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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Number 30 (continued) <br /> <br /> Page #6 <br /> Section 12 (continued) o <br /> <br /> Subdivis ion 2 a No person other than the paraent or <br /> legal guardi an shall procure beer <br /> f o r any minor a <br /> ~ Subdivision 3b No person shall induce a minor to <br /> purchase or pracure beero <br /> <br /> Subdivision 4. Na minor shall have beer in his <br /> possession viith the intent to conG <br /> sume it at a place other than the <br /> household of his parent or guardiano <br /> Subdivision 5e No beer^ shall be consumed in any <br /> the atre , recre at ion haZl or^ conter, <br /> dance hal.l g ba1 1 park or other <br /> place of public gathering used f'or <br /> the purpo se of e nte rt ainment q <br /> amusexnent or playing of game s o <br /> Subdivisivn 6, 1~o person shall consum or dispiV <br /> . any intoxicating l.iquor vn the <br /> premi se s af a person who doe s not <br /> hav-e an "off sale" lic ense to seI1 <br /> non-intoxicating mal.t liquors. <br /> <br /> SECTION 13o Revocationo The violation of any provision or <br /> c onci i o,n o f`-~.'~i s or nance y a be e r li ce nse e o r hi s age nt shall <br /> be graund for suspension of the Iicensee The license <br /> of any person who ho3ds a federal retail liquor deal.er8s special <br /> tax stamp without a license to sell intoxica-tin..g liquors at such <br /> pl ace sha11 be revoked vrithaut notf ce and witho ut he aringa In alI <br /> other eases, a license granted under this ordiriance may be revaked <br /> or su$pended by the Council after written notice to the licensee <br /> and a public hear°inge The notice shall gi-ve at least e ight days ' <br /> no tice of the tirne and place of the he aring and shall state the <br /> nature of the charges against the licensee e The Counc3.l may sus- <br /> pend any license pending a hearing on or suspensions <br /> SECTION 14o Penaltya An-y person violating any provision of <br /> this or iname shall be gui~.ty of a m3.sdemeanor, and upon conviction <br /> th.ereof sYail be punished by a f'ine of not more than one hundred <br /> dollars ($100v00) or imprisonment in the County Jai1 for not more <br /> than ninety (90) days, plus the eosts of prosecution in either casen <br /> SECZZ ORT 15 o Ef°fective Date a This ordiname s~iaI.1. be in f°ul1 <br /> f'orce and e ee from an aer s passage and publication accord- <br /> ing to lawa <br /> PASSED BY TI'E VILLAGE COUNC IL TH IS 9TH DliY QF M;CEMIBER, 1957. <br /> i /s/ Robert C2 a Ashbach <br /> Ro r 0 o AS ac , mayor o <br /> Atte st : The Village af ""rden <br /> <br /> ~ /s/Lorraine E. Stro, <br /> rra ne E. 5tro -m%u ,p.,-C. e r o <br /> The Village of Arden Hi11s <br /> Published December 19g 1957s <br />