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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordi.nance Nu.mber 1 (cQntiriued) <br /> <br /> P age #4 <br /> <br /> <br /> RULE 29, The counc il rnay at any time by a maj orfty vote of <br /> thos e pre se nt, adjourn f rom t im.e to t,ime to a ape c if i e date and <br /> hour whether or not a quvrum is present, <br /> RULE 30o Special msetings rn.ay be called by the mayor or ang <br /> two mmbers in writing, f iled with the eYerk at least three days9 <br /> SundayS'and holidays excepted9 prior to the time speeified for such <br /> rneeting. The elerk sha11 matl a notice at least two days before <br /> ~ the frteeting'to a11 members of the time and place of the meeting and <br /> ~ its purpose, if the purpose be stated in the call Piled with him. <br /> The clerk shall prepare and file in his office an affidavit by him <br /> the mailing of such notices in the mariner h,ere prescribed. <br /> RULE 31. Special meetings may be held without notiee when al.l <br /> members are pre sent and talm part in the meeting or consent in writ_ <br /> to hvld such spee3al aneeting without other notice. Such written <br /> eonsent sha1l be filed with the clerk prior ta the commencement of <br /> such An.y sp ecial meeting attended by all members shall be <br /> a regular 'meeting f cr the transaction of any business that may come <br /> be f o re it p <br /> RULE 32 0 Mannsr of votin,g. Vote s of the members or any busi_ <br /> ness eoming before tY3e ccuneil may be by voiee vote, standing vote, <br /> or in sueh other manner of voting as may signif'y the intention of <br /> the mem.bers, provided, howevera that upon request of any one rnember <br /> ~ of the cauncil sueh -,rote shall be taken by seeret written ballot. <br /> Any affirmative or negative vote by a member shall <br /> be entered in the minutes at his requesto Aye and naye vote shall <br /> be t aken upon any mot ion at the re que st a f dne mmber and the re sults <br /> thereaf entered in the minutes. Every member shall vote in such case ' <br /> unle s s the caunc il by ma j or it y vote shal 1excuse ammber from vot ing a <br /> RULE 33. Minute s of the rweting sha11 be kept in duplic ate by <br /> the clerkb The elerk shall retain the original and deliver the dupli- <br /> cate to the mayor, They shall be s3gned by the clerk., and shall con- <br /> stitute an official record of the council proceedings; Upon approval <br /> of the minute s at a subse que nt tinj a f the caz nc i1 s the mayo r shall <br /> sign the minutesa Laek of sueh mayor s signatune or council approval <br /> sha 11 not invalidate su,ch minute s as off ic ial re eor ds . <br /> RULE 34e In the event the clerk shall fail or decIine to amend <br /> or change hi sminut ess upon informal re que st g at t,he t ime the y are <br /> submitted for approva3,9 the couneil may by mot,ion cararied by rnajority <br /> vote amend tYe minute s e Such amending motion sha21 become a part of <br /> the m3.nutes of the subsequent meting, <br /> ~ PASSE13 BY THE VILLAGE COUNG IL THIS 26TH DAY OF MARGHS 1951 <br /> <br /> i <br /> ~ /s/ Walter Cummings <br /> a er mingsa agor o <br /> ~ the Village of Arden Hi11s <br /> Atte st : <br /> <br /> /s/ Herman J. Doepner <br /> errnan J. 15oepner, C er <br /> of The Village of Arden Hi11s <br /> Published April 5, 1951 <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> I <br />