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<br /> <br /> <br /> ordinaxice Number 30 (continued) <br /> <br /> P age #5 <br /> <br /> Section 8 (continued) e <br /> <br /> Subdivision 7o P1a manufacturer or who].esaler of <br /> beer shaIl have any ownership of <br /> or interest in an establishment - <br /> lic ensed to sell at retail con- <br /> trary to the pro Jis ions Of r.+I o S eAo <br /> 340v02o Na retail Iicenses and <br /> mariufacturer nr wholesaler of beer <br /> ~ shall be parties to any exclusive <br /> purchase contract o No retail <br /> licensee shall receive any benefits <br /> contrary to law from a manufacturer <br /> or whplesaler of beer and na such <br /> manufactu.rer ar vzho].esaler shall <br /> confer any benef its cantrary to <br /> laur upon a retail licensee e <br /> Subdivisi.on 8e No licensee shall sell beer while <br /> holding or exhibiting in the li- <br /> censed premises a federal retail <br /> ],iquor dealer s s special tax stamp <br /> unless he is lieensed under the <br /> laws of Hinnesota to se11 intox- <br /> icating liquors. <br /> Subdivision 9o A.ny peace of°f'icer shall ha-\re the <br /> unqualif i ed rioht t o e nter 9 inspe ct <br /> and search the premises of a lic- <br /> ensee duraing business hours tif,rithout <br /> a seareh arid se izune warrant and <br /> may seize all illegal int,oxicating <br /> liquors faund on the licensed pre - <br /> mise s o <br /> Subdivision l0e Lsery licensee shall be responsible <br /> f or the conduct of his place of - <br /> business ard sMall maintair condim <br /> tions of sobriety and ordera <br /> SECTION 9e Closing Hours a No sale of beer sha1l be mac1e <br /> on any unday etweenthe `haur~s af 1 aQ0 a4ma and 12 : a0 noong nor <br /> between the hours of 1.00 aeme ar,d. 6e00 on any election day <br /> in the Village q No sale shall be rmde between the hours of 1:00 <br /> aom. and 8:00 aem, on any oth°r daye <br /> SEGTION 10e Bar°ss Paratitions, Boxes or Sereenso All win- <br /> downs ir n tho 17 ront o any p ace icense or-l'on salFTr of beer <br /> shall be of clear gIassS and the view of the whole interior shall <br /> be unobstructed by screens, cur°tains, ar partitions a There shall <br /> be no partition9 box, stall9 sereen, curtain or other device wh.ich <br /> ~ obstructs the view of any,part of tre room fror.1 the general ob- <br /> servation of persons in the rooma but partitionsg subdi7isiQns9 <br /> or panels not h.igher than f orty-eight inches from the f°loor shali <br /> not be eonsidered obstructiflnsa <br /> SECTION llo Clubso No elub shall sell beer except to mem- <br /> bers an o~u~ st s in e company of inembers o <br /> SECTION 12o Restrictions on Purchase and Consumptiona <br /> Subdivision le No minor shal.l misrep-resent his age for <br /> the purpo se of o btainirg be er o <br />