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<br /> E <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (4) Where cai c i usn hypac:h l arite ~~ablets r~ee-r s nc t$,~ abore F°.e,au; remsnts <br /> are used, they shaf 6 rema i n d n ttiewei 1 for• ;rflna mum per of 48 <br /> hours before t t i s pumped ta waste as describec; abrva. <br /> <br /> (5) Wel is larger than four inches in diameter require ps,°cpori-acr~ates~,, <br /> B arger doses ofi the chem i ca ! for ch ! or i naf i on, bu-fi- sha l1 nvt ha, ;e <br /> a coneentrat i on of app i i ed so 6ut i an 3 ess than I50 paa-ts per <br /> tar twe B ve hours a <br /> ~ 4-4. A! 3 commercia6 we11s sha! I comply with the requiremennis o# the Minn- <br /> esota Deparfimen# of Heafth for public water supplies. ' <br /> <br /> 4-10. Upon compietion of dri ( I ing a weE l a pumping test of sufiscient <br /> duration to detarmine the ykeId and maximum d°awdown sti,i? 5u conuJucted. <br /> fifteen days after inspection of the weli, the permit holder sha!# file an affidavlt <br /> wi±h the Vi(fage Clerk se-tttng forth the results of the pumping -I-esfi& the capacit; <br /> of the weii, the pumping levet, the depth of casing from grade and ieng;h and <br /> --ize of screen if one is used. <br /> A geoiogicaP iog of the tormations encvuntered in driiling each'wnl# sha;; <br /> be kppt by the dri 1 ler. Acopy of sa i d Iog, typed on 8-1/2 x 1I 48 paper sha 3 1 <br /> filed aiong with the we01 affidavit ana such log shall to provid4 such a !cg or- <br /> af f i dav it or w i 1! f u I fa i 1 uria to prov i de accurate o nfarmat s on w i th respecr i here-?-cF <br /> shal t constitute a viola-Yioin of fiiiis Qrdinanceo In ad;ie-fiiorz iherefio the drH`C.';•, <br /> of the wef i sha! I fi le wii-h said' log and aftidavifi a r-epori° indic,e-; if,g the dat:v <br /> record of the water level i11 the wel t during the course of the dri !;±;,g. <br /> 4-1l. The construction of a we! I for the pa:rpose of disposiEag Qf anv ! tqeai;;c; <br /> i ncl ud i ng surface water, a i r cond i t i on t ng, or commerc i a! wasi-es sha!l be Proh ; i=ud <br /> I i n the V i I 1 age of Arden H i I i s, un i ess a p 4 an ot dispasa iprepa e ed by a;egi sYE;r-e f! <br /> eng i neer and approved by the State Board of Hea f th i s f°s rst prese;.ted to the ing Inspector. v <br /> <br /> SECTtON 5, iNSPECTlON <br /> <br /> 5-1. 7he Plumbing inspector of the Vaiiage nf Rrden Hilis is charged witti <br /> the responsibitity of condurting regular inspections vpora the consiruction of <br /> major reconstruction of all the welts within the Yillage of Arden Hilis. Sach <br /> inspec-Yions snatl be made as frequenfily as an extensiveiy as, in his opinion, ait-e <br /> necessary to obtain strict compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. In <br /> any situation where the Plurnbing Onspector has a serious doubfi as to the propased <br /> locatlon of a well or the type of construcfiion of a well, he sha41 pt-ohibit ali <br /> Turther work o- such proposed we I i for a per iod of not i-o exceed th i rty (30) days, <br /> and within said thirty day Freriod the Plumbing lnspector shati make'appropriate <br /> inquiry with the Minnesoi-a qepartment of Health- to determine whether the prapcaed <br /> construef i on or I ocat i on coeist i tutes a hea t th meraace. Vd i th i n sa i d th e rty day <br /> period the P]umbing lnspectUr shali take finai action with reference to said <br /> proposed we!!, ei#}ier by wi1`hdraaing the temporary suspecrsion or byirequesfiing <br /> that the Cou <br /> nci! r <br /> evoke the Permit. <br /> 5-2. :I n the event tti'afi the P 1 umb i pg 1 nspectoc defiermi nes that s#r i ct app t?-- <br /> catian-ot-the provisions of his Ordinance would eonstttu#e a hardshi p to the <br /> i particular proper-ty owner, and that the provtsions af this Ordinance could be <br /> relaxed in the particular case presented without endangering the public hea6th 0r,01 <br /> without ncrmitting the creci-ion of an unsafe wafier supply, then the E'lumbing <br /> Inspector shali so rcnort fic> the Village Council, and requesfi Council action ta <br /> relax the appropriafis requ~rements for the individuat case. Upon such appfication <br /> and report, after such furfiher inquiry and investdgation as the Counc;i deems <br /> 40 advisable, the Cnuncii may waiue any requirements ot this Or-dinance'tn a particuaar <br /> case, upon the standards and further reasons hereinbefore set forfih. <br /> SECTI ON 6. f'URPOSE QF 1"HE QRDI NANCE ' <br /> This Ordtnance`and each of the separafie provisions hereof have beer, enacted <br /> for the benefit and protection ot property owners as we11 as the pubSic. Eac;h <br /> and every contracfi for the performance of work of a type regu1 ated bu th i s OrdinancQ <br /> shall be 3mplication inciude a covenant an the part of the are whc is $o pesfani <br /> the work that, except to the extent that comp 1 i ance w i th thi s Ord i rsance ha~ ~~en <br /> mod i f i ed ar wa i ved, the woric sha 1 I be perfiormed str d et I y i n accordance wtth the <br /> applicable provisions of this Ordinance. <br /> a <br /> , <br /> -4- <br /> ; <br />