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<br /> Legal Notice Arden Hills does hereby ordain as follows: _ <br /> SEC Nmnber <br /> TION I. T'hat Ordinance <br /> 49, published the IOth day of December, <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA 1959, relating to the operatian of the <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY Municiplal 9anitary Sewer System, be <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS amended by adding a section thereto to <br /> ORDINANCE NUMSER 53 be known as SECTION II, RATES AND <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIN- CHARGES, to read as follows: <br /> ANCE NUMBER 49 RELA77NG 10 SECTION il, RATF-$ A,ND CHARGES. <br /> THE MUNICIPAL SANIT.ARY SEWER (A) (1) In reypect to single (amily THERET SECTION PRE3CR B NG THE RATES d~'ellings, governmental buildings, church- <br /> AdYD CHARGES FOR SEWER DISPOS- es, and schdol houses which shall be <br /> qL SERVICES, PROVIDING TIME FOR cannected with the Mtmricipal Sanitary <br /> PAYMENT OF SUCH CHARGES AND Sewer System, the Village shall impase <br /> PENALTIE9 FOR LATE PAYM$N7', a tatal charge based on the total of the <br /> AiVD PROVIDING FOR THE COLLEG charges hereinafter scheduled for connect- <br /> TlON OF SAID CHARGES SY .4CTION 10n to and use of the '~Zunicipal Sanitary <br /> OR CERTlFYING THE SAME TO THE ~~'er System, and in additidn thereta <br /> GOUNTY AUDIT6R FOR LEVYING AS such annual charges and annual sewer <br /> A PA~iT OF THE TAXES ON SA1D rental charges as may be made against <br /> the Village ar the property by the City <br /> PREMI3FS. <br /> The Village -Ccruncil Df Lhe Village od °f St. Paul and by the Village of Rose- <br /> ville. <br /> WATER SSRVICE METER SIZE ANNUA,L CHARGE FOR CONNECCION <br /> TO AND USE OF SEWER <br /> ~ (In addition to all chargea <br /> by St. Paul and Roseville) <br /> or less $ 12.00 <br /> 4" I 2.00 <br /> I 12.00 <br /> 14.00 <br /> i z' I6.0'0 <br /> y~ 27.00 <br /> 3" 51.00 <br /> 4" 114.00 <br /> 6" 216.00 <br /> g1, 566.00 <br /> 10" 576.00 <br /> 12" 728.00 <br /> (2) In respect to property which shall , <br /> 6e cannected wiih the Municipal Sanitary be made against said property by the <br /> Srwer System for the discharge and City of St. Paul and the Vii~age o( Rose- <br /> disposal of sewage or industrial wastes ville and in additi,on thereto an annual <br /> irom other types of property, including charge ba=ed upon the character and daily <br /> residential, mdustrial pro- volume of the sewsge waste discharged and <br /> I pety, the Vi]]age sha]] impose a total the character and use of the particular <br /> chSrge hased upon ihe schedule of charges property, which charges shall be in ac. <br /> hereinbefwe set forth in (A) (I), which cerdance with the followinh scliedule, to- <br /> I schedule includes such charges as may wit: Typg SUPPLEMENTARY CHARGE <br /> (In add.iion to the <br /> charges set in (A) <br /> (1) No. I (a) Ylotel;, (per r,r,'r~iu) $ 2.00 <br /> (b) 1!otels, (per room) <br /> No L (a) Dlu;tip!e Dwellmgs (Per Dwelling unit) <br /> (b) Apartment Builditlgs (Fer Dwel]mg uUiY) <br /> (c) Trai'er Courts (per Dwelling unit) $ 4.00 _ <br /> Vu. 3 (a) Irdividual Business Oflices <br /> (b) Retail ot~Otherwi ~ ei De('ined) $ 8.001 <br /> No. 4 (a) Odt'ice Building (per o6lice tmit <br /> Mu;tiple Room or ner 2500 sq. ft.) <br /> (b) Office 13ttilding cver (per otfice unit or $ 5.00 <br /> 2500 =a. ft. a•ra per 2500 sq. ftJ <br /> No. 5 (a) Filling Shatiams <br /> Eh)Garages <br /> (c) Re5Law3IIL9 <br /> (incl. Drive•Inns) <br /> (d) Taverns $16.00 <br /> No. 6 (a) Con2ractor's ShdFs <br /> (b) Warehowses <br /> lc Wholesa!e Business EstablishmeJtfs <br /> (d Medicil Centers $24.00 <br /> No. 7 (a Recreatian Centers <br /> (b) Theacers <br /> mcl. Drive-Inus) j <br /> (c) 'Itatail ~ood Marketa <br /> (d) Trnck Terminals a36.00 <br /> No. 8 Launderettes (perwashittQ unit) $4.00 <br /> Na 9 Golt Club FIousee $60.00 ~ <br /> No. 10- (a) Laundries 'Chis charge to be determined for individ- <br /> (b) Meat Processing Plants ual properties at time (yF connection ta the <br /> (c) Fciad Processing Plants Fwer system, which aharge shall be set <br /> I (d Lock,er Plants by the Village Council follawing