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<br /> <br /> <br /> t STATF OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY CF RMISEY <br /> VILLAGE OF l~RDEN HILLS <br /> ORDINliFdCE NUIGiBER 30 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE LIGENS ING Ar1D REGULAT ING THE SALE AND C a~TSUMPT IQN OF <br /> NON- INTOX IC AT ING iAALT L IQUORS AND PHOV ING A PENALTY F4 R mH~; V Ip - <br /> LAT I4N THEREtOF. <br /> THE VILLAGE COUNC IL OF AFtDEN H ILLS DO ORDAIN ElS FOLLOlNS ; <br /> <br /> SECTION l. Definitio'n of Termso <br /> _ <br /> ~ Subdivision 1. As used in this ordinance the term <br /> "person" includes a natural person <br /> of e ither sex, co -partnership, cor- <br /> poratian and association of persons <br /> and the agent or nianager o f any of <br /> the af ore said. The singular nuinber <br /> includes tht plurals and the muscu- <br /> line pronoun inc lude s the f eminine <br /> and neuter o <br /> Subdivision 2. "Beer" ar f'nonmintoxic ating malt <br /> liquor" me ans any maZt beverage <br /> with an alcoholic content of more <br /> than one-hal.f of one percent by <br /> volume and not mc>re than three and <br /> tvro -tenths pe rce nt by we i ght , <br /> Subdivision 3. "IntoXicating liquor" means any dis- <br /> t3.1ied, fermented or vinaus be-v-erage <br /> eontaining more than three and tvao- <br /> tenth.s percent of a].cahol by tive ight, <br /> Subdivis ion 4, "Original p ackage f" mans the bottle <br /> or se ale d. container in the <br /> liquQr is placed by the manuf'acturere <br /> Subdivision 50 "Bona fide clu,o" means a club organ- <br /> ized for social or busine ss purpos es <br /> or for intellect.,ual impro-vement ar <br /> for the promotion of sports, where <br /> +.,he serving o f beer° i s incidental <br /> to and not the major purpose of the <br /> club. <br /> Subdisisian 6e "Restauran.t" means a pl,ace of which <br /> the major business is preparing and <br /> rving lu.nche s p r m.eals to the pub@ <br /> 1ic to be epnsumed an the premises. <br /> Subdivisivn 74 "Beer Store" rteans an establishment <br /> for the sa1e of beerg cigars, cigar= <br /> ~ ettes, a11 forms of tobaccas beVerages <br /> and sflft drin.ks at retai3e <br /> <br /> SECTION 2a License Requiredo <br /> <br /> Subdivisian i. No persons exeept ivholesalers and marn:r.r.- <br /> f°a.cturers to the extent authorized by <br /> I,aw, shall deal in or dispos e of by <br /> gift, sale or otherwise s or keep or <br /> of fer for sale, any beer within the <br /> Village without first having received <br /> a license as Thereinafter providedo <br />