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<br /> . <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNES OTA <br /> CQURTTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE fJF ARDEN HILLS <br /> ()RDTNANCE 1VUMBER 11 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORD INANE;E TOPRQVIDE FCiR THE REG ISTRA'1' IONg IDENTIFICATIdN AND <br /> KEEPING OF DOGSe <br /> ~ THE VILLAGL COUNC IL OF ARDEN H ILLS DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : <br /> <br /> SECTIO:N 10 From arid af te r* the pa s sage o f thi s Ordi nan ce i t <br /> shall e un a~r ul for any person to 4own or harbar any dog within <br /> ~ the eorporate limits of th.e VilZage of Arden Hil ls for rrore t l <br /> two weeks withoU.t registering such dog in the manner herein pro- <br /> vided; and ang person" wha de sire s to maintain or pre ser°ve any right <br /> or property in such dc3g shall register the dog so owned'or harbor+ede <br /> The registration fee shall be the sum af One Dpllara ($1a00) for <br /> each dog; but no registrat3.on sha11 be required for anp dog which <br /> is l.e s s than three rnonths o ld. <br /> SECTIOPT 2 o The term of registr°ation as provi ded by this <br /> ordinance a. continue for the entire period the dog is owned` <br /> or harbared by the indi vidual or f amily making the registrat icn e <br /> -SEC'I'IQN 3. The appli.eativn for registration must state the <br /> name, seg8 reed, age a eolor amd markings of the dog being regiss <br /> tered. <br /> SECTION 4d Application f'or registration of dogs may be <br /> ma,cle 'fo'the'-V3Slage Clerk or any Village P41ice Officer. A regis- <br /> tration certificate and retal identifieation tag shall be issued <br /> by the Village Clerk upan receipt vf app].ie at9.on and fee for <br /> registratione Said tag sha7.1 bear an identification rnzmbere N0 <br /> other tag shall be issued as a substitute there'for8 except that <br /> in case any person r^egistering a dog who states in writirg to the <br /> Village C1erk that the tag heretvfore issued has been 1ost9 a new <br /> tag may be issued u on paynent by the applicant vf the sum of <br /> thirty-f'ive eents e 35 )s It shall be unl.awful far any pe rson <br /> to make, sells purchasen or transfer 3.n any way any sueh tag or <br /> eounterfeit the same in any manner q or to place or permit to be <br /> placed any tag so made, sold, purchasede transf'errede or caunter- <br /> feited, upon his dog ar any dog in his custody or ar place <br /> or permi.t to be F].aced any tag issued as aforesaid:, upon any other <br /> dog than the one for which such tag was originally issla.edo <br /> SECTION 5o It shall be the responsibi.lity of every person <br /> owning or any dog to provide a eollar pr harriess to which <br /> the said identification tag shall be securely attaehed, coZlar <br /> or harne Ss shall be worn by the dog whe n of f the premise s of the <br /> holder of the permitn <br /> SECTION 6e The Village Clerk and Village Po1ice Officers <br /> shall m~.ntain in bfloks provided for that pUrpQse arecord of all <br /> registration certif ie ate s and t ags issued,, with the name and resimm <br /> ~ elence of the person or persons to whom issued, and the number de- <br /> signated upon the metal tagQ <br /> SEGTIaN 7. It shall be un3.awful for any person tQ ape rate <br /> a dog enne nthe Village of Arden Hills without first <br /> i obtained a kennel permit,a The term "kennel." shall mean any estab- <br /> , lishment where dogs are kept for the purpvse of° br°eeciing„ sa7.e a <br /> or sporting puraposesa Any pe rson awning9 harbor°ing, or keepirg <br /> far pl.easure or profit three or rnore dogs shall be deemed an <br /> • 6 p erator o f a do g ke rme 1 e The ho lde r ofa ke nne 1. pe rmi t shal 1 riot <br /> be requir°ed to register each individual dog kept in said kennele. <br />