<br />
<br /> ~
<br /> SECTION 6. INSTITUTlONAL NErWORK PenaNies may be asseued apalnst Group W b, Ury )
<br /> TAe Sysfem shall indude a separate Institutional and collecfed directly from ttie Lefter of Creurt. The I
<br /> nE1WOrk which will permit 78 Seperete televi51o0 LEttBr M Credlt TuST be OlaiplainEd pur5U2M t0 the
<br /> channels io be sent ta each institution and 16 cnannels to Procedures and requlremenls of ihis sectlon.
<br /> be returned. SECTION S. 80ND5
<br /> SECTION 1. SERVICE TO PUBIIG BUILDINGS AND Group W must mainiain wiM the CiTy a bond con-
<br /> EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ditioned upon the faifhful performance by Group W ot
<br /> Group W will provide instltutional netwoYk servire to the irenchlse, and further condiYrorced upon ftle iMms
<br /> at leasi 83 insfitufians listed in Sedion 1 of the ffanchise. and requiremeMS uf ihis secTion.
<br /> ~ The System servin9 the cities of Arden Hills, Falcon 6EFAULT
<br /> Neights, l.auderdale, LitTle Canada, Mounds View, New SECTION 1. NOTIGE AND DEFAULT
<br /> BrighYOn, North Oaks, Roseville, 51. Anffrony and CiTyshallnotifyGroupWinwrttirqofviWationSOfMe
<br /> Shoreview shaRl be completely iNerconneded. The franchise. Grouµ W shall have thirty days fo cure such
<br /> System shall also be constructed so ihat ofher sysfems default, or be subject fo the procetlures of Mis sectlon
<br /> noworhereafierwnstructedinanyareaadfacenifofhe leadingtotermfnationoffhefranchlse.
<br /> System may be interconnected. SECTION 7. CROSS DEFAULT - SECTION 9. NARROWCASTING If Group W is in delault of any M the franchisesM the
<br /> The Sysiem shaR be capable of sending programs to ciifesof Arden Hills, Falcon Heighis, Lauderdale, Liftlq i
<br /> each community separately so that the residenfs of one Canada, Mounds View, New Briphton, North Oaks,'
<br /> commonity may view a given program while at the Roseville, Sf. Antlwny and Slrofeview, Minnesofa, any,
<br /> same time, residenis ol another commuoify may watch one ol tlrose cities may declare Group W in defaull W ail ~
<br /> '
<br /> difiereni programming at the same tlme on the same ten franchises.
<br /> ' pRTICLE X.
<br /> channel.
<br /> - The standard VMF channel 6 is designdtetl for AND ABANDONMENT
<br /> unNorm regional channel usage. SEtTION 1. FORECL05URE
<br /> ARTICLE IV. Upon the loreclosure or judicial sale o/ the System,
<br /> SERWICES AND PROGRAMMING, the provisions M the iranchlse governinp conseM to
<br /> SUBSCRIBER CON7RACT5, CQMPLAINTS iransfer or change In ownershlp shall apply.
<br /> programming shall De provitled as specified in the City shall have the right to cancel the (ranctilse 140
<br /> proposal of Group W, Programming shall be adtled and days etier the appointmenf of a recelver or truatee.
<br /> deiefed pursuani ta the procedures of Sedion 1. SECTION 7. ABANDONMENT
<br /> Group W may not abantlan any portion of the System.
<br /> SECTION 1. INTERRUPTION OF SERVIGE AND qny such abandonment mey he tleemed a tause Ior I
<br /> ORDINANCE N0. ]]6 SUMMARY tOMP4A1NT5 terminafion of the franchise. , Final Franchise Service shall noi be interrupted unless absolWely pRTICLE XL Norih Suburbin - necessary. If service is interropted for more than OB pURCHASE OF TME SYSTEM -
<br /> CaDle Communicafions Commisslon bours, subscriber shall be credited pro-rata for such SEC710N 1. GENERAL
<br /> An ortlinance, includlnB addenAUm with exhlbits, tnfarruptlon. An oftice shsll be malntained in the area The Section provides for the Cify's riplit ta purchax a
<br /> Branting a franchise fo Group W Cahle of the Norlh and shall be capable oi receiving complainis and syslem,eiTherpursuanltothetermsandcondlfionsofa
<br /> Suburbs, Inc., a Mlnnesota corporation (herelnatter requests (or repairs or adlustmenfs at any time seven bona firle purchase offer whlM Group W is wllfinp to
<br /> "Group W") to operafe and malntain a ceble Com- qeys per week. 7his seciion furiher Uefails subscrlbar accept Yegarding the syatem, or in the event o1 Ipr-
<br /> munications system in the CiTy o( Arden Nllla sefting compleint pro[edures. feiture, revacation or terminatlon 01 the Iranchise,
<br /> forfh conditions accompanying the grant o( franchi5e; AR7ICLE V. SECTION 1. PROCEDURES
<br /> providing for requlation and use of the system; and CONSTRUCTION, INITIAL SERVICE AREA, The procedures lor the Ciry's electlon to exercise its
<br /> preuribing penalties for the violation of its provisions. LINE E%TENSION AND righi fa purchase the Sysfem are confained In ihis
<br /> S7A7EMENT OF INTENT AND PURPOSE; FfN- CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS section. The praedure provides (or City's ripl~t fo ac-
<br /> OlNGS. -SECTION 7. INITIAL SENVICE AREA cepi the terms of a pending purchdse oFfer, or the ap-
<br /> The Cify of Arden Hills (hereinafter "City'•) adopis a All areas containing dweiling uniTS within the cify pointment of an arbitration panel to establish the ierms
<br /> cable television (ranchise to bring about the tlevelop- shail be construcied as the fnitial service erea. anE [onditloos of the purchase of the system.
