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<br /> <br /> <br /> Ordinance Nu7nber 29 (continu.ed) <br /> <br /> P age ;'-2 <br /> <br /> SECTiON 4o Tern ° J?osting of License,m Revocationa Licenses <br /> grante dHe reunde r s=- e a r oxie ye a r 75m iF`e date of Is sue s s <br /> Every license shall describe with sufficicnt detail for^ id.entifica- <br /> tion purposess the machine for vrhich it was issuerl and shall be <br /> attached to, or posted iri a conspicuous place new by the device <br /> far which it was issu.edo Lieenses shall be su,mmarily re-vaked for a <br /> violation of this provision. <br /> SECTIf7N 5p Effecta Th.e provis3ons of 'this ordinance shall <br /> • be _in-M71 oree an e ect as to all rnechanical musical devices <br /> installed after the date of the passage hereof after its addption <br /> and approvalp Its provisions shall apply to a].l said devices in <br /> aperat ion at the time of the adoption and approva1 of this ardis = <br /> nance ninety (90) days after the date of such adoption and approvalo <br /> SECTION 6o Penalty, The aperator of esery place 4f busin8ss <br /> shalle dreeme to e respor!.sibie for the bperation of any mechan- <br /> ical muscia7 de vice upon the prernise s oceupied. by him as a place of <br /> bus*iness. Any persc3n v-iolating the provisions of this ordi-nance <br /> shall be guilty af a misdeme anor and upfln conviction thereof shall <br /> be fired in an arn.ount not exceeding $100a00 or by imprisonment in <br /> ~he Ccanty Jail for not rnore than 90 dayso Each day of operation <br /> of any dev3.ce afor°esaid vf3.thout a license shall constitute a <br /> separate offense and any material misreprescntation on the appli- <br /> cation for a license hereunder shall void any license subsequently <br /> granted and subject the applicant to tYie penal provisians of this <br /> ardinaneE as of the date of granting such 1icense p <br /> PIASSED BY THE VI LLAGE COUNC IL THIS 9TH DA.Y OF DECEMBER 9 I957Q <br /> <br /> • /s/ Robert G, Ashbach <br /> Ro erE 0a s ac Q 17ay6r o <br /> Ths Village of ~-lyden Hills <br /> <br /> lltte st : <br /> /s/ Lc3rraine E o Stromquis t <br /> orraine a a tromquYS, 9 C er o <br /> 2'h.e V311 age of iLrden T3ills <br /> <br /> Published December 19$ 19570 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />