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<br /> sa.e21 eeqwiraurenf: For Np.ken .f smwimebOas <br /> Subdivision 1. All snowmobiles made siter June 30, 1972, <br /> 1-9 y' ~ Directinnad Blazer: to be used in indicating mi- ~ <br /> nor changes in trail direction through use of Ele and soId in Minnesota, shall bear the maker's permanent <br /> ~ 51/ inch arrow decal s6own below or compara- identification number stamped in letters and numbe~ in ihc <br /> ble screened insignia, farm and at a location prescribed by rule aad re.gulation of <br /> 0Ehe commissianer. <br /> l--S~I Subd: 2. All snowmobiles mada aEter June 30, 1971; and <br /> 0-T Reassuring Bdazer: placed, along #rail often sold in Minnesota, shall be designeti aad'made to provide <br /> enough to reassure tfie user he is on trail. an area bn which to effix the registrat'ran nuraber. This area . <br /> I shall be itt a location and of dimensiuns prescrihed by rule <br /> All above blazers to be orange s+cutchlite $k3274 or its ~ and regulation af the commissioner. <br /> equivalent. 84.63 oisposition sf Rooeipts <br /> ~ T Fees from regisYration af snowmohiks- shall be deposited <br /> Directional becal: to be used on tlte 14" a 181/4" with the state tteasarer to the crtdit of the gencral fuad: <br /> j Inforrnational Blazer. 84.B4 Transfer, vr Termiaation.of snswmo6Ne Ovrnersh+p <br /> 3_ r <br /> T Within,l5 clays after the transfer of ownerslZip, or any <br /> x Directional Decal: td 6e used on the 91/"x 12" part thereaf, other tian a security interest, or t6e destruc- <br /> 1 Directional Slazer. tion or ehandonment of anq snoQemobile, written notice <br /> T 7 ~ f thereof shall be given to the commissioner in sush form as <br /> r he shall prescribe. Everg owner or parE utener of a snowmo- <br /> bile shall, upon failure to give sue,h notice,be eubject to the <br /> penalties impossd bp 1967, Chapter 876. <br /> Intersection Decals: to be uged an the 14" x 181f~," Informa- 84.85 tPcensiny by ra1.?ical subdirraiaos <br /> tional Blazer. <br /> All above decals to have background of orange scotchlite No political subdivision of this stete shall roquire licensing <br /> #3274 or equivalent with insignia screened black. or registration of snowtnobiles coveeed bg the groeisions of <br /> Laws 1967, Chapter $76. <br /> Stop Sign: to be used along trail prior to mad 84.s6 Rales eml RegniaNens <br /> STOP or highway crossing. Plaeement to be approxi- Subdivision 1. With a vi.wa of schieving max}mnm gse of <br /> mately 25 feet fram sueh crosaiag poiat. Colors snowmobiles cansistent with pmtection of thp, environment <br /> and reAectorization to conform to 4ughway the commis.sionet uf natursl resources shaIl adopt ntles and <br /> i2" nniN. standards. regulatiuns in the manner provided bq Cbapter 15, fur the <br /> NO 1 following purposes: <br /> ~ No Snowmobildrag: co Jxs used to indi. (1) Rcgistration of anowmobiles and display of ngistra- <br /> caYe trails and sreas where snowmobile tion numbers. ; <br /> use is prahibited. Background cotof is (2) Use of snawmobiles 1D80IHP es game and 6sh re- <br /> to be orange scotchGtc #3274 ar equiv- soQTces are affected. <br /> aleut; snowmobile syrabol to be 600/0 (3) tlse o# saowrnabiles on pubiic lansls and.waiers under <br /> black, prohibiting siash aad lettera solid d?e lurisdietion of the commisaianer of naturtl resourees. <br /> blaak. (4) Uniform sigces tu he tised by the sate, eountis, cities, <br /> villages, and boroughs, whieh are necessarq ar desirable to <br /> soe eoar uad water sofety 4aws fer ;afonnat;oa en contral, direct, or regulate the operatioa and use of snow- <br /> WATlRWAY MARKER tkat smy 6e vssd fsr sppclal ~ <br /> water ha:arels. mobiles. <br /> From and after (?ctober 1, 1970, n4 sig? intended for any (S) Specifications relating to snowmobite mufflers. <br /> - of the purposes indicated in the preeecling paragrs shalt (6) A eomprehensive snowmobile intnrtnatioa and safety <br /> be erected by the state or its govermnental sabdidisions un- e1ucat3on and training prp~gram, inetuding but not limited less such sign is suhstgntially in the form, shape, dimen- to the preparation and diiieminauon of snowmobi[e infsr- <br /> sions and colors shown in. the preceding paragraph. mation and safety advice to the public, the training o# snow• <br /> Detailed plans and speciScations of such signs will be mebile operators, and the issuance of snowmobile safety <br /> available upon written request to the Commissioner. cerfificates ta snowmobile operators who seccessfully com- <br /> NR 35 - ACpDINT REPOpTS plete the snowmobile aafety educatioi? and training course. <br /> (a) DefinitH?ns. For the purposes of this rule, certain For the purpose of administering such prpgram and to de- <br /> fray a portion of the expeases of trainsng and eerti#ying <br /> 16- 5 <br />