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<br /> <br /> ~ <br /> ti <br /> ~ LEGAL ~ y <br /> , <br /> ARDEN HILLS <br /> " ORDI NANCE N0, 1 ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ~~.11T _E)RDINANC~'E ESTAHL,ISHIP+G RULES GO~TERIi~;~ CONDUCi AND PROCr~tTRF OF T?Ii <br /> VrLLAt=E COUNCIL QF"ARDEN HILLS y MINIZ$OiA. <br /> The eou.ncil' of Arden Hills d:o ord.ain as -Poli ows: <br /> . RULE 1. The vi,llage council shall have rega.lar se ssions on the last <br /> Monday of each morith at 9 o' cJ.ock ' p.:n. , and, if sucn day shall <br /> fall oii a holiday shall have its reguiar session the next - <br /> fol.lowing day; a.nd adjourned and special sessions at any other <br /> time the council may aeem proper. The first meeting of the <br /> year sha7.1 be held on January 2nd unless January `?nd shall <br /> fall. upan SatizrdEy or Sunday, in which even it shall be held <br /> on Monday the 3rc1 or 4th. Al1 mee'tings shall be hexd in the <br /> village hall. <br /> RTJLS 2. The mayor shall prGside at all meetzng5 of the counc3:1. In <br /> ` the absenee of the mayor th.e acting mayor s'rla1l presicle. <br /> In the absence oi ~aothr the trustees ,sha13: e1ect cne of their, <br /> r~umber a,s teaiporary chairman. : T~ie acting `m~:yor and` ~CeLZporary <br /> ~hai~rman:xhe~ occapyiiig. the nlace~ of. the mayor- shall ~'nave the <br /> , pravileges as other members. <br /> RULE-'3. At all meo "t~.n;'s oi t~ie council, a r~~,jority of tlie council <br /> ' raembers shall constitute a quorum to do busiriess, but a <br /> _ mi nority may ad j o urn. from day to . day and may ~ com~ae! , the <br /> ' a'ttendance of~ `absentee~~, by a: fine not exceec:i ng fi ve clollaxs <br /> for each offense, uhleag a-reascinab1e dxcuse he of~e-red. <br /> , RULE 4. Pit the hour appointed for mee°ti;ng, the members shall: be calle~ <br /> to order by;the .m~yor,: anc~ ~:n his absence b~~ the:acting mayor, <br /> `ar_d in the absence af both, by the c1erk. The clerti;;, shall <br /> call the roil, notn the s:pserltuees and annour.ce ti%Thether a <br /> quorum be,present. In the absence of the clerk the mayor shalZ <br /> • appoint a. secretary pr:o-tem. Upon the appearance of a, quorum <br /> tne couneil shall proceea to business which shall be canducted <br /> in the fcllowing order: <br /> 1. Ca11 to oruer. <br /> 2. Roll call. <br /> • 3. Reading of the minutes of -,the laet meeti:ig, wrlicn if no <br /> corx-eEtlons be offered, sha1l stand appraved; <br /> . 4"Presentatiar of pe'titions: memorials, and rerr,onLtrances. <br /> Reparts of standing cammittees. . <br /> Reparts of special committees. <br /> ; 7, ' Reparts' of nff 'L'cials, <br /> 9. Second read{ng ol nr3?nanoes; <br /> Noti_ces and communications.` <br /> 10. 3ntroducti-on of ordinances, <br /> lZ. Presentation of claims. <br /> 12. LTnf3.ntlihed business, <br /> , Z , ~S~eci~,~ o~ busIne s s. 1~ Motfons °and l esolut2ons. <br /> xP, Adjournment.' . <br /> R'JLE ihe `mayor s~:~.ll pre,serve order ~:nd ~ecorum anc' shall ' ecide <br /> questions Qf order sub,ject to an a.ppeal to ,l_e 'council, The <br /> - ma~o~' ~ay make motions, second motions, or ~peak on any <br /> ~ aue sti onxprov3.~ e.~ hotaever, tha ~ in order to do so, upon demand <br /> of any one council msmber, he shall vacate the chair and <br /> cles9.gnate a trtxstee to p'reside `temporarily. ihe mayor shall <br /> ` be entitl<ed to vote like ather memoers of the ' council. <br />