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<br /> <br /> . W Ordinance Nurnber 10 (continued) <br /> <br /> P age #2 <br /> Section 4 (contirna.ed)4 <br /> <br /> 3n proportion to the decre ase in the a'verage gro ss he ating value <br /> beZow 950 Btu per standard cubic fovte During the term of this <br /> E3rdinance, natural gas shall be supplied to the Village of A-rden <br /> Hills, and its inhabitants, in accordance with the town border <br /> ~ eontract uiuler which Company purchases the natural gas to be <br /> suppTieci hereunder; provided t,hat Company shall not be deemed to <br /> be in default under i.ts franchise for inability to supply natural <br /> gas fc?r any causes beyond its ' control$ or if prevented by compe- <br /> tent legai au.thority frpm so doinge During the life af this (3rd3.- <br /> • nance 9 the V311age and Compar.a.y9 may anutually agree to <br /> cYi.ange the heating value of the gas ta be f.irnished and in sueh <br /> even.f, tYie rates to be eharged therefor sha11 be proportionately <br /> revisede <br /> SECTION 5. The rates to be charged by Gompany for gas <br /> sold w n s d Village throughout the term hereof shall at all <br /> times be reasonable~ faire and nondiseriminatory to the Village <br /> and, the inhabitmnts thereof and to Company. <br /> SEC'I'ZdN 64 The Company shall have the right and authority <br /> to prescrIFie-and enf'orce sueh reasonable ru].es and regulations <br /> governing the supply and sale of gas serviee and the general eon- <br /> duet of its businessg ar advisabie, for tMe proteetion of the <br /> publie and the 'proper erj.joyment of the rights and privileges <br /> herein grarltedp <br /> SECTIaN 7. Ordinance sha11 not be canstrta.ed to grant <br /> any exe us ve right, priv3lege, or franchise tn the Comp any, ncr <br /> shall rules vr regu.lations established by the Cornpany have the <br /> €orce or effeet o f an ordinanee o <br /> SECTION 8a Company shallp if it aceepts this Ordinance and <br /> the rgfiT s zere y granted, file awritten aceeptance of the rights <br /> hereby granted with the Village Clerk within ninety (90) days f°rom <br /> the date of the publication of this Qrdinance, <br /> SECTi(1N 9, This Ordinance shall be in full f'orce and effeet <br /> frnm and a er its passage and publ.icatione as provided by lmwo <br /> <br /> <br /> PASSEI? BY THE VILLAGE COUNC IL THIS 27TH DAY OF JUNE s 1955 e <br /> <br /> /s/ Rpbcrt 0. Ashbaeh <br /> Ro'er't'0. As ac s ayo r o <br /> The Village vf Arden Hil7.s <br /> <br /> Atte st a <br /> /sl E. Stromquist <br /> ~ Lorraine E o romquis .9 C er <br /> of The Village vf Arden <br /> <br /> Publi shed July 7, 1955 <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />