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<br /> <br /> <br /> ' Ordinance Number 30 (continued) <br /> <br /> Page <br /> <br /> Section 4 (continued). <br /> Subdivision 4. No part, of the f ee paid f'or any <br /> license issued under this ordinance <br /> shall be refunded except in the <br /> following instance s upan applica- <br /> tion to the, Couricil within 60 days <br /> f°r~om the happening of the event e <br /> There sha1Z be refunded a pro rata <br /> portion of the fee for the unexpired <br /> ~ period of the license9 corr3.puted on a <br /> manthl.y basiss when operatipn of the <br /> Zieensed business ceases not less <br /> than one month before expiration of <br /> the license because of ; <br /> (1) Destruction or damage of <br /> the licensed premises by <br /> fire or other catrastrophe; <br /> (2) The licensee 7s illness; <br /> (3) The licensee's death9 <br /> (4) A change in the Iega1 status <br /> o£ the municipality making <br /> it unlawf'u.1 f'or the licensed <br /> business to continue o <br /> SECTION 5e Granting of License a <br /> Subdivision 1, The Village Council shall investigate <br /> al3 f acts set out in the app3icationa <br /> Opportunity shall be g3 ven to any <br /> pe rson to be heard f or or against the <br /> granting of the licenae 4 After such <br /> inJestigation and hearing the V31Iage <br /> Council shall grant or refuse the <br /> applicat3.on in its discretiorre <br /> Subdivision 2s Each license shall be issued to the <br /> applicant only and shall not be transe <br /> ferable to anotrier holder o Eavh lZC- <br /> e nse shall be i s sla.e d only for the <br /> premises deseribed 3.n the applicatione <br /> No license may be transferred to <br /> another p1ace without the approval <br /> of the Village Councilo <br /> SECTION 6a Persons Ineligible for Licensc;m No license <br /> shall be gran e d to any pe rson a <br /> (i) Under 1vrenty-one yeards of agea <br /> (2) Who has been coirv-icted of a felonya ar of vio- <br /> ~ lating the Nati'cm al Prahibit.ion Act or any <br /> law of this state or local ordin.ance relatirig <br /> to the manuf acturer or transportation of inm <br /> toxicating liquors a <br /> (3) Wha is a manu.facturer of beer° or wco is inter- <br /> e sted in the coritrol of any place vyhere beer <br /> i s man.uf acture d o <br /> (4) Vlho i s an alien or a nan-resxd.ent of the Vi1- <br /> lage of tirden Hi11s a <br /> (5) Who is not agoad moral enaraetero <br /> (6) ZVho is or theperiod of this license be- <br /> carms the holder of afederal retail 1.iquor <br /> ° s spe c ial. tax stamp for the sale of in- <br /> toxicating liquar at -my place unless there has <br />