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<br /> A <br /> ~ <br /> ISTATE OF MiNNESOiA <br /> <br /> <br /> LOUtJTY OF RAMSEY <br /> V9'LI.AGE OF ARDtN H S LLS ~ <br /> <br /> f3RD6NANCE NIIMBER 56 <br /> <br /> AN ORDI NANCE ' REGl1LRTt NC ?NE t NSTALLATf ON, CONSTRUCTt ON, EXi"ENS t ON, AND REPA i R OF <br /> I NDi'd 1 DUAL WATER SUPPLY SYST'EMS : REQU i R B NG PERM iTS TNEREFOR, PR0V6 D I NG FOR <br /> ~ INSPECTIUiJ THEREOF, AND INIPOSING PENALTIES FOR NOlV - COMPL.IANCEe <br /> <br /> <br /> The Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby ordain as follows: <br /> SECTiQN I, REPEAL: <br /> The foilowing provisionssof Ordinance Number 16, together with aii amendmen-i-s <br /> of said provisions, are hereby repealed, said repealed sections bei'ng the foliowing; <br /> ~ to-wit: Section 4-7; Section 6-123 through Section 6-134, inciusive. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2. DEFINiTiONS, <br /> The following terms used in this ordtnance are hereby defined as foilows, -to-wit; <br /> 2-1 Drawdown`- The change in surface elevation of a body of wafier as the result <br /> - of the withdrawal of water therefrom. <br /> <br /> 2-2 G1ac3a! Driffi - An assemblage of deposits left by the melting of an ice <br /> sheet of g(acier. lfi is composed of an accumuiation of urrstratified materiai of ali <br /> sizes which tormed at the margin of the 3ce. <br /> <br /> 2-2 Ge-aut - A tham mortar consisting af Portland cement and water ofi Portland <br /> cement,"sand and water en the following propori-ions; <br /> (I) One sack certent to 4-1/2 $0 5-1/2 gailons of water9 <br /> (2) One pari- cemenfi, one part c f ean sand and 4-- ! 12 to 6gai ions water. <br /> The santl grout shall be u5ed only where abnormal loss o# groui- to <br /> crevices oc faults occurs, 2-4 Log - A chronological record of the sail and rock formations ancountered <br /> <br /> in the operation of driiting a welf, with e6ther their thickness, or the eleva±iom <br /> of the top and bottom of each formation given. !fi alsa inc6udes stairemen$s as to <br /> the coanposition and wafier bearing characteristics of each fermatian. <br /> <br /> 2-5 Turbidity - A condi#ion of a iiquid due to fine visibie material in sus- <br /> pension, which may not be ot sufficient size to be seen as individuai particles by <br /> the naked eye but wh i ch prevents the passage of llight e hrough the 4iqu;d. <br /> 2-7 Yieid - The quanfiity of wafer flow (gallon per minute or per hour) which <br /> can be coiiected tpumped> from the weit. <br /> <br /> SECT{ON 3. PERMITS. <br /> 3-1 A permit shall be required for the construction of a new wefi or for any <br /> ~ major reeanstruction of an ex€sting weil in Arden Hills. The ~~er of the subject <br /> property or his agent shait~obtain a pecmit therefor f rom the Viilage Clerk, and shall <br /> pay a fee of $7.50 before the issuance of such permit. <br /> 3-2 Applicatians #or such permits shaft be made in writing upon such printed <br /> forms furnished by the Viilage Cierk for such purposes. <br /> <br /> 3-3 Any deepening of an existing well to at teast the next deeper stratus <br /> shatl constttute a"major reconstruction" within the meaning of this Ordinance. <br /> ~ 3-4 Permit <br /> s shall be vaiid far a period of ninety days #rom the date of <br /> issuance. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> t <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />