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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE Ctf M1 NN£SQTA <br /> COGtMTY 0F RAMSEY <br /> C1 TY 4F RRDEN H I LLS _ <br /> bRC!! NANCE Aio, 187 <br /> <br /> AN QRDtNANCE AMENi3iNG l3RU1P#ANCE Afo. $3, <br /> A5 AMENQEQ, THE f+ERSONNEL ORD1h1APICE, 8Y; <br /> AOC1! MG PROV I S! ONS REGfIRQ ING FUNERAL - <br /> LEAVE ANQ FLt?A"t t NG NaL I CIAY <br /> +...,...The C 1 ty Coctnc i 1 of Ardon H i lls drde t nss <br /> <br /> Seet ion 1« Amendment o# Sect t Qn 3 Subd t v t ion; t? crf <br /> Ord lVo. S as AmendWd . Secti on , Subdi v i s t an D of Qrd 1 rrance <br /> Na. 83, as amonded, he F'ersonnei firdlnance, er?#1t1ad "Emergency <br /> Leave of Abaence", ts hereby amended!n tts sntirety so fihafi it <br /> t santi t tad srrd reads as tot 1owss <br /> a# ' <br /> 5ubrlivlsion D. Emer +anc and Funor'er I.a ves <br /> Abs. t n the case a he absenco v an amp ioyes <br /> due to aseri4us emorgortcY, !ncluding a sertcus i I I- <br /> ness of a aaember of sueh emp 1oyee ts immed f ate fam1 1y <br /> but exc i ud 1ng -hhe death of s membar o# svch lmmod 1 ate <br /> tamily, tho CIerk Adminiatrator ln hts descretlan may <br /> authcarize use of slc;k teave benetits up to a maxlmum <br /> of tbree days tor each- emorgency wlthtn #he iimtts to _ <br /> which the emplayoe ts entitied by hi s seevlcs cres#tt, <br /> i n#he casa of +he deafih of ~~ember of an <br /> emp 1 vyee's immod t a#e f arm1# y, such omp 1 oyee sha # 1 be <br /> enti#1ed ta three days' funerat leave wlth paY, ahich <br /> funera! Ieave sha1 inot b~ crs41ted agatnsf sach <br /> amployee's accrued slck leave beneftts. <br /> Sectibn 2. Amendment of Section ! Subdlvislan C at <br /> Ord. No. 8,as Amonaed . ec on i, ubd v s on C a rd i nence <br /> No. 83, as amended jTh; Personnel Ordtnanee, entitied "Ueflnittotas", <br /> i s hereby amended by 6ddt ng to fhe end fiftet^eof Paragraph No. 9 <br /> ahich reads as follows: <br /> 9. "t mmed t ate fam ( I y" means fhe spaugs, parents, <br /> ch i i d ren, brothe rs and s i sters ct sn emp i oyes <br /> and parents of the spvuse a# an eaap foyee« <br /> Sect{ on 3 Ainendment of Sect i on 3 Subc! i vIsi ora F qf <br /> Ord. Pto. as mended, ect an , ub vSion v Ord{nance <br /> Na. 8, as smonded; tho Personnei Qrdtnance, enfilfled "Hotldsys", <br /> is hereby nmended by adding i`hereta, as t`he Iasfi paragra?ph thereoft <br /> the fo l t ow i ng ! anguiege ; <br /> tn additton to the nine (9) offtclel ha°tidays <br /> designated in the first paragraph at thts SabQivls{on <br /> F, ,each empioyao not 4n proba#ion s"ha! 1 be entt#ted to s <br /> tenth pa i d hot i day of h Ts chdtee prov 1 ded the date ha has <br /> selected fiar sa+ch ten#h hof iday has been f I rs# approved <br /> by h1s sapervlsar. <br /> Sec'tlon 4. Amendment of Qrd. No. 83 as Amended b Subsft- <br /> tut 1 n C t or V i e ar #*rk Am n s ratbr or dmt nIs- ` <br /> frative Clerk" Wherev$r the sa" a erar, <br /> Wherever the xar V i tage c?r Admtnis4re#{ve, Cierk" appear tn <br /> Ordfinance No. 83, as Amended= the Personnoi Qrdinance, satd words <br /> shat t be deisted and fihe word ."City" Qr "Cierk Adminis#`rator" sheit i <br /> be substituted tfieretor. <br /> Sect i on 5 . Ef fecti ae Uate. Th 1 sOrd t nanc'e sha ! t teEcs affsct <br /> end be 1; force trom and a ter fts passage and pubt tcation, <br /> <br /> Passed by #he CaunCl1 of the City of Arden H11Is thts ~ 12th <br /> day of Mav . 1975. : <br /> <br /> enry . r~psarr, J~. <br /> Attest; Maycor <br /> <br /> Char I ot eMcN esh <br /> Clerk Administrator <br /> . <br />