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<br /> f <br /> <br /> ! <br /> <br /> <br /> (4) NJhere ca 3 c i um hypochi or i te i-ab1 ets meeti ng the ae>ove requ remen-l-s <br /> are used, they s>ha D 9 rema s n i n thewe il for e. r-flr7 a mu-m ;,-!rg act r.?f q.' <br /> t:ours befare i t i spumped to waste as desr.ri bed abavew <br /> <br /> (5) WeI Is larger 'rhan faur inches 3n diamei-er require p~ opcartaorsat~ly <br /> farger doses ofi the chemicai for eh{orination, buf ghali not have. <br /> a conrentrat i on of app 1 i ed so 8 ufi i an Iess than 150 pas°ts per- m€ i ion <br /> for twelve hours. <br /> ~ 4-9. A! t commerc i a iwe i 1 s, shal i comp f y w 9 th the requ i remerlfs o-t the Mi nn— <br /> eso#a Department of Heafth fior- pub9ic water supplies. <br /> <br /> 4-10, Upon comp(etion of driliing a weii a pvmping tesfi o¢ suff§c3ent <br /> duP°a# i on to determi ne the yke l d and max i mum drawdown ,ha I€ be conducteci. Wi tha;•; <br /> t'efteen days affier inspection af the we1l, the perfnifi hoider shal3 i=ffle an afrid"cv3: <br /> w€th the V3 6lage Cterk sefiting #ori-h the resutts ofi the pumping fies~, the capact-'ry <br /> ~ of the wefi, the pumping level, the depth of casing from grade and 'ength and <br /> size of screen if one is used. <br /> A geological log of the furmations encountered in driiling each weBl shal~ <br /> be kppt by the dri9fer. A'eopy of said (oga #yFed on 8d112 x 1!°P paper shali be <br /> fiIed atong with the weil affidavit and such iog shai# to provide such a!og or- <br /> affidavit or wi llfuf fai lure to provide accurate informatiUn wi-Fh res;»cf -;herc;-;; <br /> sha! B cons#itute a viola-tion csf this Ordinancee In additiors -ohereto the dri i <br /> of the we i I sha l i f i l e w i th sai d l og and a f f i dav i t a repert i n ci icati f;g ; he da ; E y <br /> record of the water° tevel tn tfie weB i during the course of the dr€ 1! ing. <br /> 4-11. The constructlon at a weil for the purpose af dEsposing ofi any iiqGidd, <br /> i nG i ud i ng surface water-, ai r cond i f i on i ng, or cosrmerci a t wastes sha i l be prohibe'le"d <br /> i nthe Y i I I age of Arr.ien H i I i s, un 8 ess a p I an of d i sposa i prepared bgy areg a stere,J <br /> Ang i neer and approved by the State Board of Hea Ith i s f i rst presentled ta the Pi uu~{1`- <br /> ing Inspector. <br /> SECTION 5, 1NSPECTlOJ <br /> <br /> 5-1. The Piumbing Inspector ot the V3liage of Arden Nilfs is charged wifih <br /> the respons i b i I i ty ot conduct i ng regu I ar- i nspect € oiis upan t he cohstrueti on af <br /> ma jor reconsfirucfi i on of a i l the we l l s w i th i n the Vi i! age of Arden H'r I i s. Sach <br /> inspections shatl be made as frequenfily as an extensively as, in Iiis oplnion, ~re <br /> ~ necessarY to obtain strict comIiance with the p prov i s i ons Qf th is Ord ; nance, in <br /> any situation where the Ptumbing lnspector has a serious doubt as lio the proposcd <br /> tocat9on of a weit or the type of eonstruction of a wekt, he sha91 prohibif ail further work o- such proposed weii tor a pertod of not to exveed thirty (30) days, <br /> and within said thirty day period the Plumbirsg Inspector shal3 make appropriate <br /> inquia-y wifih the Minnesata Departmenfi of Heafth- to determine whether ihe propcsed <br /> c4nstructian or'lacatdon constitutes a health menace. Within satd thirty day <br /> period the Plumbing Inspector shali take final acteon with reference to sasd <br /> proposed we! I,. el'thar by withdrawing the fiemporary suspension oc by reques; ing I that the Council revoke the permit. ' <br /> <br /> 5-2. ;t n the event -th'at the Pt umb i ng i nspector dei-ermi nes thai- st:-i ci- app l f - <br /> c a t i on of the Frov i s i prts of h i s Ord i nance wou f ci c:crns e ifute a ha r(is'rii p b-u the <br /> i particular property owner, and that the provistons cf this 4rdinance ::ould be ' <br /> relaxed in the partlcular case presented without endangertng the publ9c healfih and <br /> without ,normitting the creFtion of an unsafe water supply, then the Plumbing <br /> tnspec'tor shali so rer)ort fii) the Viliage Councdl, and request Council action to <br /> relax the appropriate requPrements fior the individual case. lJpon such appRicatian <br /> and report, after such further inqu3ry and invest3gation as the Councrl deems advisable, the Councii may waive any requirements of fihis Ord€nance in a par-ticuiar <br /> ~ case, upan the standards and further reasons hereinbefore set forfh. <br /> SECTION 6. PUR'OSE OF THE ORDINANCE <br /> <br /> <br /> This Ordinance and each of the separate provisions hereef have w::en enacted <br /> for the benefi# and protection of property owners as weli as the Pub4ic. Each <br /> and every contract for the performance of work of a type regu Ia-ted by thi s Ordsnal-:ce <br /> shall be implica#ion'include a covenant on the part or the one who ss to pertcrrp. <br /> the work #hat, except to the extent that compliance wi`rh thss Ordi~~~~e has been <br /> , mod i t ied or wa 3 ded, the work sha be perfiormed s-hr D cfi l y dn aceordarycm with the <br /> applicable provisions of this Ordinance. <br /> r <br /> . <br /> r.q_ <br /> ~ ' <br />