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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ( J) Statement of the proposeci use of ! ots stati ng fiyPQ <br /> of cesidential buildings wifh number at proposed dwel@- <br /> Ing unifis, type of busqness or industry so as to reveal <br /> tPie ef fect of the deve 1 opment on tc-af f i c, f i re hazards <br /> o~ cangestion of popuiat5ore. <br /> (2) Proposed prntective covenants, if any. <br /> <br /> f3? Source of wafisr supply. <br /> (4) Provisions for sewage disposal, drainage and flood <br /> contro d . <br /> <br /> 9f any zoning changes ere contemplated, the pro- <br /> pc?sed zoning plan for the areasg including dimensions. <br /> <br /> (6) Mn the event 9ots in the proposed piafi are sub- <br /> si•antiaEOy in excsss of the mi.nimum size required by <br /> zaning regullations, a pre9im6nary resubdivision plan <br /> shaRl be submitted showing a potential and feasibie way <br /> 9rs whlch fihe e.xcess-size !o$ or lots may be resubdivided <br /> ir futur°e years to permit more 6ntensive use of the <br /> Vand. <br /> (7) An appraisaf of the fair market value of the tract <br /> to be subdivtded, which appraisai shait be based upon <br /> the undeveloped ~and value. (0rd. No. 98 : 6, 3-27-67; Or•d. No. 175 : 4, 10--29-73) <br /> <br /> Sece 22°6 QuasWcations qoverninq approval of pre@iminary pl_an. <br /> <br /> (a) The city counci 1 may require such changes or revbsions <br /> as tit deems necessary for the health, safQty, general welfare and <br /> converuence of the city. <br /> (b) The approvaY of e pretliminary plan by the council is <br /> tentat lve orB y, invo II ving mere ! y fhe gene ra B acceptab I I i ty of i-he <br /> llayoufi as su.bm1tted. <br /> <br /> (c) Subsequen$ approval wltl be requlred of the engineering <br /> proposai{s pertaining to water- supptyg si-orm drainage, sewerage, <br /> and sewage c1lsposai, gas and electr3c service, grading, gradients <br /> and r-oadv:ay wadths and the surfacing of streets by the city engl-- <br /> neere and other public officials having jurdsdtction, prior to the <br /> appE-ovaA of the final pdat by the ci-Yy. <br /> (d) IVo plan wt 1'I be approved for a subdivision whlch covers <br /> an area subject to peg°iodic flooding or wh6ch conta0ns extreme!ly <br /> poor dralinage faci ! Ities which woufd mak,e adequate drainage of <br /> the streets anri Jofis ~mpcssible, uRiess the subdivider agrees to <br /> rriake 'Impr•ovements aah~~ch wI6l, in the opinhon of the clty engineer, <br /> make the area completaly safe for° occupancy and provide adequafie <br /> sfireet and ~ot drainaga, (Ord. Nc. 98 : 7, 3°27-67) <br /> Sec. 22-;. 6Vecessary data for fCnaV plat. <br /> <br /> (a) GeneraC. The final plat shaii be prepared by a registered <br /> surveyvr ana_1 shaI ii confarm to aI 0 state and county requ i rements <br /> ana the requir-ements of seci-ion (b) hereunder. Ali information <br /> r-equiwed on the praliminary lp,$ana excep'' that contained in subdi- <br /> v,ls±on (el) cif saction 22-°5 and topographic data and zoning informa- <br /> tion, sha,'I k be accurateiy shawri. <br /> (b) Addifiionat delineation. <br /> <br /> (G) The #inal plats shaEE incdude accurate angu6ar and lineaR <br /> d3mEnsions fior a6! Hness anq6es, anr curvatures used to <br /> descr°ibe bossndaries, streets, aiIoys, easements, areas to be <br /> s-•eservE.d for pub 9 i c use, and other o mportant features. <br /> D3 mens ions of I ot ! i nes 5ha i I be shown i n feet and hundredths. <br /> -7- <br />