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<br /> <br /> r <br /> <br /> ircorporarc>d here tn :-efer(,~,r+ce, or the survey cdntains <br /> a i 3east the f c, i 3owI n g I t emse <br /> a. Graph s c sca 9e; <br /> <br /> b. Ncirth-Point; <br /> <br /> c. Date of preparzflo'n; <br /> <br /> d< Names and acdresses of i-he awner, and registered <br /> ~arc: survnyor v:hc oreparec the survey, <br /> e. Legal descripticns flf ttie tr•aci- as a whole and the <br /> resti6tant parceis; <br /> <br /> , f. Loc.ation, width, U~isi names of a~ i existnng or previ° <br /> ousi~y P9atfed si-r=ep-ts, r-oads, -thoroughfares, or <br /> h9ghways adjaceni to the subd'avision tract; <br /> y. Location of al6 monun7eaf, stakes, benchmarks, or <br /> -tr9angulaiion sta:ions in or adjacent to the subdi- <br /> `+1 t 5 9 Of! traci-; <br /> <br /> h. Location anG size of existirig sewers, wafier anains, <br /> culverl-s or ofiher underground facilities within the <br /> subd°avi?ion tracfi and to a disfiance of or+e hundred <br /> ( tQQ) feet beyond t~e oUi'er I i mi ts of sao d trect; <br /> i. Bourdary lines of adjodning unsubdivided or sub- <br /> divi ded t6-acts wi :-iin one hundred (100) feet of the <br /> subc±ivesion tract, iden-hifying the same by name end <br /> ownersh i p o <br /> <br /> j„ Exis.ting zoninq c:assif~cafi€on of the district withln <br /> which the ,ubdiv4sion firact is located; <br /> k. Total approxema-111-e acreage of the subdivtdion tract <br /> asra acreage or :.qG,a?°e footage of the resuitant <br /> pa rc, e N s r <br /> <br /> Topogea?hlc data, idie!Iudarig contours at verticaY <br /> i nterva V s i r nat more th an two (2) feet an d dep i ct i on <br /> of sagnifecanf ~Featuae5 on nr w9thin i-he subdivision <br /> trac:t slch as a~atr>rw;ourses, marshss, woocled areas, <br /> roca; csutcrops, ancl power trrynsmi ss io:2 poles and I R nes; <br /> M. a,eri-i f 8catl on by r-egi stered I and surveyor who <br /> prepared the survey. <br /> <br /> Monuments o:- stakes shall be Oacsd and (nsta! Isd at alf <br /> cerners and ancde Gaiiif=> of i-he resultan-h pareels; <br /> The- , esEa; i-anT pa~~-:.eG~ swi ii not tsave sefbacks and <br /> ciinsensic:ns ies$ i-haai 1-,ios~ ~equAred in the zoning ordinance, <br /> as amended; an d <br /> <br /> , C33 The subdivicles- has cori;3lied w's 'ih +he requirements of this <br /> che,pter wh3E„h the p,annsng com;n~ss?on or city counci I <br /> 6-,ave mac~~ the subdiv3sion hy rec~~s't-ered Iand survey or <br /> 5l?rVey S;pEE'G61'?ccC ~Y S4lJ rc:ct l''i7. <br /> A, fMr,q lee of five doi ~~ars 1$5.00) shall be paid the zoning al4mi n'e.traficr wA tf~: every ~ppls --ation for an exempt 8 on under th i s <br /> <br /> a ragrrjp h . <br /> <br /> :3i Ciiv is i ori or conso;ida-1- ko,~ o-f~Eat,ed i ots of record. ~n <br /> ,-sie r~~~~ 0 t an ap p ica t-i>n -i c.) d iv! de or;p or mors E o-ts p I atted <br /> iritc licfs anci b;Iock~ an!' desIgnated Is-: a sub~iviv?on pEat on <br /> + ; -I'Ic a r,d of reco rd an t~~~e o, r?ce o t fit,e re car de r ot- r-egisi- rar <br /> c~i: tat;'Es foe- the, county, i~ ll'c, one or ;nare separartely described <br /> ~~DrceNsr oF- an ay p!i ecatic,r. for the conso!i idafi9on of two or <br /> ?;:o;~•e: s u ch pI afiired EtDts e, r p;-,~~ts Tharnof into onr-, or more <br /> tF°ae:~~s, ~f~~~ ~:t~y co~nci upe~r~ r°c:viev~ arad a-fter r-epos-t of the <br /> „)ym <br />