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<br /> • <br /> Ord.inance I <br /> . -T <br /> ~ page, 4 <br /> 14EETING and its vurpose, if t'.r:e Durpose he vtate(' in the <br /> c^_ll fil,ed wi th h:im. The clerk shal1 prepare and file in <br /> Y?is offi.ce an aff1 da-Trit by him 'showing the mailir_g of such <br /> notices ir: the ma:nner here prescribed., <br /> RULE 31. Special meetings may be 11-eld without notice when P-_ll :nembers <br /> are present and ta're part in the meeting or consent in writing <br /> to hold such special meeting without ather notice. Such <br /> written consent shall be fi led Uaith the cler]Vprior to the <br /> commencement ca such meeting. Any special rneeting attended by <br /> all members shall be a regular ;neetingioz° the transaction of <br /> any business that may come r?f ore i t. <br /> RUT,E 32. Manner o#' voting. Votes cf ~:.Iembers on qny btASi.ness coming <br /> before the coiAncil :nay bf vaice vote, sta;,,:1,,_nL; vcte, or in <br /> such.-other manner of irctinE as may sign~.fy the ir.~ent~.on of <br /> the members, iDrovi~.ed, ~ owevez^, that upon rec!uest oi any one <br /> member af the council siieh. vote, sha1l be taken by sec-ret written <br /> ba'LZot. <br /> . Any \affirmati'se or, r,egative vote by a mer.iber s~~al-1. be eni,ered in <br /> ~ the niautes_at hie request. Aye and naye vote sha7_1 be taL,en <br /> , upon any motion a't the request` of ane menber and the results <br /> thereof en~er~d ~n the ~inutes, Every r~e:~ber shall vote in <br /> such case unless the council b;,r majori'ty vote sh.all excuse a <br /> member frorr uptir~g. <br /> RTJLE 33. M3.nutes of the shall- be kept in duplicate b3r tYie clerk. <br /> T1_e ci erk shali retain the original and aeliver the duplicate <br /> to the maypr. They shall be signed Ly the clerk, Pnd shall <br /> constitute an offiCial r'ecorA of the cbuneil proceedings. <br /> Lipon appraval oi vhe mir.-ates ~,t a subqeruent ~zee t~ng oi ~'_i~ <br /> council, trle mayor shall sign the minuzes. Lack of such mayor's _ <br /> signature or council approva~ shalZ not invalidate sueh minutes <br /> . as off'ic`ial recorc? s. <br /> RULE 34. In the even't the clerk s:hall fa3.1 oi clecline to amend or clzange <br /> his minu'~ES, upon a.nformGl recuest, at the time the; ~,-re sub- <br /> mitted for approval, the council may by motion carried by <br /> na.,~,ority vote amen~. the minu~es. Such amendin~; moticn sha l1 <br /> , become anart of the minutes pf the subsequent meeting. T <br /> PASSED BY THE VILLAGE COUTdCIL THIS 26TH DAY OR YiARCH, 1951. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> WALTER CUMidIINGS, Mayor <br /> AT'TEST . <br /> <br /> <br /> Herman J. Doepner, Clerk <br /> <br /> Apri1 5, 1951 <br />