is-
<br /> ' ~iid w±a?Ted in pa7; rs. Cantainers shali Sued hereunder shall be for a langer pe-
<br /> have a capaaity of nat less than 10 nor rio'd than pne year and all licenses issued
<br /> ~ more than 30 gallons and shall be pro- herewider shall expire on the 30th day of
<br /> vided in s,ulEficient nwmber to hold all 7une. The couxicil may revoke any ]i-
<br /> garbage and ather refuse accezmulating cense issved hereunder for failure of the
<br /> ' between c.ollections. Insafar as practica- licensee ta carry out the duties impose3
<br /> ble, Uaxes, papers, tree cuttings, and odd uPon him hereby, or his agrcements in hi;.
<br /> articles shal] be crushed and placed out- aPPlicatidn, ar for any ather cause upon
<br /> ~ side of such containers in bundles noT reasanable notice and hearing. No part
<br /> exceedin three feet in ]ength and 50 of the license fee shall be refunded upon
<br /> ~o~u 6 any snch rev~acation and no ]icense is-
<br /> 'r be washed andgheatedlwithnaadi~inEectnt Stted hereunder s1~a11 be trans~ferah]e. Ap-
<br /> as often as necessary va prevent nuisance. Prication for renewal of any such ]icense
<br /> ~ Such containers shall be kept in an ac- shall bc made in the same manner and
<br /> cessible ]acation for collectian and shall shall be acco+mpanied hy the same fee as.
<br /> , be kept in a loca4ion an the oavners prem- the o,r~i,~'inal application.
<br /> ises that is as non-conspicuous as preacti- Ii~ iid~ 6• p~alty. Any persun,
<br /> cable from adjQining premises. vision of this~ardiance ishall ~e anY Pro-
<br /> SECTIO~N 4. Collection of Gazbaqe guiity of
<br /> and OYher Refuse. Swbdivision 1. Col- a misdemeanor and upan convicti.on there-
<br /> ~ ~ lcction shall 6e made at ]east once each °f sha11 be pu,v,ishe] by a fine of not mare
<br /> week by a dttly licensed callector.Each t~n $100 ar imprisonment in the county
<br /> person having such garbage or refuse f~or ja>> for no.t more than 90 days,
<br /> collectian shall arrange for the callec- SECT'ION 7. 1`his ordinance shall be
<br /> tion thereof with a licensed collector and published forthwith in Yhe offieial village
<br /> newspaper and shall be eEfective from and
<br /> shall pay such oallector nat to exceed after its pa.ssage and
<br /> therefor at his scheduled rates. Passed by the Cain cl o~fcthe Vil
<br /> Sutrdivisian 2. All garbage or ather Arden Hills this laqe of
<br /> 29 dap
<br /> refuse shall ba transported on the streets Rohert p, of
<br /> Ashbach, l Ma959.
<br /> or alleys in the village only in vehicles' Attest • y-0r
<br /> Lorraine E. Stro,mqvist, Clerk
<br /> :::st 6, 1959 100 slipc
<br /> , THF, RO~F T1.d[es'NF _
<br />