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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> to the fee mentioned on subparagraph b above, to <br /> cover the cost of prepariny and filing such revised <br /> assessmento <br /> (2) A°- Its nexi- r-egufar meeting foI lowAng the fi ling of such <br /> preAlmlnary pJan, the city council shall: <br /> <br /> a. Set a pub,11c hearing or the prep iminary pOan, which <br /> hearong date shall be rof more than forty-tive (45) <br /> days affier the date of such settinge The city <br /> council may authorize the planning commission to con- <br /> duct the heari ng. 7he counci i sha I I cause noti ce of <br /> sa3d hearing to be pub{ished on the official city <br /> r+ewspaper at I!east five (5) days prior to the hearing. <br /> ba Refer twa (2) copies of fihe prelaminary pNan to the <br /> plannlng commission for Its examinafi3on and report <br /> and one copy to the city engineer for his examination <br /> and report. Cop ies of the report of fihe cf ty engi - <br /> neer shall be given to the city council and planning <br /> commissdon at least 1-en (10) days prior fio the date <br /> c?f pubw fc hearing. <br /> (3) ln the event the council has pravided that the public <br /> hParing shall be conducted by the planning commission, <br /> the F+sanning commgssion shai9 make its report to the <br /> cbty council at the first regutar meeting of the council <br /> ~~oI lawlng such publ ec hearing. <br /> !Iri the event the council dnes not refer the pub9ic hear- <br /> 6ng to the planning commisslon, the report of the plan- <br /> r.Png commiss8on shall be g3ven to the council before the <br /> tRme set far such pub0 ic hearing. <br /> <br /> :4) T'he ctty council shal( act on the prellminary plan by <br /> reso9ution approving or adopting it within thirty (30) <br /> days afte r rece i pt of -the repart of the p 1 ann i ng com- <br /> misslona if -the planning cammisseon ia designated to <br /> c:onduct the public hearing, 8f the pianning commission <br /> cioes not conduct ihe public hearing, then the council <br /> sha l e take act i on by reso I ut i on w ith i n i-h i rty (30) days <br /> zafter- the pubI a c heari ngo <br /> If tPie reporf of the p i anra i ng commi ss ion has not been <br /> rece;ved wii-hIn seveni-y-f9ve (75) days, after referral <br /> ofi sa3d ma#•ter to the planning cammission, the counci I <br /> niay act on the p re I i mi na ry p 9 an w i thout s uch report. <br /> ~5) IIf the praliminary plan is not approved by the city <br /> c:ounci lp the reasons for such action shal I be recorded <br /> En the proceedings of the counci I and transmi#fied to <br /> i-he app I i cant. II f the p re i i mi nar•y p I an i s app roved, <br /> :such app rova B sha 0 I not const i tu-re f i na I accepi'ance of <br /> i-he subdiv35ion. <br /> (G) F=inal piat. <br /> <br /> il ) Tie owner ar subdivider shal ! fi ie reith the cgerk-ad- <br /> ninlistrator sever (7) copies of the t3nal p8at not <br /> fafieo- than t;rree (3) months after the date of approval <br /> of the prelim6nar-y Plan; otherwise, i-he preiiminary <br /> pNar, and f'snal plat w61I be coris-dered void un9ess an <br /> extcns6on is requesfied in writ"srrg by fihe subdivider <br /> aiid tor goad cause granted by tne ci-hy counci 3. The <br /> owner° Qr subdivider shal I abso submit at thas time an <br /> up-to-date cer-tif£ed abstPact cf -title or registered <br /> property a°epori- and such othe!, ev3 dence as the city at-- <br /> tbrney may F-equire shawing titNe or coritrol In the <br /> appl'lcant. <br /> 5-he ;lnal pla# sh3lil have incorporafed fihereNn all <br /> -4- <br />