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<br /> <br /> ~ <br /> Vjarn!"a~g comrnissJun: may appi-ove such dgvision or conso8l- <br /> da~~ion, upor9 eompd Rar:ce, wfiih -the foi~ AcwBng cond'siE tons: <br /> <br /> ~E? 3t,c: owner(s) cf such platfied Gofi(s) to be so divided or <br /> consc'I bdated sha! I file with the zoning adm7nistrator a <br /> 5l':E-vey or regis-'Fered land survey o# the !at(s) to be <br /> d"¢vided or consofidafizd. ilf a survey is submitted, it shali <br /> cc}mply with the r-equirEmerts specdf0ed in (d)5 above; <br /> 1f a reyastared 9and survey is submitted, it shall con- <br /> form te the requ1 rements therefor speci fied in Section <br /> 5('at3.47p Subdivision 4p of N!innesofa Statufies, as amended. <br /> (2) Th,e Parcels or tracts resutt3ng trom such d"ovision or <br /> censolis;a-Ficsn, as depic-4•ed in said survey or registered <br /> larad survey, sha!J I no-Y have an area, dimensions, or <br /> sei-backs wh d ch are less -Fhan the en ini mum requ i rements <br /> spe0fied foP° the zoni, g dis-i-rict in whlch the parceis <br /> or° tracts aJ°e loca-s-ed "1n the zoning ordinancs. <br /> (3) ",t ~s determ'snea that the proposed divistor or consol(- <br /> deflon wh C J not be detr?mentae to the pubB ic welfare <br /> or- tlnjuimkou, adJecen-, trac-hs 1n the area ;n whach the <br /> subd'AViston tract ns locafied. <br /> (4) ThE: proposed division or consoi idation shaH conform <br /> to such oYher requi i-afnents of thds chapter, incYuding <br /> any of the :equaa-erient;s In paragraph (d) herainabovee <br /> wh lch the p i! annfl ro gcornml ss lon has spec i f i ca I 0 y made <br /> such division or ccnsol3dat,iGn subJect to at its tirst <br /> meetlng at which the appllca#don fer such divisROn or <br /> cortsol Idat4on Is submFtfed. The city counci I may add to <br /> or subtract from such °equ e rerrenfis speci f ded by the <br /> p!I ann a n g comeniss 8 ors adds fi i oeial requ 6 rements of th p s <br /> chapteF° which at deeons raecessary for the protection of <br /> the fieailth, safety, general~ weNfareg and convenience o¢ <br /> the city and to seclIre the objecfilves ot thls chapter. <br /> PrYo~- to the city counci1's granting the owner(s) an <br /> exemptibn pursuant to 'tP-i3s paragraph, the owner(s) sha0 l <br /> camp C y wi th a6 i the rc:.qu irPenents of fih i s chapter wh a ch <br /> the pBarning commission cr cifiy councl9 have speclffcal ly <br /> made the divis3or or cnnso'saation subJect. <br /> A *illnc 4ee Qf five doI Ilars ($SvOn) s)aBV be patd the zoninq <br /> adrniln','is1rato~, with every app6icaflon far an exemption €ander this <br /> par'd3graph e (0rd. No. 98, e 13, :3-2 F-G7; Ord. No. 171, ; tl, 4-30-73, <br /> Ord, Nc>< I 75., : 3, 110-29-73). See; 22-13._ _Cop i es- of plats. <br /> <br /> Copies of al a a~ such platE of subdivc 3ions, after the same <br /> have been submd-tted and a~~roved, as provfaed tn this chapter, <br /> shali R be -;I Ied and kept by -i-hE c:;E;ck-adm6r~l-str3tor among the <br /> rE.c:ore3s cf t>>e city. 4Ord. No. 98, :14H 3•-27-67>. <br />