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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> o i the °reasoriab i e use of h i s ! ando <br /> <br /> (2) TV.e vai-iance is neeessary for fihe preservation and en- <br /> ,joymerlt of a substan* i a 1 property ri ght of fihe app I i- <br /> cant. <br /> (3) 7hre granting af the uariance wt i i not be de#rlmental <br /> to the pub I i c are 6' fare or i nj ur i ous to other property i n <br /> the terr 3 tory in w~ I ch sa id properi-y i s situated. <br /> <br /> In makqng -19-his fPnding fhe courici ! shal l consider tfie nature <br /> of the propased use of the land and the existing use of land <br /> R n the v i c P n i ty , the n urnbe r of persons to res t de or work i n <br /> the praposed subdovision and tf,e pr-obable effect of the pro- <br /> pased subdlviston upon tra#fic conditions in the vicinity. <br /> ;In cr-anting avariance as herein provided i-he counci l shal l <br /> pre;cribe onUy such corditions thai- it deems desirable or <br /> necessary xe the pubJic Interest. <br /> Q) Res i derst i a l vI anned un 3 t deve I opment. <br /> <br /> D Definitlon ard exmmpi-lons. For the purpose of thls <br /> chapter a°'residentiaE planned unit development" is <br /> defined to incVude a plenned devalopmenfi as defined by <br /> the zoning ordinanee8 as amended, and shall also in- <br /> cluder rttthout limit(ng the foregoing, town house <br /> deveBopmentss apar-trrent projects involving more than <br /> one bul9ding, and mixed commercial and residential de- <br /> va~opmen$s wh3ch are primari0y residential in character. <br /> Ora recognst3on of the pe°obablI i$y that more attractive <br /> r-es ident i a l deve l opments may be -fosfiered by fihe use of <br /> varied des(gn techniques avaitabVe wifih a planned unit <br /> deve@opmantD the fcrllowing pravisions of tFpYs section <br /> ar•e hereby Qxempted for res6den-t°sa! planned unft develop- <br /> mants when 3t ls praposed that the dwelldng unlts ot <br /> such devedopments are to be saOdH but such exempted <br /> deve lopment5 sha! 9 cor.t t nue 1-o be sub ject to the rema t n- <br /> iiig provision5 of 'th3s paragraph (b)o The exempted <br /> provisEons are as fol lows: <br /> a. Sectimn 22-4. f-Irocedure. <br /> • b. Secfi3or 22-8(c) (15). Private streetso <br /> C. Section 22-8(d) (2). PedestrVan wayse <br /> d. 5ection 22-8(e). Easements. <br /> 3. Sectfon 22-8(f). Blockse <br /> ro Seci-ion 22-8(g). Lois. <br /> g. Section 22-10fa? (3)d. Tree pianting. <br /> ;i. Sectfion 22-10(c). Uti 9 ii-ies. <br /> Srction 22-I0fd?. Sodewalks, <br /> ,j . SectIon 22-11. BuHding permits. <br /> f;Z) Ruies. <br /> a. St r°ests Yhat ar°e to bz dedi cated i'o the pub li c for <br /> pub ~ i e use sha ? I be desi gned aneJ consfiru::fed i n con-- <br /> tormity w(th appPicablP reguAations of fihe c3ty. <br /> W, co~lector streets and thor-oughfares sha! i be <br /> dadicated. <br /> . There slia! i be no minFrnum, iol', size, no minimum <br /> sel-backs, no r®rni mum E7erceni-age ot I ot coverage and <br /> ri~a minl~mum lofi w3dtha. Howeerar, every single-fami ly <br /> dwe,{!ing sha I! have access to a sfireety court or <br /> wa6kwa~. No s•:°6 ucture and no gr•oup of structures <br /> (such a5 semfde-!'ached dw~ l~,Ings or ~ ~ow of town <br /> houses ? 5ha9 Y t~e er-Eacted wi; hdn -taaentv-tour (24) <br /> f3e~t o€ any o'rYqer s-i ructure rar gr-oup oY s-+rructures. <br /> C. "There ahaI V be no eonfl2raucus sti-uctus-e of •fiown <br /> ~ouses, a-; tachod dwe lMigs , or aparfments wh i ch <br /> ear.ceed one hundreci fifty ( I 5J ) feet i n iength un 1ess <br /> the des ign fo: s e reactur€;s Uonger fhan ons hundred <br /> -16- <br />