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<br /> <br /> <br /> tre ceveloper`v app: ic:a-:~ios-, fer a speciaE use <br /> persn3 •i- sha! fior pu, pases af th 3 s paragraphr be <br /> cans u derPd •1-o be the da-i-e on wh ich i i- has ap- <br /> proved his preI - mina~°Y pian. <br /> <br /> b. 're!;iminar-y pJafio <br /> <br /> Not Rater i-han three (3) months after the counciI <br /> has approved the pre! tniinary plan for the <br /> deweloperQS lesidentiai planned unit devegopment, <br /> he sha I J f i 9e fa i th the zon i n g admi n i strator seden <br /> t77 Eopges of a pre! iminary plat for the first <br /> phase of sLGh dewelopmsnt. The same number of <br /> copies af the pre9 iminary psat for each succeed- <br /> 6ng phase shaii be filed with the zoning <br /> ad?ni ni si-rator no B a-her than the date speci f i ed <br /> In the prel fm'nary plan, as approved by the counci !I, <br /> for the corr;piO-r3on of the previous phase. bf the <br /> preViminary p€at for the tirst phase of the de- <br /> ve@opment or that tor aray succeeding phase thereaf <br /> has na-t been praper I y fi l ed by the dead I i ne <br /> provided heredn or in the preliminary plan, the <br /> council"s appr-ova6 af the prelim6nary plan sha0l <br /> be automaticatiy withdrawn and said plan shalV be <br /> considered void un6ess an extensiorr of time is <br /> requested ir, var-it(ng by the developer and for good <br /> cause granted by the eouncdl. <br /> At the ti me tt~le owner or deve I oper subml ts the <br /> prelim6nary p'iat for the tirst phase of his <br /> r°esrdentiai planncd unit developmeni-, he shall <br /> furn i sh the zon i ng ad€ni n i at ratoa- w i th an up-to- <br /> date cea°tified abstracf o# tit9e or registered <br /> properiry report for the enti s°e tract of land <br /> encompassed b~F the proposed deve9opment and such <br /> othPr evi dencE as the ci i-v attorney may thereafter <br /> reqvire to shc=w tifle ar 4:.ontroh of the tract tn <br /> the app II i cant, <br /> i. AIsQ at the fiirie of submissEon or the preliminary <br /> p 9at for each phase of the res i dent6 a I p! anned <br /> uni# devodopment, the deve9oper shadi pay in cash <br /> to the zoning adn5nisfrator an app3fcatton fee of <br /> fiffy doHars ($50oa0) pRijs one dollar ($I.00) for <br /> each dwei I s n g un it i n that part d cu I a 6- phase o Th i s <br /> fee shafl @ be Lsed aor Mxpenses of the cii-y In <br /> connecaion with approvr;ll or disapproval ot the <br /> prelomtnsry plat and any finai ppat which may <br /> 'therea-rter be submtfited. <br /> 4. The preyiminary plat for each particular phase <br /> shabil h3ve incorporate=J therein all the changes, <br /> revislo:ns, or maditecations required by the <br /> counci l fn 3ts approval of the pa°eliminary plan. <br /> Iln aA l other r°e5pecf, it sha?i V cc+n#orm with the <br /> pre ~l1mi nary p! an . The data requ i red for each <br /> pre ikni nary p 9 at sha fl be the same as that wh i ch <br /> is ii-equ ired fcr a 4 i raal piat i n seet's on 22-7 of <br /> th i s cf??~pter; wE-Yh the exc:eption, havrever, that <br /> the devs'ioper shai' I c~omp4y wtth the provisions <br /> ofi subparagraprys 10, !'l ar;d 12 of paragraph (b) <br /> or sa~,d secttot, 22-•7 bv pr°cviding ihe items <br /> requixed therel7 rn a separate doGument(s). <br /> 5. Nfa at the tdrre re sub:n9 ts the pred iminary p Iat, <br /> for the f 1rst phase of hi!, deve lopment, the <br /> devei ope reqUe:sts thall- ary exis# ing speci a V <br /> assessmk.nts wh o ch have beon levs ed aya i nst the <br /> _ ont ire tract to be dev,: lopad be dt v; ded and <br /> atl tocated -Fi' the respe,;:tiwe Oots In the proposed <br /> develi opment, the c!er!<--admi n i sfirator sha I 9 <br /> esflmate the cIer€caV cos- of preparing the <br /> ,evisecl ass3ssment reske, fi I Ang the same wIlth <br /> -118- <br />