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<br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> page R ri.° <br /> <br /> SECTICN 4. LOCP,76 ON AND CONSTR!,'GT! ON CF WEira,S <br /> <br /> 4- I o Each i nd i v i dua ! wafi-er° supp I y system or weii snai i be 9cc°.a;-ed ard cor;- <br /> structed i n such manner, consi stent w ith the p rovi s i ons c;` 'Ohi s C?s° dl: sanee as prevent contami nat i on of i#s water saop l y by any ex'i s°e-r ng sewuge c'IsDosa", Sy;1 <br /> <br /> or seuvage d i sposa I systems tha-t may reasonab i y be ant c c i pated i n-;~'7;e future, <br /> to mi n i m3 ze a5 fiar asposs i b le -hhe poss i b l e contam i nati on oi ti;w we-?! f rflm 8+1 <br /> possible exi-ernal sources within the geoiogicai sfr°ata sur rourclir g t6e W11. <br /> ~ 4-2, Wetls shalt be located in such a manner as fia minimeze aJ <br /> ; ar as <br /> poss i b l e the poss i b i l i ty of f! ood t ng. 1'he fiop of the we i! sha l E h U ccn sf rue•, E,~ <br /> and 1 ocated i n such manner as to p 6 ace ` i t above a1 E poss iQ[ e sourr:ew of poI i~.:-11i on. <br /> No we i B sha l i be constructed or l ocated wi th i n th ree ( 3) fee-i- of The oufi= ; de <br /> basemeni• wa i i of a dwel i i ng nor dha l l a we l l be consi-r°ucfi ed or !ocaS-F:d wi-Eh in <br /> f i fteen ( 15) feet of a p'roperty '1'i ne. The outs i de basement footi n; sha I 1 be <br /> contirauous acr°oss the opening of the well alcove< in ail cases a we14 sha9(b be <br /> ! ocated i n euch a manner as to pravi de the fo t iowa ny tri; ni n;u,3-i G a s ran~~es oai~wee r. <br /> the well and possibie sources of contaminatione to=wi-11-: <br /> ~ <br /> (I) Buried or concea Ied extra heavy cast i ron seveer or dra's r: <br /> lines with lead caufked, air fested josnts - 20 fee-i-. <br /> (2) Vitrified - ciay or concrete sewers (or cast irorr sewers <br /> not of construction described above) septic tanks or <br /> drain fie4ds'- 50 feet. <br /> (3) Ory weil, seepage pits, cesspoois -?5 #eet. <br /> 4-3. ` No we I i stral i hereafter be t nsta 112d i n a p's t be 1 cw the surface cf ;-:,:e <br /> ground un t ess such we i I p i t i s a- a 1 cove open i ng d a rect f y i nta i-he ma i n basemen-:- <br /> ar-ea ot the building being served by the well. The wefl pit fioor sha€i be <br /> constructed according to the requirements of pump floars outlEned in fi-his Qr6na,;cee <br /> 4-4, No wetl construction in Arden Hilis sha91 termina-i-e in the Decorah <br /> ~ Shale, Platteville Limestone or Shakopee-Aneota Ucslomite, No exost4ng weEl sta!; <br /> be increased in depfih to terminate in those formationso <br /> ~ 4-5. The minimum diameter of any finished we}1 casing shaii be four (4) <br /> inches. Well casings shaF1 be constructed of welded or coupled steel or wrou`hl- <br /> iron and shail conform to the foltawing specificatsons for weFght and thickness: <br /> <br /> Diarneter Weti Thickness Weighf per lineal foot with <br /> threads and co:.~pl ings < <br /> <br /> ~ 4" .237 i nches 10.96 E bs . <br /> 5" .258 inches 14,8 sbs. <br /> 6n .280 inches' i9o4~ lbs. <br /> 8" .322 inches 29,35 fbs. <br /> lo„ .365 i nches 41.85 !bs. <br /> The cas i gg of any we l I consfiructed enf i re l y i n unconso i t dated ea rt!) fo€-rrat i ons <br /> shall extend to a dep-i-h o4 at.least IOO feet beiow estabiished ground Iedel or <br /> through the f i rst i mpervious so i 1 format i on encounter°ed, wh a cheve¢- is sha l l owee , <br /> but in no event less than 75 feet deep, and at teas# 24 feet bslow expected pu~p- <br /> , ing leve! (IeveO Selow ground {evel' to which the aater surface is lowered in fihe <br /> well ducing pumping). Where a water-bearing formation is encountered dur6ng wetl <br /> consfiructtan at a depth which satisfied these minimum requiremenfs, -hhe ac:cepta-- <br /> bility of the formafiion tar weli devetopment shati be based on fihe satisfactory <br /> resu i#s of ana <br /> lysis of the water b a com etenfi laborator . An wa-: ~Y„r bea~-in <br /> ~ Y P Y Y 9 <br /> formation yeilding water which is contamina#ed, as evidenced by fhe presence af <br /> chemicais or bacteria of sewage origin, shali be t-egarded as unsatisfactory foo- <br /> well development. <br /> Where a wei 1 is drl f!ed fio terminafie in 1-he S-h. F'eter Sandstone of the Jordan <br /> Sandstone, the overtying formations shall be sea{ed off. <br /> l <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> ~ <br /> -2- <br /> r ,i . . . . . . . . . . <br /> E ..,r . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . <br />