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<br /> <br /> <br /> STATE QF TAIINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE C3F ARDEN H,ILLS <br /> ORD INANCE N'UMBER lb <br /> <br /> <br /> AN ORD TNANCTJ' GRANT ING Pa? MIS S TO N TO A1 OP TH-MN STl1TES PO-s,tER COMPANY, <br /> A MTNNESf2TA CORPORATIOAT, IT5 SUCCESSQRS ~'~ND ASSIGNSp TO USE THE <br /> STREETS, ALLEYSe AND PUBLIC GROUNDS OF SAID VILLAGE F(?R THE PURPOSE <br /> OF INS`I'.ATrLING, EIvLARGINCT, OPERATING, R:CPAiftING, AND MAINTAINING IN <br /> THE V3LLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS, 1VIINNE50TAa THE NECESSARY GAS PIPES, <br /> ~ MAINS, AND APPURTENANCE5 FOR THE FURISTISHING 4F GAS T0 SAID ~VILLAGE <br /> AND ITS TNHAB iTANTS , AND OTHERS ,AND TR L1IjTSMITT ING GAS ° IN'T'0 AND <br /> • THROUGH SAID VILLAGE . <br /> THE VILLAGE CQUNC IL OF ARDEN HILLS D(7 ORDAiN AS FOL3AWS: <br /> SECTI4:N le That there be and hereby is granted to Northern <br /> 5tates Fower Cb'mpany, aM3.nnesota eorporationg its successors and <br /> assigns, hereinafter referred to as `rCompany"e during the period <br /> of twenty (20) years from the date hereof°, the right and privilege <br /> of- uging the streets e a11ey s 9 and public ' grounds of 'said VilTage <br /> for the purpose of installing, enlargirgD operatings -repairing9 <br /> and maintaining, in, on, underg and across the same, all gas pipes, <br /> mains, and appurtenan.ces~ usuaily, convenientlyg ar necessariiy <br /> used in connection therewith, for the purpose of f'tarnishing gas <br /> f or publiG and Drivat,e use in and to said Vi11age and the inhabi- <br /> tants thereof, and others, -and for the pur^pose of transmitting <br /> gas into and through said Villages provided that such gas pipes, <br /> ma.ins, and appurtenances shall be so loeated as in nn way ta <br /> 3.nterfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along <br /> and.4ver said streets and alleyss and provided that Company, in the <br /> installation, enlargementa ope rationa repairp maintenance fl and re- <br /> moval of such gas pipes, mains g and appurtenance s, shall be sub ject to sueh reasanable regulatian as may be imposed by the Village Gauncil4 <br /> SECTIaN 2. In the event it sha11 becoam necessary during the <br /> terna o sndinance q in the fzrtherance of any pia.blic improve - <br /> mnt requiring the relocation of said gas pipes8 mainsfl and appur- <br /> tenances Ioeated in~ on, underg and acrass any of said streetss <br /> alleys, or public graunds, Company shall relo cate the same without <br /> co st ta the Village a <br /> However ~ the vact tivn of any street, a11ey~ or <br /> publi c ground, af'ter the installation of such gas pipe s s mains,, <br /> and appurtenees therein, sha11 not operate to deprive Company of <br /> the right to operate and maintain such gas pipes9 rnainsg and <br /> appurtenances, unless the reasonable cost of relocating the same <br /> and the loss and-expense resulting fram such reloeation is first <br /> paid to Company9 <br /> SEGTION 3e In erecting9 installinga e;nl.argingg r0epairing, <br /> mainta, ~no~ring, removingg or repl.acing said gas pipes9 maines, <br /> an.d appurtenance s, Gomp any shall g in all case s, pl.ace the streets, <br /> ~ a1.leys, or public grounds8 3.n$ on,, under9 or aervss which the sams <br /> are Ioeated, in asgvod eondition as they were prior to said apera- <br /> tion, and Company shall defendR idemnify9 and save harmless the <br /> Village against any and a7.1 claims for injur*y or d.amage to persons <br /> , or property oceasiored by or arising out of such operations. <br /> SEGTIC3N 4e Company shall su.pply natural ga~ which shall <br /> have an average gross heating aalue of 1 flC300 Btu per standar^d <br /> cubic faat°e Company agrees that $ if during an.y rrionthly period the <br /> ari,thmetic average of hQUrly gross heating values of the gas <br /> stzpplied hereunder shall be less than 954 Btu per standard eubze <br /> fflot, then for billin~ purpnses the consumption of gas as m.eas- <br /> ured by the customers meters during such period shall be decreased <br />