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<br /> Arden Hills does hereby ordain as Eollows: <br /> Legal Notice SECTION I. That Ordinance Number ~ <br /> 49, published the IOth day of December, >i ; <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 1959, relahng to the operaticsn of the " <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY Muniauplal Sa.nitary Sewer Systexn, be <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS amended by adding a sectian thereto to <br /> ORDINANCE NUMBER 53 be known as SECTION I I, RATES AND <br /> qN ORD[NANCE AMENDING ORD1N- CHARGES, to read as follaws: ~ <br /> ANCE NUMBER 49 RELA7'1NG "1'0 SECTION 11. RATES p,ND CHARGES. <br /> THE MUNICIPAL SANITARY SEWER (A) (1) In respect to single family <br /> SXSTEM BY ADDING THERETO A dwellings, governmental buildings, church- <br /> SECTION PRESCRIBING THE RATES es, and schoiol houses which shall be <br /> /4lYD CHARGE3 FOR SEWER DISPOS- conneoted with the Municipad Sanitary <br /> q1. 3ERVICES, PROVIDING TIME FOR SeWer System, the Village shall impase <br /> PAYMEIVT OF SUCH CHARGES AND a tatal charge based on the tota] of the <br /> P£NA1.TIES FOR LATE PAYMENT, charges hereinafter scheduled tor connect- <br /> MID PROVIDING FOR THE COLLEC- ion to and vse of the Municipal Sanitary <br /> 7ION OF SAID CFiARGES BY AC'I'ION Seµ,er System, and in additidn thereta <br /> fdR CERTIFYING THE SAME TO THE such annual charges and annual sewer <br /> CbIJNTY AUDITOR FOR LEVYING As rental charges as may be made against <br /> A PART QF THE 9'AXFS ON sAID the Village or the property by the City <br /> PltEMISES. oF St. Paul and by the Village of Rase- <br /> The Viyage Council aE the V"sllage of ville. <br /> ~ WATER SERVICE METER SI2E ANNUA;L CHARGE FOR CONNECTION <br /> TO AND USE OF SEWER <br /> (Io additioae W all charges <br /> by St. Paul and Roeeville) <br /> er less $ 12.00 <br /> 4" 12.00 <br /> 1•• 12.00 <br /> 14.00 <br /> ~ 16.00 <br /> 27.00 <br /> 3" 51.00 <br /> 4° 114.00 <br /> y' 216.00 <br /> g" 566.00 <br /> 10" 576.00 <br /> 12" 728.00 <br /> (2) In respect to property which shall <br /> he cannected with the Mumcipal Sanitary be made against said property by the <br /> Sewer Syatem foe the disch-ge and City of St. Paul and the Vil,age o[ Rose- <br /> dieposal of sewage or industrial wastes ville and in additnon thereto an annual <br /> Eraan other types of property, ineluding charge baeed upon the character and daily <br /> m.sidentia3, commercial or indnstrial pro- volume of the sewage waste discharged aad <br /> pety, the Village shall impase a total the character and use of the particular <br /> cherge based upr7n the schedule of charps property, which charges shall be in ac- , <br /> heretnbefore set Eorth in (A) (1), whtch ocrdance with tLe following schedule, to- <br /> sehedule iDcluctes such charges as may wit: <br /> TYPF. SUPPL°MENTARY CHARGE <br /> (In add:iion M the <br /> charges set in (A) <br /> (1) <br /> No. I (L) 17lotels, ({er ro'nm) $ 2.00 <br /> Vo. 1 (a) DluMotels, [iple ( Dwrelli~gs ) (per Dwelling unit) <br /> (h) r+,part¢nent Buildings (pet Avelling UIIit) <br /> (c) Trai'?r Courts (per Dwelling unit) $ 4.00 <br /> No. 3 (y) Individual Business Olfices <br /> (b) Retail Business I'sstalilishments $ 8,001 <br /> (Not Othemise Defined) <br /> No. 4 (a) Oftice Building (per o6lice tmit <br /> Muitiple Room or per 2500 sq. it.) <br /> (b) Olfice 13uildir.g cver (pcr office unit or $ 8.00 <br /> 2500 sm ft. area per 2500 sq. ftJ <br /> No. 5 (a) Fillin; Statiams <br /> (b)Garages <br /> (c} Resrtafmrants <br /> (incl. Drive-Inns) <br /> No. 6 (d) Taverns '16.00 <br /> (a) Con2ractor's Shops <br /> (b) Wazehouses <br /> ,c Wholesale Busincss Establisbments <br /> (d B[edicil Centers $24.06 <br /> No. 7 {a Recreatian Centers <br /> ~ ThOaiPl6 <br /> (mcl. Drive-Inus) <br /> (c Retail Food Marketa <br /> 1`ruck Terminals $36.00 <br /> Na 8 Launderettes (per washinR ucit) $4.00 <br /> lda 9 Golf Clu6 Houses $60.00 <br /> No. 10 (a) Laundrias This charge to be determined for individ- <br /> (b) Meat Proeessing Plants ual properties at time af connection ta the <br /> c Fdod Processing Plants ewer system, which charge shall be set <br /> d Locker Plants by ihe Village Cotmcil folbwing investi- <br /> e Manufaotaring Plaats gatioa and an the basis of the (actors <br /> Q MMaI Products Plants hereinb_fore set fartfi in this paragraph. <br /> g} Metal Fabricating Plants <br /> h) OtAer industrial, comimercial, <br /> or connectinns of a type aot <br /> defined eJsewhere. <br /> (3) Where property shall be connected <br /> with the Village public sewer sys¢em and Percental increase to the normal total cha- <br /> sha11 be served by private water supply, rge, such percental increase being ade- <br /> eAt equipped wuh water service meter, 9uate to provide a charge sufficient to pro- <br /> t$e fdilowing schedule shall be used to vide suf(icient monies for the apuation <br /> datermine the eqirivaleut water service and maintenance of the Village sanitary <br /> meter size for determining the annual sew- seK er system in additaon to meeting the <br /> er rental charge as set forth above, total of sewer charges of all types impos- <br /> PRIVATE PUMP EQUIVALEN7' ed by the City d( St. Paul and the Vi,.age <br /> CAPACITY WATER of ltoseville. <br /> Gallons per mioute at 40 (B) Statements for total sewer char <br /> ~ ~P~ds Per s9• inch. es, including chazges by the City of St. <br /> II-30 Paul and the Village of Roseville, for the <br /> 31_50 preceding quarterly periad shat, u <br /> 51-95 ~ anuauyroAp~ui lnjuly~a d~eOctobcraof <br /> 7{''1~ of J each year. Such statements shal] be due <br /> 101-16Q Z' and payable ta the Village Treasurer on <br /> ~6I-300 3" or before the ISth day of each said month. <br /> 3-0I-500 4" ln the event that an statement is uot <br /> 1501-1000 6" p~d by ~id I S th day of the month, a <br /> 001_1600 8° penalty charge of $1.00 per maith stiatl <br /> ~~1'23~ - be added to siaid statement for eacl ;n. th <br /> 2301-3100 12": uc fractiom thereqE for which said state- <br /> (4) 3n the. eveat that property ia com- ment remaius uapaid. ADy prepayment or <br /> nected W the municipal sewer for the dis- overpayment of charges may be retained <br /> pasal of industrial 'sewage wastes, or oth- bY the Village and app&ed on snbsequent <br /> er sewage wAstes which, by virtne of its qttarterly imstallments. <br /> stresxgth and volwne, is subiect to supple• (C) A-y aniotmts yaYayle hereuuder, <br /> ~ he Vi l~~s by the City of St. Paul including charges by the City of $t. Paul <br /> age of Roseville, the Village and the Village of Rosevill and includ- <br /> may impoye, a snpplemental charge, Wer ing penalties, may be collected in an ac- <br /> de~i~ the~e aay. charges as determmed un- tian bronght for that purpose in the name <br /> eralf pazagraphsa~ to 9t~ he agen- m- °f the Vil!age: or the V.illage Clerk may <br /> y itAOn,cand at least ~u certiFy to the County Auditar the am- <br /> omt of the afo~esaid St. Paul and Rose- cnm <br /> v+qe supplemental ts due, together with a legal descrip- <br /> charges. tion of the premises servedy and the Ca- <br /> O In the evegt the total of all charg- ~'ty Awditor shall thereupon include such <br /> 5 <br /> as to all gmperty oonnected to theVillage aanmdount in collect the the ta~c same levw o~n ith the said premises <br /> for <br /> seWer system far any quarterly period, the ucxt ensuing year, <br /> as esRablishetf and set forth under fore- SE'CTION 2. 'lhis drdinance shall be <br /> going Paragraphs (A) (I), (2) and (4) )IE efiecti've from and after its passage and <br /> this Oidinance, shall not be at least eq- publicatiott, <br /> he vohanetric rtate af $pl~ed by applying Adopted by the Village Cauxici] of Ar- <br /> per 100 cu- den Hills this Sth day of February, 1960. <br /> bic feet to the sewage volume measaszed Rabert O. Ashbach, Ilfayor of the <br /> weekly at the sewage metering sNdtion or Village of Arden Hills <br /> statioms for such quarterly period, the Vil- Attest: <br /> lage may impose a volumetric charge td I,a-aine E. 5tmmquist; Clerk <br /> all property oonnected to the Village sew- of the Village of Arden Hills <br /> er sysEem, which volumetric charge wonld February 18, 1960 100 Slips <br /> be in tieu of all other sewer charges. This T~ ~,~E TRIBiJNE <br /> valumetric raRe wtJuld take the form of a <br /> <br />