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<br /> . <br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 11 (continued) <br /> Page #3 <br /> <br /> SECTIQN 12e No person shall avrn ar harbor a dangerous or <br /> vicious o~cVillage Health Off icer shall have power to <br /> order tYxe destruction of any dag which he may deem dangerous <br /> or, vicious, whether registered or not, after thrsee days written <br /> no t.i ee to the owner or keepe r o f such dogo Whenver it shall <br /> appear ta the satisfaction of said ViZ].age 4ffieer that <br /> a.ny dog while running at, large has bi.tten one or mcre persons9 <br /> such dog shall be desmed avicious dog, <br /> SEGTION 13d Any person or pe rsons violating en,y of tYie <br /> provisio~s o3is ordinanee sha119 upon conviction thereaf 9 be <br /> subject to a firje not exeeeding $I00p00a or impr3sorament for a <br /> term of not mo re than thirty days a <br /> SEC'i'IDN 14o This ordinanca 3.s hereby deelaxaed to be an <br /> ernergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preseravation of <br /> public healthq peace~ and safety, and shall take effeet and be <br /> in force immedi ately u.pon its passage and publicaticm 4 <br /> SECTIQN 15o In ths evenfi, that an-y pr°oirision contained <br /> herein shall e ld uncQnstitut3.onal by a court cr' proper <br /> juri sdicticn, th*e other pro vis ions ccn t a3ne d herein shall con- <br /> - tinue in f'u11 force and effecta a1Z of the provisions herein <br /> being severable . <br /> <br /> SECTION 16e This ordinance shall be in ef'fect from and <br /> after e a e opublicatione <br /> PASSED BY THE VILLAG:E CUUNCIL THIS 27TH DAY aF JUNE3, 19550 <br /> <br /> <br /> /s/ Robert Q. Ashbach <br /> o er o. s ac g ayor o <br /> The Vi 11 age of Ard.en Hi 11 s <br /> Atte st : <br /> <br /> /s/ Lorraine E e Stromquist <br /> orr a ne E o romqu s a e r o <br /> The Vi ll age of Arde n HilI s <br /> Fublished July 79 1955 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> • <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> • <br />