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<br /> . <br /> • <br /> <br /> <br /> I tl 1'fle Cc7ar-.3 of r3 6VC; I B L 9n E a>hRL"~ at a d # dPc; -?'9~k??°` c' c ~ <br /> ' i'C >r" ' .i•s::.. <br /> P i attev i 1 ie L i rnestasiee fih b s shai- i be accomp I i shed by i n,ta ing:-'a 5 <br /> inch diameter casdng from 1-he surface thrcugh the gfacsa€ d,,.;fi,- .-i,;cs in'ro the <br /> Pla-Ftevi l le Limestone. A riqmsnaE 5 inch 11minimum7 open, ha;M, a;ai?-;-;,en be drs 116d <br /> i'hrough the undesirable for-mations and at feast 20 feat in-,a -!°he Lo;,-;-; saous n.:fauity consoi idai~ed St. Peter~ Sandstorse and/or° afi E4ast Z~? +_~u. f~ <br /> water leve iwh i chever i slo~aver. A mi nImum 4 s ncfl t i ner~ sL;~ r~ f~~~ i' ~,~`'~t <br /> fr-om the surraee to fihe battom of the 5inch hoie, ared fi;-,P br;ttGr,i ?I f4"4T,~~ <br /> be groufed i n p I ace. T'he nomi na ! 4 e nch o~ ~ <br /> p..rt ht~le sha+l t:~ coni°~ n-ued inYo 1-, l~ <br /> wa•i-er beari ng format i on such d i stance as i s necessary to prc>v€ de ,ht- rec,u ired <br /> ~ water suPP l Y 9 ' n case of we 1 i s I arger fihan 4 i siches, a I l o eher fipa rt:, <br /> of the we6i shall be constructed proportionately. <br /> 4-6. A I t we I I s for domest i c use hereafter constr~uc-i-ed € n the V; f d age of <br /> Arden H i i I s sha I I be constriucted i n such m a n n e r as to produce antfr e muni { n i fi ia; <br /> suppiy of 900 gallons of sasid free water per haura <br /> 4-7. The pump and other equipment instalied an we!!s in Arden E-Ii;{s sha!l <br /> conform to the fo!lowing m'inimum standards, to-w;t: <br /> (l) Pump and equPF,ment shall be designed to assare a poilutiors-proaf <br /> and frost-proot installation. <br /> <br /> (2) 1'he pump base shail be constructed as oo perms"t tnsta;lafiion of a <br /> veater-tfght maunting. <br /> (3) A wetl seal shali be used. Such we9l seal shai1 be caf simp9e <br /> canstruction, eas-ily instailed, removed and s-e-insira-Iaoie should <br /> it become necessary to remove the drop pspe for repair. <br /> <br /> (4) The top ot the wet( casing shall be a minimum of 18 inches above <br /> the basement floor ievei and ths seal shalt be so sfiruci-ed and <br /> installed as to maintain its water=tight feature, shaufd floodiny <br /> occur. The pump room floor shall be at least 6 inches above the <br /> the surrounding grade and the concrete pta$fiorm shaif be minimum <br /> of 4 inches above grade at the edge. <br /> (5) Suction ! ines mnstai 1ed through the wei I casing, or wf,ere ot~erw;se <br /> instalted Iess than 10 feet befow grade, shall be prov3ued wi$h all <br /> outer protective casing. Sach protective casing sha1f be set <br /> waterfitghf into the well casing. The suctean line shail be cau!lked <br /> +nto the protective casing to provide a watertighi- ja'snt which ~~k;I <br /> permit easy removaf. The sucfiion-line shaii siape upward towarcl <br /> the pump. Where a suct3on iine is brough# inio a basementb from <br /> a welt located at least 18 inches above the basement ftoar, <br /> (6) Provisions shail be made in the we!l seaf for future measuremen~-s <br /> of static and pumping IeveJs. ~ <br /> 4-8. After final instailation of fihe pumping equipment, the weii shati be <br /> pumped continuousJy until tfie water is free of turbidity, then ch6orinated <br /> heavlly in accordance with the toilowing procedures <br /> <br /> (i) lntroduce into the well one pound of high test t70p or equivaient, <br /> calcium hYPochlorite (chlorinated Iime) by scaftering same aver <br /> the surfacs of 'the water in the weli so that the powder~ wii) ssnk <br /> tQ the bottom, thereby permeating -the supply. <br /> (2) If powder canno-t be introduced directly, then mix one pound ot <br /> ~ caicium hypochlnrite high test (70p or equivalent) with five gatic.~ns <br /> of water and pour the mixture into the we4;, <br /> <br /> (3) Ailow the chemicats to remain in the well for af le~~t tweld~ ~~ur~; <br /> then s~ <br /> pump to waste untii the odor and taste of the ehernicai havu <br /> practicallY disaRPeared. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -3- <br />