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<br /> <br /> <br /> ' Ordinance Number 30 (cantinued) <br /> <br /> P age ;Fr 6 <br /> Section 12 (continued) <br /> . ; <br /> Subd3.vis ion 2. No person other than the paraent or <br /> legal guardian shall procure beer <br /> f or any minoro <br /> Subdivision 3* No per son shall induce a minor to <br /> purchase or procure beero <br /> <br /> Subdivisian 4a No minor shall have beer in his <br /> • , possession vrith the intent to can~ <br /> sume it at a place ather than the <br /> household of his parent or guardiano <br /> Subdivision 5e No beer shall be consumed in any <br /> the atre , recre at ian hall or^ conter, <br /> dance ha118 ball park or other <br /> place of publie gatherin.g used f'or <br /> the purpose of entertainment, <br /> amusement or pl.ayirg of game s o <br /> SubdiJision 64 ilo person sha11 consume ar display <br /> any intoxicating liquor on the <br /> premise s of a person ivho doe s not <br /> have an "off sale" 1icense to sell <br /> noneintoxicatzng malt liquorsn <br /> <br /> SECTION 13o Revocationa The vioiation of any prosision or <br /> condiEi"on o is or nance y a beer licensee or his agent shall <br /> be ground for revocat3.on or suspension of the license e The license <br /> of any person vrho holds a federal retail liquor dealarBs special <br /> tax stamp without a license to sell intoxicating liquors at such <br /> plaee shall be re'voXed withaut notice and urithQUt hearinge rn all <br /> other aases, a Iicense granted under this ordinance may be revoked <br /> or suspended by the Council after written notice to the licensee <br /> and a public hearinga `I'he notice shall give at Ieast eight, days' <br /> no tice of the tiAe and place of the he aring and shall state the <br /> nature of the charges against the licenseea The Cou.ncil i,,iay sus- <br /> pend any i.icense pending a hearing nn revocation or suspensione <br /> SECTION l4b Penaltya Any person any provision of <br /> this ord1nance sha].IBe guilty of a misdemeanar, and upon camriction <br /> ther2of shall be punished by afine Qf rn.ot more than one hundr^ed <br /> dollars ($100v00) or imprisonment in the Caunty Jail f'or more <br /> than ninety (90) dayse plus the casts af prosecution in either caseQ <br /> SECTI ON 15a Eff'ective Date o This ordinarre sr~all be in fu11 <br /> f orceand e'ff e~ f°raom and a er i s passage and publication accordm <br /> ing to 1awo <br /> PA5SEI? BY TIsiE VILLAGE ~"',OUNCIL THTS 9'I'H DliY GF MC~±,'i1iBER' 19574 <br /> • /s/ Rolaert 0. Ashbach <br /> Ro ert 0. As ac , May6r o <br /> Attest: The Villag° of t~rd,en Hi11s <br /> <br /> /s/Lorraine E. Strom uist <br /> rra ne 4 ro~u g,._C er A <br /> The Village of .41rden Hills <br /> Published December 19s 1957. <br />