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~ <br /> - . <br /> . Orc_inance z <br /> ' naZe 3 ~ <br /> <br /> RULE 19, The first` reacl:ing of ev,ery ordinance shal.l be by, title and : <br /> , unless t:ne rules are suspended, e$ch membe~r of the• coui:icil ~ <br /> shall be 'furnished by' ~he clerk wi`'th: a copf `of -the'pro,amsed , <br /> orainance before the next mesting of the cQUnc3.'1. <br /> RULE 20. The second read3:ng 'of an arc3iance shall be by sections fi-rst, <br /> a't wnich time, amendments, if any Are to be offered; but th6 <br /> , reading of any section •sha31 not prec-lude the offering of aA <br /> amend.ment to any. preced3n one. If:ao amendmen'Gs, are m~$e the question shal1_ be: '1halZ the'ordinace pas.s?" Tf amend- <br /> <br /> r~eni,s are made the cha~,r shall: so report,..and, each sectian <br /> sha1l be read as amended before thb". vote an the passage of the <br /> ord3nance is taken. , <br /> RULE 21, Aftex an orctinance shall have passed., a complete arid ac.eurate <br /> copy as amended shall be made by the c].erk anct. ahall be s.igned <br /> by the mayvr or in. nis absence by the aating mayor, and de- <br /> posited with the clerk, who shall attest, seal, number,.#'ile, <br /> and recard or place the saae pe -,ma.nently f.n the. ordinance book. <br /> Entry of the eomplete ordinance as amend.ed directly into the <br /> ordinance book ancl oricrinal signa'tures and 'seal therean sha.ll , <br /> be compliance with :'thi6 , section. The af,fidavit of pubiicaticfn <br /> shAll be, permanently inserted, 3:r, the vrd.ina.nce book after each <br /> ordi nance. , <br /> RLTLE 22, Petitians and other~ gapers addressed to the council shall be <br /> read by the clerk upon presenfzation` of the some to the council, <br /> RULE 23. No person, other than the mayor ancZ other nembers .of. the couneil.`, <br /> ` shall be admitted within the bar oi the council, eXcept the <br /> " <br /> village off icers: No;. person other than- a member shalI addrees : <br /> the eouncil -except with the cdnsent of the members pres'ent or, <br /> <br /> by a vote ofa znaj`ority`of the nembers present. <br /> RULE' 24. All sessions of the cauncil sha? l be ptxblie. <br /> , RULE 25. The sen.lor constable shall attend meetings af the coun~il Oen <br /> requested to do so bg the mayor and` preserve o,~der ~in 'th~e ro=. <br /> - RULE 26.: These rules, or any oP thern, may be tempoikaril.y suspended b~r ` <br /> ' consent of a majority of aI1 counQilmen, and ,shall not~ be re- <br /> pealed, altered, or anended,,unles$ by concurr.ence of a majority <br /> of the whole council, and upon notice given at same precedizigs <br /> ~ rneeting. <br /> RULE 27. Tn all. pointsnot covered by these xules' the council shall be <br /> pverned irt it s`_pro cedure by Robert' p Rule s or Order Re-vi sed, 'RULE 28. Tae foregoing; rules are adopted ti~ faci].itate the transaeti:an <br /> <br /> oE' council business and functions. They shauld not be permi'Cted ` <br /> to defeat or hinder the pla3nZg ex'presserl intent and desire ot <br /> the counci7.. 'xnforma:l compl.iance ;a.nd substahtial perf ormance <br /> shall be suf'f'iclent under the rules in the absende 'of ; <br /> objection 8easanably taken, Objection Ia hereby d,eclaried not; to <br /> haYe been sea.scana.bIy taken as te procedural inz'*ters provided fc~r <br /> herein, ` if a council member presen'~ `at a fd~ ls to ob,ject <br /> dux3ng the meeting an4 raque'st comgli&nce with these rules, and - <br /> sudh ob,j ection sh.all not be se;:spnab7.y taken if` ta.ken by an <br /> abpent member later' than the next regular meeting after the „ <br /> proceedings`ta objedtion is made. " . <br /> rT"?:E 29. The' council may a.t any time' by a rnajoritg vote of those present, <br /> adjpurn from tine to time to a epecific date arid hour wn,ether <br /> or no t a quorum is present. , <br /> = ULE ; 0. Speq9.a1 meetings may be called by the mayor or any two members <br /> in Vriting, filed 'With the clerk at least three`days, Suindays <br /> and ,hol3day~s excepted rior i;o the specifie~. for such <br /> tie8ting. :The cZerk s~.~a~l mail a -natiae-,at lsastl two d.ays be- <br /> foro t~.e meeting to 211 ~ner~bers .of th~ ti m~ aris~.~lace of' ~he <br /> . , ~ <br /> I <br />