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<br /> <br /> <br /> N <br /> . ~ <br /> ~ <br /> <br /> c) <br /> t <br /> STA1`E OF MINNESOTA ~ <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE'OF ARDEN HILLS " 0) <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 95 C <br /> ~ AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR n7 E•.~ <br /> APPOINTbIENT OF A PLANNING \ 4. ~4- <br /> COMMISSION AND PRESCRIBING <br /> THE POWERS AND DUTIES THERE- <br /> OF • ~ Q r <br /> The Village Council of the Village of <br /> Arden Hills doea hereby ordain as fol- <br /> lowa : <br /> Section I: Apgoantment of Plaanintg O U q) s. <br /> Commissian. At the first Counci] mee- <br /> ing after the effective date of this ordi- <br /> nance, and thereafter at the first bus- <br /> iness meeting of the calendar year, the <br /> . Mayor shall appoint a Planning Commis- 0 A <br /> sion to consist of nine members, and <br /> shall designate ane of the members as \ ~ <br /> - Chairman of the Planning Commission. <br /> Such appointment shall be submitted to 0 <br /> the Coancil at such Counci] meeting and C, . shall become efPective on approval by <br /> majority vote of the entire Council. Va- <br /> cancies on the Commission cecwrring Y ~ fp <br /> during the calendar year shall be filled <br /> by the Mayor as soon as conveniently <br /> possible, with the approval of the ma- ` <br /> jority of the entire Council. The term <br /> of each member shall be for the calendar Tj w year or the balance thereof following his <br /> appointment. Rz Sectian II. Powers and Duties of theM LPlanning Commissian. The Planning ~ y <br /> Commissian shall have all of the powers and duties preacribed for the :planning <br /> agency in the Municipal Planning Act, <br /> Chapter 670 of the Laws of 1965. The ~-C <br /> Planning Comaiission shall cansider <br /> amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, variances to the Zoning Ordinance upon C%f, i" G <br /> reports from the Board of Appeals, such 0~~. <br /> other matters as are required to be re- <br /> ferred ta it by the Municipal Planning - <br /> Act or other atatutes of the State of i~ J <br /> Minnesota, and in addition thereto the 0` ~C <br /> Planning Commission sball consider all Q? Q L <br /> other matters referred to it by the Vil- L <br /> _ Iage Council-. . t~'1 '-Z~ v' Q <br /> Recommendationa and findings of the ~ <br /> Planning Commisaion shall in all cases <br /> be advisory to the Village Council, which <br /> may take such action thereon as it deems <br /> proPer. - 0 ('7' c <br /> Section III. Pmcedare af the Plan- < C) <br /> ning Commission. The Planning Com- 7.7~ r <br /> mission shall prescribe its own rwles y~ 0 <br /> of procedure to the extent perxnisaible J <br /> -usder statute and to the extent that <br /> such rules are consisent with village or- ~{,I " <br /> dinances. The members may elect a vice n` C-L.-- ~ <br /> chairman, a secretary, and such other ~ C r- ~ <br /> o f f i cer s a s t h e y a h a l l d e e m a p p r o p r i a t e. <br /> The Commiasion shall pmvide a written -01 0 <br /> record of its proceedings, including the 1 <br /> minutes oY its meetings, findings, and <br /> the action taken by the Commisaion on LL esch matter referred to it or heard by <br /> it, including the fina] recommendatian. <br /> Hearing shall be held by the Commis- ~ <br /> sion in all matters where public hear- <br /> ings are required by the statutes of the ~ <br /> State of Minnesota or the oxdinances of - <br /> this Village, and hearings may be af- <br /> forded to any interested garties on any <br /> other matter where the Cummission . <br /> . deems it appropriate. _ <br /> The Commission shall submit reports . ' <br /> directly to the Village Council, which <br /> reparts shall inclwde the recommenda- <br /> tions of the Commission as to action - - <br /> - to be taken by the Cauncil. In addition thereto, the Commission shall send cop- - - <br /> ies of its raports on variances of the <br /> Zoning Ordinance to the Board of Ap- <br /> peals. In the absence of an adverse written recommendation by the Plan- ' <br /> ning Commission regarding any report <br /> on the variances aubmitted to the Plan- ning Commission by the Board of Ap- <br /> peals, if the report of the Board of <br /> Appeals has been duly filed with the <br /> Planning Commission and the Planning - Commission has thereafter met without - ~ taking action thereon, it shall be con- ' <br /> clusively presumed that the Planning <br /> Commiasion concurs in the recommend- <br /> ation made by the Board of Appeals ttr <br /> the Planning Commiasion and to the <br /> Lillage Cauncil. <br /> 3ection IV. Effective Date. This Ordi- <br /> nanee shall take effect from and after <br /> ~ its passage and publication. . <br /> Pasaed by the Council of Arden Hills <br /> this 27th day of June, 1966. <br /> Robert E. Nethercut, Mayor <br /> Attest : <br /> Lorraine E. Stromquist <br /> Administrative G1erk <br /> ~ <br /> ` <br /> - <br />