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<br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> 1 n the ease of a' we i 1 f i n i shecl at a d i amei-er rf 4" ard ex-fe€adi ng `h:-os.,yh the <br /> P I attev t 1 I e L i mestone, th i s sha-i b+r accomp 1 3 si~eci by i nsfai Iirsg a~;;~ 5 <br /> inch diameter casing #r°om the surfa::e through the glacial drift Qnr: s°nto the <br /> Ptaffievi I le Limestonea A nominal' 5 inch lminirsaum) open hoib shu1 9then be t<r; ;;3d <br /> through -the undes i rab l e formai° ions and at ! east 20 #eet 6 n-; rthe co;W;ttnuou; <br /> faulty consolidated St. Pster° Siandstone andlor at Ieast 20 feet boSow th;Q p{;p;:ng <br /> wa-ter i eve Iwh i chever i s ! ower. A?n i ni mum d i nch ! i ner sha3 i i-6ie€i o nsta 1„ ) <br /> from the surface i-o the bottom dDf filae 5 e nch hote, and the bot-c,, !G ~~et s.,af I <br /> be grouted i n p I ace. The nom i naI 4 i nch open ho i e sha+I 5e conY i nEeed i r,to ttle <br /> ~ wa-ter bearing formation such di:stance as is necessary i-a prov;de ;`hc: reguired <br /> water supp l ym I n case of wel I s 1 arger tfian 4 i nches, aI 1 0ther Lom.po;,ent pa;--t, <br /> of the we I B sfia i i be constructed proport i onate 6 y. <br /> 4--5. A;i wells fior domestic use hereafter construcTeci ;n the Vsliage of <br /> Arden Hills shall be constructed in such manner as to pr-ocJuce ayqsmimum initeal <br /> suppiy of 900 gailons of sand free water per hour< <br /> ~ <br /> ~ 4-7. T'he pump and other equI prnent t nsta l ! ed on we!! s i n firden H t I I s sha i! <br /> conform to the #oliowing minimum standards, to-wir: <br /> (i) Pump and equ i pmen•t sha i! be des i gned to assu r-P a po ( Iul• i an-proof <br /> and frosfi-proof installation. <br /> <br /> (2) The pump base sha l! be consl-ructed as OQ perm ii i nst-ai} a-t b on a-i` a <br /> water-tight mounting. <br /> ~ <br /> . (3) A we1t seai shatl be used. Such we91 seal shaPl be of sirnpie <br /> construct i on, eas iI y i nsta t f ed, : emoved and re-- i ns-i-a- 8abi e shou I~ <br /> t t become necessary tca remove the drop pipe fos- repa ! r°. <br /> (4) The top of the we i I cas i ng sha l t be a m s n imium Qf 18 i nches above <br /> the baserrent f 6oor leve l and i-he sea s staa i 6 be so sirructed and <br /> tnstalied as to maintain its water=i-ight feature; shouid floodirg <br /> occur. The pump room floor shal9 be at least 6 inches above the <br /> the surround i ng grade and the concrete p d atform sha f 6 be m i n i mii7: <br /> of 4 inches above grade at the edge. <br /> (5) Suction Iines installed through the weii casing, or where otherwise <br /> installed tess thdn IQ feet betow grade, shatJ be prav'sded with ai; <br /> outer protective casing. Such protective casing shall be set <br /> watertighf Into the welf casing. The suctaan 6:1ne ~_i-+ail be cau!!,,.e:: <br /> i nto the protect i ae cas i ng to prov i rJe a waterti ghi- jo3 rit wh i ch w€; 3 <br /> permit easy removai. The suetion ! ine shaii slape «p;<<,:rd ioward <br /> the pump. Where a suction 1 ine is brought ini-o a basemeFitD from; <br /> ' a weii located a# Ieast 18 inches above $he basement fioor. <br /> (6) Provisions sha I i be made in the wel I sea i for z•u o us-n rneasurements <br /> of stat i c and pumpi ng i evel s. <br /> 4°8. After final instailation crt the pumping equipmenty i-he weld shail be <br /> pumped continuously until the wai-er is free of turbidifiy, then chlcrfPiated <br /> heavily in accordance with the fol[owing procedure: <br /> <br /> (i) introduce into thQ welt one pound of high tes# (70p or equ'svalen#) <br /> caicium hypochiorite (chlorinated lime) by scattering sane over <br /> the surtace o# the water in the well so that the powder wilt 53nk <br /> to the bottom, thereby permeating the supply. <br /> ~ (2) ff powder cannot be introduced directly, then mix one pound of <br /> calcium hypochlorite high test (70% oc equivalenfi) witn five galians <br /> ot water and pour the mixture inta the we,:. <br /> <br /> (3) Aitaw the chemicals to remain in the wetf for at least fwelye hours <br /> then pump to waste untii the odor and taste of fihe chemacai have <br /> practically dlsappeared. ' <br /> r <br /> <br /> , <br /> i <br /> <br /> <br /> , <br /> -3- <br />