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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the I!ongest trap clesires. Tfie major arterial carries a hQgh <br /> proportian of the total urban area firavel on a minimum <br /> mileage. Almost ak i ful uy and pao-l-ial ly contro! Yed access <br /> facq liflES are a part of -fihIs class. <br /> (e) "Minor arterial" street system interconnects with and <br /> augments the urban major- arterial system and provides ser°- <br /> vc ce to tr6 p5 of mode rafe I ength at somewhat I ower ieve I of <br /> 'trave9 mobfHty than major arteriais. This system distri- <br /> butes travei to geographtcaE areas smailer than those <br /> identi -'~'ned woth the higher sys-Fem. <br /> <br /> (f) "S'l-reet wudth" is the shortest distance befiween the lines <br /> del ineating the right-of-way of a street. <br /> (g) "Tharoughfar°eE" is a fast or heavy traffic street of con- <br /> saderabae continuity and used primarily as a traftl'c artery <br /> for Inaercommunicat3on among farge areas. <br /> <br /> SubdAVider: Any persan commencing proceedings under this <br /> chaF>i'er to effecf a subdivision of iand hereunder for himseff or <br /> for anothEre <br /> Subdiv~~slor: The division of a parcel of land into two (2) <br /> or more uots or° parce9s, any of which resultant parceis is less <br /> than flve (5) acres) in area or is Bess #han three hundred (300) <br /> feet in wfidfh. 9n addit6on "subdivisfion°1 shall incBude the divi- <br /> slon of a parcel o# I'land in such manner that any of the resultant <br /> parceis have less than twenty (20) feet thereot abutting on a pub- <br /> lic right°of-wey. The term "subdivis8on" inctludes resubdivision <br /> and, wF?eri apprcpr3ate to the eontext, shal Y apply to the proceas <br /> o# subd1vi',d1ng or to the land subdividede <br /> The acquisit3on of land by any means far purposes ofi erect- <br /> ong orr bnstal9ing util'rty @ines, includEng underground gas lines, <br /> overhead power ti enesp fransmitting towers, or simi 9ar uti lity <br /> sites, or easements sha H be cons i dered a subdi vi s i on when such <br /> u-Ffl Ii; 3es are de,lgned to serue more than one Iot. (Ord. No. <br /> 98, : 4, 3-27-67). <br /> Sec. 22-4. Prcc2dure. <br /> <br /> (a) PreNirriinary Piane <br /> <br /> ~ I) @pfor-e dividang any tract of land into two (2) or more <br /> kots or parcels, an oavner car- subdivider shall, unless <br /> a var-Fance is aufhorized, fi Be with the cler-k-administra° <br /> tor: <br /> a, Four (4) copies of the preg iminary plan. <br /> <br /> b, f; casF fee of twenty-fiive de5 lars ($25.00) plus one <br /> 6o+ lar I eaG; for each lot Lrp to a maxi mum amount <br /> o€ one hundred tifty dol liars ($150.00). This fee <br /> W; I:I bv used far expenses of i-he ci ty i n connecti on <br /> wafih approval or dtsappr-ova6 of said plan and any <br /> iinal p6at which may fhereaf-ter be submitted. <br /> c., it the subdivsder reauests #hat any existing speciai <br /> essessments wh i ch have been ! esri ; aga i nst the <br /> premises ciescribed in the subdivasion be dividecJ and <br /> Gil~ocated to the respect'~ve Iots s."n the subdivision <br /> F!a#, the clerk-administrator shal I estimate the <br /> c.Ferlcai cost of preparing the revised assessment <br /> uaB 1, F iiing the satne wYth the county aud i tor, and <br /> mak(ng such d9v6sinn ard allocation, arid upon ap° <br /> psoval! by the councii of such esfiymated cost the <br /> same shal I be paid to the cii-y treasurer in addr-tion <br /> -3- <br />