<br /> after provided, such snowmobile sha11 be registered and a
<br /> regislxatian number assigned which shall be affixed to the
<br /> snowmobile in such mannez as the commissioner of natural terms or words used herein shall be intetprew as. follows:
<br /> resources shall prescribe. Each deputy registrar of motor ve• (1)"dPerator" means every person who aperates or is
<br /> hicles acting pursuant to section 168.33, shall also be a deputy in acxuRl physical cantrol of a snpwmabile.
<br /> registrar of snowxnobiles. The.commissioner of natural re- (2) Involved in an accident means every snowmobile
<br /> sotuces in agreement with the commiasioner of public safety which either strikes or is struck by another person, snaav-
<br /> may prescribe the accounting and procedural requirements mobile, mator vehicle or other anunate or inanimate objeet.
<br /> necessary to assure efficient handling of registradons and (3) "Injury requiring medical attentian" meane an in-
<br /> registration fees. Deputy registrars shall strictly comply with JuI'Y o# such a degree that its.proper trestiaent requims
<br /> these accounting and procedural requirements. A fee o£ 50 consultation with or a visit to a doetoe or hospital eraer-
<br /> genGq mam.
<br /> cents in addition to that othenvise prescribed by law shall be ~ 7'otal damage" mesns Eocal agpatent prqperty dam•.
<br /> charged for each snowmobile registered by the registrar or a a, ge resulting to each snowmobile and its related equigmenl
<br /> deputy registrar. The additional fee shall be disposed of in or to anp other property which is iuvotved in ihe aecident.
<br /> the manner provided in section 168.33, subdivision 2 (5) "Prompdy" means that such written report shall t~
<br /> Subd. 3. Fees for registration. (a) The f~ for registra- forwarded as soon as possible after an accident but nbt
<br /> tion of each snowmobile, other than those registered by a ~ more than 48 hours after such accident.
<br /> Jealer or manufacturer pursuant to clauses (b) or (c) of this (b) General Requirement.l'he aperator of anq snowmo-
<br /> subdivision, shall be as follows: $12 for three yesrs and $2 far bile involved in an accident resulting in ,injury requirirtg
<br /> a duplicate or transfer. medical attention or hospitalizatian to or death of any per-
<br /> (b) The total registration fee for all snowmobiles owned son or total damage ta an ezteftt of $100 or more, shali
<br /> by a dealer and operated for demonstration or testing:.pur- promptlp forward a wrixtere report of the aecident oa ihe
<br /> poses shall be $37.50 per year. form prescribed. '
<br /> (c) The total registration fee for all snowm'obiles owned NR ga _ gMpyyMpBIL6 EDYCATJON & YRA1i+iteli PR!lGRANIS _
<br /> by a manufacturer and operated for research, testing, ex- (8) Snowmobile educa,iion and training,pragrams will be
<br /> perimentation, or demonstration purposes shall be $150 per administered by the Snowmobile Ssfety Cuordinator, Th+
<br /> qear. Dealer and manufacturer registratians are not trans- p&rtment of Natural Resources. '
<br /> ferable. (6) Training programs will be canducted in each county
<br /> Subd. 4 Renewal. Every owfler of a snowmobile shall for the purpose of qualifqing persorrs 12 years o# age or
<br /> renew his registration in such manner as the commissioner older, buf le,ss than 18, far ssnowmobile safety certificate.
<br /> shall prescribe, upon payment of the same registraEion fees
<br /> pmvided in subdivislon 3 hereof. (c) The course contenY will incYude the feilowing: mu-
<br /> chine nomenclature, contral #sn,iliatiaatiot3,.maehiae safety
<br /> Subd. 5. Snowmobiles owned bp state or political aub-
<br /> features
<br /> division. A registration number shall be issued without the , operating procednre~, snewmobile and highway
<br /> payment of a fee for snowmobiles owned by the state ot Min- lawa and regulauons, luading agal towing procedures, amtw-
<br /> mobile code o# ethics, safety hazards of apemian, inelu.dittg
<br /> nesota or a political subdivision therebf upon application
<br /> therefor. pussible hearing damage, enviranmentsl consequencts af
<br /> snowmobile use, and performance and written tests.
<br /> Subd. 6. Exemptions. No registration hereunder shall be (d) The fee for,enrollmecrt in a training progrsm cIass
<br /> required for the following described snowmobile.s: iS $2,00, payable in advance, A student wha fails tb pam
<br /> (a) Snowmobiles owned and used by the United States, may take the class over wheat available, without addi#iunal
<br /> another state; or a political subdivision thereof. fee. Persons age 18 or over, or under 12; map be admitted
<br /> (b) Snowmobiles registered in a country other than the to a ctass to the extent facilitift permit upon pa'a?ent of
<br /> United Scates tempotarily used within this state. ~ the $2.00 fee. '
<br /> (c) Snowmobiles covered by a valid license of anotAer (e) Upon succegsful complet'ton of the tr~ining prograan ~
<br /> state and which have not been within this state far more by a stadent, the instructor ~vviiPl submit the name, addr~,
<br /> than 30 consecutive days. and date of birth of the stt~ddnk to the t,nowmo`6ile safety
<br /> Subd. 7. Special permtts. The commissioner of natural coordinator who will issue tp the student, an behaTf of `the '
<br /> resources may issue special permits to out of state snowma Commissioner, a snowmobile sifety ceruficste. A duplicaRe
<br /> biles from a state or country where registration is not required certificate will 6e iseued if tlse oraginal is log or destroqed, `
<br /> to operate in Minnesota for limited periods of time not to ex- upon application and paymeni of $1.00. AIo anawmuhils
<br /> ceed 30 days in connection with organized group outings, Safety certificate shall be issned to any pexsu Icss than I2
<br /> trailrides, races, rallies and other promotional events. years pf age nor :nore than 1$ years af age, provided, hota+
<br /> Subd. 8. Registradon by peraona nnder 18 prohibited, ever, that a snowmobile safety certificate may bc issued-#t>
<br /> No person under the age of 18 years may register a snowmo- the parents or guardian of a person under 12 Years o€ age
<br /> bile. 4 17
<br />