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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ a~prova~ of a sub._ <br /> wo e ass sc~on as ~);~~act~i~:abfe ai~te~ i`;~~~a <br /> dJivASiic>n pNat w:-th ir,si-al3at^or.s wi the subdavlsaon cr <br /> s::ch `Ir-.provemersts as may be determi ned ta be necessary by <br /> t`-ie cai-y councP such as centi-a t we! ls b water mains, street <br /> g~-ading, streel- surfaeingF sanifiary° and storm sewers, water <br /> pump;ing, and stor-age faci ;ities und hydrants. The city <br /> eirineflr sha~'I be direc-ted to prepar°e plans and speclftca- <br /> ti ons fas the same upon accepfiarice of the t i na 1 p 1 at and <br /> s°ia I g Submit h 1 s r-ECOmmendati ons for such i mprovements , <br /> togerher wlth estimated costs, ta the c i ty counc i n. The <br /> counci!: may autho0ze p~-eparation at such plans and specit'l- <br /> ca-Eions by an engineer empioyed by the subdivider at hds <br /> sole expense and under the di rectian and subjecfi to the <br /> approval of the argrneer. tipon acceptance of the itnal plat <br /> t;;e counci i may cornmence assessmeni- proceedings for the <br /> furrnishing and consfiructian of said improvements wNthfin <br /> the subdivision, and may arder such ot said impravements as <br /> ii t deams expedienf and necessary. <br /> !ir the alferndtive, the city courciI may autliorYze the <br /> execut'lon of a contract befiween the city and the subdivider <br /> reyuIrfng the subdivider 1-o furnish and fo construct said <br /> ~mprovements at ttie soie eost ofi the subdlvlder, in ac- <br /> c~,~raance wiYh plans and sQecifications and usual contract <br /> conditions apprcved by the council, which shall incVude <br /> provjsion for supervision of detai l'a af construcfiion by the <br /> Gity engineer-, and granT to the enqineer authori-Fy to corre- <br /> late the work to be done under sa ld contract wi 1-h other <br /> imprcvements iin the subdivision which may be constructed by <br /> the cSty under con-rract with ofiherse The subdrvider as con- <br /> trac-for sha € I turn i sh a surei-y boncl w i th pena lfy equa I to <br /> !I .25 ti mes the ccsfi Qf the i mpo ovements I-o be made under the <br /> cantrract as est~ mated by the cI ty engi neer, wh i ch bond wM <br /> be rn form requir°ed by statute for pub9ic contractors bonds <br /> and wi :i I; Ideeati ry the lmpravemer$s and the time schedule fior <br /> fhn aF comp l ei- iar7 . <br /> (c:) A19 uti~iN Yles be ir~stal ied un(ierground as provided in <br /> sect~ ors 28r G 52 th rougF; 28- Y 6 9 o-t ''h is Code. All undergr•ound <br /> wark sha u il be comp MEted pr io¢' :`cs street sur faci ng. <br /> ( d ) S ; dewa ! k s may Ge recs,u i r e d a i l ong both s i d e s of a I I <br /> S;--eets; Fedestrian way:a 5k7a1 i te paved and -fenced as ap- <br /> pr°o~e d by ti°ee c;ty cour!ci <br /> ~e) Goncrete curb and gcl%ter shae i be requF red. <br /> (f) Wt;ere on-site sani iary sewer• ;'ac4 fities are proposed i-o <br /> tE L'fllizedP soifpercoiat3on sest.y sha4 l be made with tFie <br /> reSUItS presented to the cf ty er3gineer. The engi neer sha lli l <br /> ther; pres6ni- a aepo;7 i-hereon i-cy the city counci iP which may <br /> proh i5 ii t the use crf ir+d i v i dua IsewE. r sys•9-ems, requ i re I ab-ge r <br /> ,ot s ~ xes S or oi-herw ise, acfi to pro; ect the pub E ic hea lth and <br /> e ~''1a re . (Oi"'d. NO. 98, . { I , 3°27--67) <br /> Sec,_~:~2--IP;__. 8Ui i'ddncp FermRf,, <br /> o b u 3I dirg perrr;lr- sha(~.i be isSLisd ior -^Y'tie cwns-i-a-uctlon hf <br /> a n, y~~~ i I t n c; s=t ructu! r-e o:r ~i rnp i-cs w~~a n t cn a ny i a nd r e, q u~ r e d to b e <br /> s u b %j ; v, dE.~ d ~y 1- h s c ns p t e r u n 1- i ! a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I u i r- e rr e n f s o f t h i s c h a p t e r <br /> a v E. e t~ ~.,a ~ o m p e d w ~ +h ~ (Or~ . No, 98 a ~ 2 A 3 -2 7 - 6 7 ) <br /> So,c vc r; ances...and u°~emptiorE . <br /> <br /> ;:a) Gon~r-a;~~~, sFoe c:'i1~~~ cour.~;'~ !,i-ia;I e~ran -s a w~nr ia n c e i-~-o;~ <br /> -;her;erY-Qgu€:~~1-ioi-E.., ~ci ;ow'ing a f ~ radi i nc- ihat a 8 E ot the fol Iova- <br /> t rr ~ co ri d i+ I o rn s ex. :s4- , . <br /> s'i A Tf;ere aw ~spec:i aI tsE reums'-ancns c?r corzditlors a f f ec-rRng <br /> said ya~°ope.r°~-y suci~ -."-taat t9.E sts.. ~ cT a p p I i ca'1- i or? of= -rF» <br /> pE,°owesaon~ th is cha~~~~ ~~o.~'l d, r+eprEve the applicaiit <br /> -Y5° <br />