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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the coun-'ryA drp5rtmen-t of presperi-y ta,ation, and <br /> makir,g such ~{vasion and aiiocation, and upon ap- <br /> proval by the :aur,cl l of such estimGted cost the <br /> same sha9 a bz oatd tca the c°sfy -Freasurer In <br /> add itiflr, to the fees requ ire d here t nabove to <br /> cover the cost of preparing and filing such <br /> revlsed assessmenf. <br /> 6. The zo7Nng admira6sta ator shalE refer two (2) <br /> ccpies of the :)r-eB imir+ary piat for each phase <br /> of the reslden$iai pNanned unit development to <br /> the p9anning eosnmisston, one copy fo the city <br /> engineera and ore copy to the city attorney and <br /> a eopy each to the 1-e Iephone and power arrd <br /> other ut t E i t y cc,mpan i es . 7he abst ract of t f t t e <br /> or regdstered prmperty report shal l be referred <br /> to the city a-ttorney tor his examination and <br /> r-epor#. <br /> 7. With(n sixty 0501 days the planning commtssion, <br /> ctfiy attcarney, cety engtneer, and utflity <br /> companles sfia~Y report to the counciI concern- <br /> ing their respective interesfis in the preliminary <br /> plat. pncMuded 6n the engineer's report shail be <br /> a cost estima"se for the required 3snprovements. <br /> 8. Wtthin thrrty (30) days of its receipt of the last <br /> of the rsports requ d red i n the prev !ous provi s ion, <br /> the counci !sha i g act upon the pre!i imi nary plat <br /> byr either approving 6t, denying tt 1n whole or <br /> fln part, tablina it for a specified peciod of <br /> tirre, or refer°o~ing it back 1ro the planning com- <br /> missAOn for fcarther consicieration and report back <br /> to the couraci Ywithin a specified period of fiime. <br /> If the pr~efi I m! na ry p u at ds not approved by the <br /> counc] a, the #actua 9 bases and reaso; s for such <br /> actiora shallli be se$ forth in a written document <br /> evh i eh sha9 a be transm3 tted to the deve ioper. I f <br /> the pr•elBminar-y pdat es approvedg such approval sha 9 nat cons°litute f ina'I aceeptance of the <br /> proposed devefiraprnent. FuFfihermore, any approval <br /> of prs9lmle?ary pUa# shal I be suh,ject to the <br /> re,cei pt flf sec;ur 3 fy in the form and amount requ i red <br /> by section 22-3Q(a)(3) hepecfe <br /> 9. Upor; sertif3c%i-=Yson by the 7-oning administrator <br /> thai, the requ st-ed per~~~-mance borid has been re- <br /> ceivQd and apprcsved by the ciiy attor°ney, but lding <br /> perrni-~~s may bei issued for -the construcfiion of <br /> the buib'dingsF structures, and improvements ira <br /> the parficullar, phase ot ttic deveBopment encompassed <br /> by the prellminery pEat so approved. <br /> c. FYn3i1 PNata <br /> The developer JF» Pl fa f~ ~~h the zont ng admi ri i- <br /> stratos- seven (7) cop ias of ; he f 1 na I p a at for <br /> each parta cu la?° p1iase o$ i-ii s deve9 apn,ont noi- f afier <br /> tha31 thre+a (3) months after the date of the <br /> counc9"'s approva# of -the prelim[nary plat <br /> therefUr9 othei-wi~~, the prc0 dm6nary Plat shal l <br /> be con5tdered vaid un4ess arr extenstcn of time to <br /> fiIe the ainal, piat !s requosted in writing by <br /> the developer and fcar gaod c:ause g5 anted by the <br /> cO!lnC9 i . <br /> 2. The zening ddmanis,r~tor sha9l refer two(2) <br /> cop ies of the r k na E pl3t -?-o the p 9ann i ng commi s- <br /> slon, ona copy ta the cit%d ei-cgineeE'a and one <br /> capy fin the c e J'y at"rcarney,and a capy each to <br /> the -Fe!iephone and pc>weG- arqd other ut! I its/ com- <br /> pantes. 4Vithin sifae0"r) :'511 dayc- of their <br /> _ gd <br />