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<br /> <br /> <br /> ` Ordinance Number 30 (continued) <br /> <br /> page 7-1=2 <br /> <br /> Section 2 (continued). <br /> Subdivision 1,(continued) <br /> L censes shall be of tvio kinds m <br /> <br /> (1) Retail "on sa]:er' <br /> (2) Retail 19off sale" a Subdivision 2a "On Sale" iicenses shall be granted <br /> <br /> anly to bona fide, beer stm esQ <br /> ~ dr°ug sto re s p re staurants and hotels <br /> where foad is prep ared and serveci <br /> for consu.mption on the premise s o <br /> . "On Sale`T licenses shall permit th.e <br /> sale of beer for consumption on the <br /> premises onlyo <br /> Subdivision 3a "Off -Sale" licenses shall permit the <br /> sale of beer at retailg in t,he ori- <br /> ginal package f'or consumpti.on of°f° <br /> the premises onlyo <br /> <br /> SECTIQN 3. Applications for License o Every application f ar <br /> a licgnse o sell beer- shall be mZe on a=orm d by the Vil- <br /> lage and shall state the name of the applicant9 his age $ represen- <br /> tations as to his character with such references as may be requixed, <br /> his citizenshipp urhether the appli6ation is for "on salex" or f'off <br /> sales", the business in connectian vrith which the proposed license <br /> will operate andits locatim , whether applicarit is owner and opera- <br /> tor of the business9 how 1ong he hasbeen in that busi.ness at that <br /> place, an.d such ot,~ier information as the council may require from <br /> time to tirne4 It shall be unlawful tp make any f alse statement <br /> in anapplieatie:ne Applieations shail be filed with_the Village <br /> ClerkQ <br /> SEGTION 4e ~License Fees. <br /> Subdivision le Eaeh appa.ication for a 1icense shall be <br /> accompan.ied by a receipt from the Vi1- <br /> lage Treasurer for paymnt in fuI1 0f <br /> the requirded fee for the 1.icense o Ail <br /> fees shall be pas.d into trie general <br /> fund of the rrnuilicipalityo UpQn rejec- <br /> tion of an..y application f ar a license, <br /> the Tre asurer sha11 ref und the amaunt <br /> , pa ido <br /> Subdi;vision 2 a Al1 licenses shall expire on the last <br /> ctay of December in each yeara Each <br /> sha11 be issued for a periad <br /> of one year 9 ex.cept, tha+., if apor^tion <br /> of the Zicense year has elapsed when <br /> ~ the application is maclea alicense <br /> may be issued f'or the remaa,nder of the <br /> year for° a pra rata feee In compu.ting <br /> such fee g an-y unexpired fruction of a <br /> manth sha11 be counted as one mon+h. <br /> Subdivision 3a The annual f'ee for an "On Sale's Iicense <br /> shall be I'went,y-four Dol1ars ($24,00)0 <br /> The annual fee far an "pf'f Sale" license <br /> shall be Five Dcllars ($5000) . <br />