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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN MILLS <br /> ORDINANCE N0.167 <br /> AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SEWER SER- <br /> VICE AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION CHARGES <br /> TO PAY RESERVE CAPACITY COSTS OF <br /> METROPOLITAN SEWER BOARD. <br /> The Viilage Council of the Villa9e of Arden Hills does <br /> hereby ordain as follows: <br /> Seciion 1. Recitals. The Metropolifan Sewer 8oard <br /> has deTermineq to reserve unused capacity in the <br /> metropolitan disposal sysTem each year commencing in <br /> ~ 1973 for local government units in which new buildings <br /> are fo be connected to the System and new connections <br /> to the system are commenced dyring such yeer, and To <br /> allocate the tlebt service cosis W such uhused capecity <br /> for the year among such local government units. In <br /> . order for the local government units to pay such cosis <br /> allocated to Them each year, it will be necessary to establish appropriate sewer service availability and <br /> connecfion charges. <br /> Section 2. Establishment of Charges. For the purpose <br /> of paying costs ot reserve capacity allocaTed to Arden <br /> Hills each year by the Metropolitan Sewer Board, fhere <br /> is hereby established a charge for: <br /> (a) the availabiliTy of ireatmenf works and im terceptors comprising the mefropolitan disposal <br /> system; and <br /> (b) connecTions, dired antl indirect, to the <br /> me}ropOlitan dispOSal system. <br /> The charge shall be collected on the basis of building <br /> . permits issued after January l, 1973, or connection <br /> permits issued for connections to be made after <br /> January 1, 1973, on the following basis: <br /> (c) The charge shall be payable on the issuanCe M <br /> each building permit for new consiruction issued afTer <br /> January t, 1973. - <br /> (d) A charge shall be payable on the issuance of a <br /> building permit for alferations or addifions To existing <br /> buildings if the alteration or addition will require ad- <br /> diTional reserve capacity, and the Service Availability <br /> Charge (SAC) unit shall be determined on the Same <br /> - basis as for new builtlings, (e) The charge shall be imposed on sewer connection <br /> permifs issuetl after January 1, 1979, except: <br /> e-1 Wfiere a SAC unit charge was matle when the <br /> building permit for the sublect building was issuetl. <br /> e-2 Where a buitdingpermit for the subject building <br /> - was issued prior fo January 7, 1973, and the building wa5 <br /> not served by an on-lot disposal sy5lem. <br /> e-3 Where the sewer connection permit was issued <br /> betore January 1, 1973, and the sewer tu which the <br /> 4onnecti0n was to be made existed prior to January 1, - <br /> 1973. <br /> The charge for each building or siructure shall be <br /> equal fo the numberof units of 5ewage volume which it <br /> , will discharge, multiplietl by $275 for 1973, 5300 for 1974, <br /> $325 for 1975, 8350 for 1976 and $375 for 1977. A unit of sewage volume shall be 100,000 gallons per year and <br /> shall be assigned as follows: - <br /> (a) Singie tamily houses, townhouses and duplex units <br /> shall each comprise one uniT; <br /> (b) Condominiums and apariments shall each <br /> comprise 80 percent of a unit; <br /> (c) Mobile homes shall eacfi comprise 80 percenY of a <br /> unit; <br /> (d) Oiher buildings and strucfures shall be assigned <br /> one uniT for each 100,000 gallons of flow or parf ihereof <br /> which it is estimated iheY Will discharge;(e) Public housing uniTS antl housing units Subsitlized <br /> under any federal pro9ram for low and moderate in- <br /> come housinq shall be counfed as 75 percent of the unit <br /> equivalent for ihaT type of hausing: <br /> (f) During 1973 oNy connection permiTs for building units which exisfed prior to January 1, 1973, and were- <br /> served by on-loi disposal sysiems Shall be counted as <br /> one-halfiheuni}equivalenTforihattypeofhausing. , <br /> Sr.ction J. The Adminisiration. The Clerk • Ad- <br /> ministrator shall prepare or revise building permit or <br /> sewage connection permit appli[ati0n forms to provide <br /> lnformafion necessary for the computation of the <br /> number of uniTs assignable to the building or siructure <br /> in question, and shall collect the applicable-charge <br /> before issuance of a permit. The Clerk - Administralor <br /> shall make,such information available To the Sewer <br /> Boartl upon request. If upon filing a report covering <br /> such permit with the Mefropolitan Sewer Board, the <br /> Board defermines fhet a greater number Of uniTs is <br /> assignable to the building or siructure in question, any <br /> atlditiOnal aTOUnt Of c051 BIlOC81@tl f0 the VillBgB a5 B <br /> result shall be paid by the person or company fo whOm the permit was granted. <br /> Section 0. Purpose. It is the intention M the Council To <br /> impose herein charges equivalent to ihose adopted by <br /> the Metropolitan Sewer Board by its Re5oluTion No. 72- <br /> 225, adopted December 6, 1972, but inclutling ad. <br /> minisirafive or service charges as allowed by the Sewer <br /> Board. <br /> Section S. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in <br /> full torce and effect from and after its pa5sage and <br /> publ iwtion. " <br /> Adopted by the Council of Arden Fiills this 29ih day of <br /> January, 1973. <br /> . . Henry J. Crepeau, Jr., <br /> Mayor <br /> Attest: <br /> 40 , CharloTte McN'resh , <br /> Acting Clerk - Administrator . <br /> Village of Artlen Hills <br /> (BUlletin: Feb. 1, 1473) <br />