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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~~-~'s a re ' cca te 0 cri a c ur-ve o r when s ide lot lines <br /> are at ai) g 6e s other thaii r, a r,ety (90 ) degrees 8$he w A dth at <br /> `i he bu ~ i'! d i ng so-tback I:ne shaIl be shown. d3) A€ il b iocks shaB abe i dentifged by consecuti ve numbers. <br /> <br /> <br /> Loes wath6n each block shal9 bear conaecutive numbers. <br /> <br /> (4) `The fi4naa p9at shalE 6nciude trup angles and dlstances <br /> i-o tha nearest established s#reet lines or official monuments <br /> (not less than thi°ee (3) whtch shall be accuratefy described <br /> in #he p6at, <br /> (5) Munecdpa~a township, county or• section 13nes accurate8y <br /> tied to fhe Gines of the subdivasion by distances and angles. <br /> <br /> (6) RadiA, ~ntsonap angles, points and curvatures, tangent <br /> bearings, arrd 9eng-ths ofi a! t ar-cs. <br /> (7) Accurate outlines and legal descrfptlon of any areas to <br /> be ded6 cated or reserved for pub l6 c use. <br /> <br /> (3) Cerf3f9catlon by a registered surveyor in -the form re- <br /> qu6red by Section 505.03 Minnesota Statutes. <br /> <br /> (10) Executaon by altl owners ot any interest in the land and <br /> any hof ders of a mortgage thereon of the certi f i cate requi red <br /> by Secf ion 505.03 Mli nnesota Statutes, wh ich cerfi i f i cafe sha 9l <br /> -include a dedicatiun ofi the utility easements and any other <br /> pU0ic areas in such form as shall be approved by the city <br /> attnrney. <br /> ('I'il) CertifIcat'ons showing that alf taxes and special assess- <br /> ments current I y due on the p c-operty °Fo be subd i v i ded have <br /> buen pald in fulSe <br /> (12) Form, or appe-oval of city ceunca i as fot Cows: <br /> <br /> d1ppraved by the Ci#y Counei 1 of tha City of Arden Hi I Isf <br /> Nflnnesota Ath 9 s day of - 19-- <br /> <br /> C11-y Clerk <br /> (33) Fcrm tor appc•ova!i by cerunty authorit3es as required. <br /> (Curd. No. 98 : 8A 3°27-67; Ord. Noe 171, : 3, 4-30°73) <br /> <br /> 5eee 22-8. M'sn3mum subdivisicn desion standards. <br /> <br /> ~aa Conformity with c1ty pian, The proposed subdivision <br /> shalill cnnfo~rm to #he city plan. <br /> ~t~ wtreet i) ian . The arrangeQrentF cnaracterD exfient, wI d-hh, <br /> grace~end 9ocatFon ef ai I streets shaB 9 confiorm fio the <br /> caty Q:lan atid siiall be cons6dered '€r; their relat'son i'o exist° <br /> 31tag anc, p~ar?ned sttrEetsa i~o reasonabie circuiai-ian of traf- <br /> t fi cy tc topograph ica N cond i 1-iens F i-o runoff of storm water, <br /> to pub llc cont+en?ence aiid safefiyr i3i3d in thei r appropri ai'e <br /> ra i r=ti an to i-he propased uses ov ftie I and to be served by <br /> such_ streets. <br /> The arrangement of streets i r, ne~a subd evi s7ons sha!! ! <br /> n;ake provision fo; ¢he appropriaAe continuation of the <br /> e;.ss-ting streets 4n adJotniriq areas. <br /> <br /> Whiere ad,)Oi i19 flg areos are not subdi v i ded, the arrange- <br /> of str~e-!-s sn new sUbdivisions shal I make provision for <br /> T h e praper projec-i-ion or i-ilie streeip-s. <br /> (c ) 5r €-eets - <br /> <br /> 6Vtdths. Ai 9 stree-t wridths sha41 conforrn -YQ the fo! !ow- <br /> `rzg m3r.Imum d'amensions: -8- <br />