<br /> meni of a cable television system and the continued SECTION 1. tINE EXTENSION POLICY qRTICLE XI1.
<br /> operation ol iT to better facilitafe the communicafions Service shall be exfenued to ihose areas raf in the MISCELLANEOUS
<br /> needS of residenis of the C1ty and 1o befter ufillte and inifial servicearea pursuant to the formula of SecFion P. SECTIGN t. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHiP OR
<br /> improve public services. The Ciry Council found Group SECTION 9. CONSTRUCTION TIMETABLE CONTROLW's tecnNcal ability, (inancial condliion, lepel Group W shall construci subsTantially all areas of the Ownership In the sysiem may not be fransferretl
<br /> qualificallons, antl character to be approprlate to initial service area whiU contain dwelling units within r,riihout the prior written consent ot the City_ The
<br /> construct and operate a caDle televislon system wifhin eighfeen months oi the grantinq oi the Siate Ceryificate procedures for notifying the Clty o( the iranster ol
<br /> CirY. ol ConfirmaTion. Delays in consirucfion shall result in ownership, and City evaluation o1 said frens#er, are
<br /> ARTICLE 1. penalties prOVitlerl by the tranchise. providetl for in tbis section.
<br /> The Ordinance shall be known antl cited as the Cable Group W shall comply with all consiruction standards REVOCATION
<br /> Communicafions Ordinance. The deflnition section of the iranchise as welt as all applicable laws, or The Uty shall have t~e rig~f t0 require Group W fo
<br /> includes 29 terms which are tletined for the purpose of dinances, rules, regulations antl codes, federal, state remove, at Group W's exppnse, all or any portinn of the
<br /> the franchise. and local. Sysfem within City upon the revocation or terminatfon
<br /> ARTICLE 11. SECTION S. CONDtTI0N5 ON USE ofthefranchisepurSUanitothetermsaqdproceduresof
<br /> GRANT OF AUTHORITY Group W may not, in its consfruction of the System, }pis seciion. -
<br /> AND GENERAL PROVISIONS interfere with any gas, eleciric or televisian fixture, SECTION WORK PERFORMED BY OTHERS
<br /> SEtTION 1. GRANT OF FRANCHISE AND AC- water hydrant or main, or sewer line. ' Group W musf infarm the City of the names and ad-
<br /> CEPTANCE Section 5 a5o proviae5 procedures for the raising antl dresses of any entify other ihan GrOUp W wbich shell
<br /> The Ciry grants to Group W Cable a non~exclusive lowering of lines, trimming of irees, and the recognition p¢rform services pursuant to the fronchise.
<br /> franchise to be properly executed antl acknpwletlqed by of potenfial liability for persons damagin9 Group W SECTION a. GENERAL PROVISION ON R16HTi AND
<br /> . Group W and tlelivered lo Cify. Group W shall tleposit faciNties. - REMEDIES '
<br /> with City a nan-refuntlable acceptance fee for the ARTICLE VI. AII remedies and rigbts given to Ctry by ihe franchise
<br /> purpose of deferring the cosis antl ezpenses of SYSTEM-OPERqT10N5 are in-addition to any other righfs which Cify miyht
<br /> development o1 the franchise. Securify tleposits, leiters SEC710M I. INFORMATION AVAILABILITY oiherwise bave regardinq the SYStem Or Group W.
