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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> changes or rrtadi ticat''sons r°equi red by the city counci 8~ <br /> if, a[,' other respeci-s it stral f;;onform to the prel imi- <br /> nary p±an. Et may consfii-ute aniy that portion of the <br /> approved preiiminary plan wh(ch the subdivider propases <br /> fic record and deveVop at the time, provided that such <br /> pQrtion conforms with ail fhe requlrements of this <br /> chapte+r. <br /> (2) The c+ty council shaii consider the flnal plat officia6ly <br /> tA,~ed after the pNannir?g commission, the c9ty engineer <br /> ard the city aftorney have examined it and advised the <br /> ccunci l that it is in proper form. <br /> <br /> (3) WIthin five (5) days after the final plat is filed the <br /> c~erk-admBn`sstrator sha;l V refer two (2) copdes of the <br /> fina6 p9at iro the pianning commASs"on, one copy to the <br /> cifiy aftorney and a copy each to the teiephone and <br /> por,er and other ufi 9 ifiy compan9es. The abstract.of title <br /> or regisfiered proper-9-y report shal I be referred to the <br /> c[ty atfiorney for his examinai'ion and report. The at- <br /> tcsrney's rsport shali be given to the city counci I with3n <br /> f6tteen (15) days. The reports of the planning commis- <br /> sbon and engineer shaii also be gtven to the council <br /> within fif#een (15) ciays. The cauncii sha6l either ap- <br /> prove or dlsapprove said finaG plat at 3fs next regumar <br /> meeting fo{ lowing e-eceipi' of such repot-ts. <br /> (4) flf the fBnal pla# ls approved by the clty councib, the <br /> subdfvider sl;all record it with the counfiy recorder or <br /> registrar of tit8es w3thtn sixty (60) days after the <br /> date of approval; ofheravise, the approval of the flnal <br /> pi!at shalll be cons~dered void. In the event that the <br /> pilat fis disappFoved, the grounds for such disapproval <br /> must be reported In proceedlngs of the council and be duly <br /> 1'ransm~,fited to the appllicant. <br /> k5a The aubdivmder shad is immediately upon record1ng, fur- <br /> 0sh fihe clerk-admin°sstrator wifih a tracing and three <br /> 43> prlnts of the finau p0at shAwing ev[dence of the <br /> recorddng. (+Jrd. Ne. 98 : 5, 3-27-67). <br /> Sec. 22-5 Necessa r,+ Data for p t°e I 1 mi nary P 9 an_. <br /> The prea imdnary p';Ian sha!i €be cleari,'y and Oegibt}r drawn. The <br /> s,ze of the map shal@ not be less *han fiwe9ve t12> iriches by <br /> 9nghtjvan (18) Inches, R!I sabddvision maps shall be drawn at a <br /> sca''e of one fnch equai!s one hundred (100) feet, unless otherwise <br /> i,eq~Ired by tho city eouncil, <br /> The prelIrrflnary plan shall l, contain fhe fol lowing lnformation: <br /> <br /> aa~ 1eentiiicatdon and descriEi-6on: <br /> <br /> (a) Proposed name caf s-ubdivision, wh6ch name shal { not <br /> dup4icate or be alllke ln pronuncia$6on or deceptively <br /> s~ mllar fio the name of any p! at theretofore recorded <br /> In the couni-y. <br /> . <br /> (2) Locaflon by section, tawn, range or bop other leqal <br /> descrIlption. <br /> (1) Names and addr-esses of ttie 3wne; rb subdiv i der, <br /> survsyor and des i gner of the p i an. <br /> (4) Graphic scaCeo <br /> <br /> (5) hlorth-F'oin#. <br /> <br /> (6 ) Date of preparationsn <br /> <br /> (b) Er:isfiing conditions: <br /> M Boundary iine of proposed subdivisione ciearly <br /> <br /> -5- <br />