investi- <br /> (e; Manufacturing Plants gation and an the basis of the factors <br /> (f) Meta] Yroducts Plants hereinb_fore set Farth in this paragraph. <br /> (g) Metal Fabricating Plants <br /> (,h) Qther industrial, coanmercial, <br /> or connections of a type aot <br /> defined elsewhere. <br /> - (3) Where property shall be connected I <br /> with the Village public, system and Percental increase to the normal total cha- <br /> shall be served by private water supply, rge, such percental increase being ad'e- <br /> not equiPped with water -service meter, quate to provide a• char,ge sufficient to pro• I the fdllowing schedule sha]}- be used to vide sufficient inanies for the operation <br /> determine the equivalent water service and maintenance of the Village sanitary <br /> meter size(or determining the aiutual sew- sertier sys4em in addition to meeting the <br /> er rental charge as set forth above. total of sewer charges of all types impos- <br /> ' PRIVATE PUMP EQUIVALENT ed by the City of St. Paai and the Vi,.agr <br /> CAPACI7'1' WATER of koseville. ~ <br /> Gallons per minute at 40 (B) Statements for tatal sewer charg- <br /> pounds per sq. inch. es, including charges by the City of St. <br /> Paul and the Village of Roseville, Eor the <br /> I <br /> I•30 Y4:: preceding quarterly period sha o <br /> 31-50 <br /> 51-75 j~ an~igt°me~' °n o~' before the Sih daya <br /> 76•190 Y, Apri1, JuIY, and October of <br /> ~ 101- I 60 Z" each year. Such statements shall be due ~ <br /> 161-300 3„ and pa yable ta the Village Treasurer oa <br /> 301•500 4„ or before the lith day of each said mdnth. <br /> 501-1009 6,. In the event that any statement is noY , <br /> I001-160p 8„ Paid by said ISth day of the month, a <br /> I601-2300 10 „ Penalty charge of $1.00 per month sna,t <br /> 2301•3100 12,, be added to 5aid statement for eac. m th <br /> ar firactian thereqf for which said siate- <br /> (4) In the event that property is com- ment rexnains tapai@, pny prepayment or <br /> nected to the mtmicipal sewer for the dis- overpayment of charges may be retained I <br /> posal of indusRrial sewage wastes, or oth- by the Village and applied on subsequent <br /> er sewage wastes which, by virtue of its 4uarterly installments. <br /> stren,gth and volvme, is subject to supple- (C) Any attionnts payab?e hereunder, <br /> m~tary charges by the City of St. Paul including charges by the City of $t. Paul <br /> . ar the Village of Roseville, the Village and the Village of Roseville, and includ- <br /> may impase a snpplemental charge, dver ing ~nalties, may be collected in an ac- <br /> der and the above aay, charges as determined un- tian bronght for that purpose in the name <br /> erally upan anprecedd mg at least paragra~ph~,l to the am- °'f the ViP,age; or the Village Clerk may ount of the aforesaid St. Paul and Rose- certify to the County Auditar the am- ville ~ts due, together p•ith a legal descrip• <br /> supplem~tal charges. tion of the premises served, and the Ca- <br /> (5) In the event the total of all char ~ty Aarlitor shall therevpon include such <br /> g" amount in the tax levy an said premises, <br /> es to alk property oonnectted to theVillage and collect the same with the taxes for <br /> sewer system for any quarterly period, the next ensuing year. <br /> as establishW and set farth under fore- SEG'TION 2. '1"his Qrdinance shall be <br /> t is Ordina~ace~,hshall ot~~be ataleast) eq- efiective from and after its passage and <br /> P' <br /> ual to the amount calrulted by applying 9ldopted by the Village Cauncil of Ar- <br /> the vo]umetric rate of $0.125 per 100 cu- den Hills this 8th daay of February, 1960, <br /> bic feet to the sewage volume measvTed Rabert O. Ashimch, 11fayor ~ <br /> weekly at the sewage metering station or Village of Arden Hills O1F the <br /> statioms for surh quarterly penod, the Vil- Attast: <br /> lage may impose a volametric charge td <br /> all ~.aine E. Stram uist, Clerk <br /> praperty cannected to the Village sew- of the Village of Arden Hips <br /> er sysCem, which valumetric charge Would February 18, 1960 <br /> be in lieu of all other sewer charges. This 100 Sli <br /> ~~0 Tg~ ROSE TR.IBUNF '••:S <br /> vcalumetric ra•te w~ltnld take the form of a ~ <br /> L <br />