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<br /> <br /> STATE 0 F M INNES OTA <br /> COUIaTY C?F R.'94SEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS <br /> (JRD INANCE NUMIER. 29 <br /> <br /> <br /> AN C)RDINANCE LICEItiTSING AND REGULATING ItiCHAhIGAL MUSICAL DEVICES <br /> AND PRQV TDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIQ iATION THEREOF s <br /> THE VILLA9,1 CQUNCIL OF ARDE'N HILLS DO QRDAIN AS Ft3LLOWS a <br /> <br /> SECTION I.e License Requiredo No perso;ig firm or corpor- <br /> ation e ier as prinespa q agen , essor^' or lessee sha11 possessa <br /> keep, permit or maintain any mechanical musaial device on any pre- <br /> ~ mises under his or i.ts cantrol, within this Village and open to <br /> the publ.ic or any group or class thereof9 withou,t first hasring <br /> appZied for and received alicense for eaeh machine as herein <br /> provided. A mechar3.ical muscial device under this orDdinarce Ehall <br /> mean and inclucle any dev3e e for producing9 reprodu.cing or playing <br /> muscial selections or rnzmbers, either ;rocal pr* instrumental,9 or <br /> bath, which is operated by de-positing there3n a coin vr token. <br /> It shall also Twan and include any sttch device which is operated <br /> meehan3.cally to render definite muscial selections or numbers <br /> selected by t,he operators or othersp 'as aforesaids after the di- <br /> rect or indirect paymnt therefor9 the pravisions hereof <br /> slzall not include radios nar phonographs playing records or <br /> rnuscial reeordings upon which the records or record,in,gs are placed <br /> and removed by hand and for the operation of which no payment i.s <br /> raquired either by the deposit of a coin or token in the deu°3c e <br /> itself or by the same to the owner or operator. <br /> SECTION 2. App1i cation for Lieense Fee s e Any person, <br /> f irm, or corpor ation e s ring a cense or any machine or de - <br /> vfce hereunder shall fi1e an applieation ther^efcar with the Vil- <br /> lage Clerk on a form to be provided by the municipa3.itya and <br /> sha11 give the n ame o f the app 13 c ant 9 the tr ade n.ame and a <br /> general description of the device to be Iicensed, the nam and <br /> addre ss of the awner a f the de sice if other than the licensee a <br /> the address of the s where the lieensed device is to be <br /> operated together the character of the bu,siness car°ried. on <br /> at that plaee, and the denomination vf the coin or eoins r^e- <br /> quired for the aperation of the device 9 vf the value of the token <br /> used in lieu thereof or a statement of any otY-ler pa7ment, direct, <br /> or indirect that, will be reqtaired and received f or such operat iori4 <br /> Every such application sha1l be accompanisd by an annual fee of <br /> $10 e 00 wh3. eh ,shall be p at d to the Vi llage Tre asla.ry by the C lerk <br /> upon the grant,ing of the license requestede If the license is <br /> denied the fee shall be refundeda <br /> ' SEGTION 3. Issuarce and Term of License o Applications <br /> far 1 eenses ereun er s a rs e re erre ythe Clerk t,o <br /> the poliee departme nt and if the busine s s ape rated on the pre s, <br /> mises where the perm3t is requested is as described zn the applim <br /> cation and the same is being legally operated and the device to <br /> be li.censed wi31 not clearly constitute a nuisance in the prnposed <br /> locat3.on the department shall approve of° the applicati.ono -L'13very <br /> ~ application shall then be submitted to the Gouncil far approvala <br /> No lieense issued hereunder 5hal1 be transferred to another loca- <br /> tion nor to anvther device, <br />