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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> (E) 'Concrete.curb and gutter shall be <br /> required. <br /> (P) Where on-site sanitarq sewer fa- <br /> cilities are proposed to be utilized, soil percola•tion tests shall be made with the <br /> results presented to the Village Engi- <br /> neer. The Engineer shall then preaent <br /> a xeport thereon to the Village Council, <br /> which may prohibit the use of individual <br /> sewer systems, re4uire larger lot sizes, ~ . or utherwise aot to Protect the Publie ' . <br /> health and welfare. <br /> Section 12. Building Permit. <br /> No building permit shall be issued for <br /> the construction of any building, struc- <br /> ture or improveynent on any land re- <br /> quired to be aubdivided by this ordinance <br /> until all requirements of this ordinance <br /> ~ have been fully complied with. <br /> Section 13. Variances. <br /> i(iA) Generally. The Village Council <br /> may grant a variance from these regula- <br /> tions following a finding thait all of the <br /> following conditions exist: <br /> 1. There are special circumatances or <br /> conditions affecting said property such <br /> that the strict application of the pro- - <br /> visions of this OrdinanGe wou]d deprive <br /> khe anplicant of the reasonable use af <br /> his land. <br /> 2. The variance is necessary for the <br /> preservation and enjoyment of a sab- <br /> stantial, prrnperty right of the appli- <br /> cant. <br /> 3. The granting of the variance will <br /> not be vietr5mental to the public welfare <br /> or injurioua to other property in the . <br /> territory in which said property is situ- ' <br /> ated. <br /> In making this finding the Council <br /> . ahall consider the nature af the pmposed u•se of ]and and the existing use of land <br /> in the vicinity, the number of persons to <br /> reside or work in the Proposed subdi- <br /> vision and the Probable efifect of the pro- - <br /> posed su'bdivision upan traffic condi,tions . in the vicinity. In granting a variance <br /> as herein provided the 'Council shall <br /> prescribe only such conditions that it <br /> deema desirable or necessary to the <br /> public interest. <br /> I(g) The 'Counci] may also grant vari- <br /> ances from the provisions of this or- <br /> dinance in the case of a"planned unit <br /> development,^ provided the Council, upon <br /> review and recommendations from the <br /> Planning ~Committee, shall find that the praposed development is fully consistent <br /> with the purpose and intent of khis <br /> Ordinance. A "planned unit development" <br /> ahall be considered any develapment <br /> which consists of two or more principal <br /> stnucctures or uses on a single lot or <br /> Parcel of land for which a complete, <br /> detailed plan has been submitted showing <br /> all Proposed structures, uses, tnaffic- <br /> . ways, sidewalks, ]andscaping,, off-atreet <br /> . parking, and other features and facilities. <br /> The purpose of the "planned unit develop- <br /> men,t" ,provisians is'ko relate subdivision <br /> , regulaitions to simi}ar provisions in the - zoning ordinance and to provide flexi- <br /> bility for new development and deaign <br /> trends. <br /> (IC) Applications Required. A.pplica- <br /> tion for any such variance sha71 be in <br /> . writing by the subdivider at the tisne ' <br /> when the preliminary plat is filed for <br /> the consideration of the VillAge. Coun- <br /> cil, stating fully and clearly aIl facts - <br /> relied uFon by the petitioner, and shall <br /> be swpplemented with maFS. Alans or <br /> other additional data which may aid the <br /> Village ICouncil in the analysis of the <br /> proposed Project. The plans for such <br /> - development shall include such covenants, " . <br /> restrictions or other ]egal provisians ne- <br /> cessary to guarantee the full achieve- <br /> ment of the plan. Section 14. Copies of Plats. <br /> 'Copies of all of such plats of sub- <br /> divisions, after the same have been sub- <br /> mitted asd approved as provided i,n this <br /> ordinance, ahall be filed and kept by <br /> the Village Clerk among the records of <br /> the Village of Arden Hi11s. <br /> Section 15. Validity_ <br /> . If any section, subsection, sentence, elause or phrase of this ordina.nce is for <br /> -any reason held to be invalid, such de- - <br /> ~ cision shall not :affect the va]iditY of <br /> the remai,ning portions of this ordinance. <br /> Section 16. Penalty For Violation. <br /> A violation of the Tarovisions of this _ <br /> ordinance'shall conetitute a znisdemeanor <br /> and shall be punishable by a fine of ug <br /> to $100.00 or imprisonment up to a term <br /> not to exceed 90 days. - <br /> Section 17. Effective Date. <br /> ~ This ordinance shall be in ful] force <br /> and effect from and after ita passage <br /> and publication in the official Village <br /> newspaper. <br /> ;Adapted by the Village Council of the <br /> Village of Arden Hillus this '27th day af <br /> March, 19'97. <br /> Itobcrt E. Nethercut, 14Iayor <br /> Atteat: <br /> Lorraine E. Stromqtliat <br /> YAd,ministrative Clerk <br /> New Brighton BulIetin April 6, 1967 ' <br />