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. ~ <br /> <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> Ch, a p1- Qr 22 <br /> <br /> SUBUl V1S il ON5* <br /> <br /> Sec. 22-1. Purpose and inteUretalioei. <br /> Each new subdivision beromes a permanent unit in the basic <br /> physnea6 str°ucture of the future community, a unlt to which the <br /> future communilty wnlil of necessity be forced to adhere. Piece- <br /> mean planning of such subdivisions withoufi correlation to the <br /> city plan, well bring a disastrous disconnected patchwork ot pNats <br /> and poor circulati~on of traff6c. In order that new subdivisions <br /> w611 contribute toward an attractlve, orderiy, stab0e and whofe- <br /> soene communii-y enviranment, adequate mundctpal services, and safe <br /> streets, a9 3 subdrvisBons hareafter platted within the incorporated <br /> limits of the city shali, in all respects, fully comply with the <br /> regulations hereRnafter set forth {n this chapter. Vn their <br /> anterpretatiion and application the provis3ans of th8s chapter <br /> sha!il be the mknamum requirements adopted for- the protectlon of <br /> the pubNlc health, safety and general weifare. (Ord. No. 98, : <br /> 2, 3-27-67) <br /> Sec. 22-2. Sc_ ope. <br /> Except un the case of a resubdivlstan, this chapter shail <br /> not appYy to any lot or Mots forming a part ofi subdivision plats <br /> recorded i n the off a ce of the reg i ster of deeds or regi strar of <br /> titges prior to March 27, 1967, nor is It Intended by this chapter <br /> to ~impair ar- Inter#ere with exlstlng provisions of other laws or <br /> provisions of thls Code except #hose specifica6ly repeaYed by, <br /> or in confl3ct wlth, -this chapter, or arith private restrictions <br /> piaced upon property by deed, covenant or other private agree- <br /> ment, or with restrictive covenants running with the land to whlch <br /> tha c~lty Is a party; provlded howsver, fhat such private restric- <br /> tions or r-es-Fr6ctnve covenants may impose stricter requtrements <br /> than establdshed by this chapter, but may not decrease the requtre- <br /> ments dmpased her0n. <br /> In any case whe re the divlsion of a parceN of land into two <br /> (2) or more 4ots or parcels for the purpose a# transfer of <br /> ownersfi:ip or bui !ding devetopmenfi does ncat come with6n the defini- <br /> -rlon of subca°ivis9an as defined by thds chapter, a descrtptlon of <br /> such iland divdsion shaiI be fi ied with the cierk-admirristrator <br /> who sha~l submRt copies of such division ot Band fio -the city <br /> eng~neer and tha pBanndng comtnission. No building perm(t for <br /> such lots or par°ceMs shall be 6ssusd un-hii said description has <br /> besn fiNec wfth ttie eity. (Ord. No. 98p : 3, 3-27-67) <br /> Seca 22•-3. Definlitgcans. <br /> For the purpcase of this chapter, the fol lowtng terms, phrases, <br /> words and tFe~r der6wations shall have the meaning given in this <br /> s s c-i- 6 on. <br /> <br /> 3utt Lot: A iot at the end of a b~lock and lacated between <br /> twu €Z? correr 4ots. <br /> <br /> ,-6 ty P I an . A comprehero~ ive p I an adApted by the c i ty counc i u <br /> 9nd1eat~ny the genera8 ilocations recommended for the various <br /> functlonaE c~asses of pubY ic works, p{aces and strucrures, and for <br /> the gener•a3 physical develapment of the ctty, and includes any <br /> unxt or part of such plan separately adopted and any amendment to <br /> s uch p 9an ar parts thereof. <br /> <br /> *Cross refierences - Bus iding, Cho fi,; mobi le homes, Ch. 14, <br /> plannlng and zaning, Ch. 20; u#iilties, Ch. 28. <br /> <br /> : <br /> Statc-: ~aw reference - Subddvision regulations, M.S.A. <br /> 462.358. <br /> -1- <br />