<br /> W credif, cerfificates o( insurence, bonds, and City shall have the rigbt of reasonable access to SECTION S. APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURT
<br /> organitational and creation tlocumenis of the compeny Group W's records. DECISIONS: SEVERp91LITY
<br /> must be delivered to City, _ SECTION 2: SERVICE CONTRACT The franchise must at all times be in compliance with
<br /> SECTION 7. AUTNORITY GRANTED If Group W maintains a service contract with sub- the rules ot the Minnesota State Cable BaarE antl all
<br /> The Cify granfs to Group W permission to use the scribers, the Torm of Said conTracf is detailetl in Section Iaws, ordinartces and regulafions oi federal, atale and
<br /> streets for erecting, consiroctinB, operating and 2. city government eelatinB to the cable television system
<br /> mainfaining the cable communicafions system. SECTIQN SUBSCRIBER PRACTICES and the franchise. If any provision of this franchise is
<br /> SECTION 3. AGREEMENT - There shall be no charge for disconneciion ot any dedared invalitl or void, fhat seciion may be Severed
<br /> Group W agrees to be bountl by all terms of the installation or outlet. Seciion ] also details Group W's irom the franchise with the remaining sections in full
<br /> franchise artcl to proviCe all services set fOrth in its rigM to disconnect for failure fo paY the moniMy sub-
<br /> force antl effed. If the CitY tletermines thaT a provislon
<br /> proposal to City. Scriber iees, of the franchise is atiected by law, ordinance ar
<br /> SECTION 0. FRANCHISE TERM SECTION 4. FRANCMlSE FEES, RA7E5, [HARGES, regylation, Cify shall have the righf to amend, modlfy,
<br /> The4ranchiseshallbeforal5yearterm. - CHANGES IH FEE5 AND PROCEDURES alter or repeal aoy provisions of the tranchise fo w[h
<br /> SECTION S. AREA Throughout the term of the tranchise, Group W shall reasonable extenY as necessary fo carry out the In-
<br /> The franchise is granted for the municipal bountlaries pay to Gity an annual fee of 5 perceM of all gross fended purposes ot fh9 franchise.
<br /> of the entire City, revenues. The rates provided in the tranchise shall be SECTION 7. GRANTEE ACKNOWIEDGEMEHT OF
<br /> SECTION 6. POLICE POWERS guaranfeedfor3yearsaiferthefranchiseiscertifiedhy ypLIDITY OF FRANCM{5E Group W's riQhis are subiQCi fo the police powers of the Baartl or uMil one year after completion oi con- Group W acknowledges ihaf if has reviewed the
<br /> the City, strucfion in the initiai service area, whichever is fonger. franchise and that under current faw Group W belir ves
<br /> SEtT10N 7. USE OF GRANTEE FACIUTIES _ Basic rates shall be regulated pursuant to ihe terms and that the (ranchise is not unreasonable or arbitrary.
<br /> The City has the right to install and malnTain any tonditions ot the Iranchise. Rates for premlum services ARTItLE lCll I.
<br /> fixiures ii desires upon the poles and fixtures of Group may be raised by Grwp W to the extent oi the increase pDMINISTRATION AND ADYISORY BODY
<br /> W. ' in the tonsumer price Intlex. Any increase in ratgs in SECTION i. ADMINISTRATOR -
<br /> SECTION B. WRITTEN NOTICE excess o( the Consumer Price Index musi be lustified to The City Adminisiralor oi the City's designee shali h2
<br /> All notices shall be delivered in writing fo the offices City pursuanf to sfandards antl procedures provided for responsible for the admioistratian of the franchise.
<br /> of City and the Ixal anA New York offices of Group W. in Setlion d. The City retains the right fo review the SECTION Y. ADYISORY BODY SECTION 9. RIGNTS OF INpfVIDUALS performance and technological upgradin9 of the The City may appoin} an aelvisory bodY Ta monitor
<br /> Mo signals shall 6e frensmittetl from the su6suiber System. Group W shall exercise its besf efforis To perlormance of Group W in executing the provisinns of
<br /> terminal excepf as required to provide service maintain a modern, state-ofihe-art System which is the franchise.
<br /> authorized by the teanchise and the wbsviber. Im comparahle to oiher operating cable television sysfems gECT10N DELEGATION OF AUTNORITY BY CITY
<br /> furmafion (rom subscriber terminals may rwf be similarfy situafed. The City may delegate af any time its righis or
<br /> gafhered or stored without the express written per SECTION 5. FRANCHISE RENEWAL - obligations under the franchise fo any body or
<br /> mission of the subscrioer. The ferms and canditions of The franchise may be renewed at any time for a organixation. -
<br /> the written authorixation are induded in this section, period ot up fo ten years or on a year to year basis at the
<br /> SECTION 10. tERTIFICATE OF CONFIRMATIOK tliscretion of the Cify. ARTICLE %IV.
<br /> Group W musf obrain a regular certificate of con- ARTICLE V11: (Reserved) JOINT SYSTEM, ACtEPTANCE, firmation from the Minnesota State Cable Baard. ARTICLE VIIY. INCORWORATION OF OFFERING,
<br /> NETWORK The City refains all rfgYits ol indemnifiwtion, in- . tended to be part of a joint system which serves the
<br /> A SysTem wpable of providing at leasf 107 down- surance, letter of cred4t or bond as provided in the cJtiesof Arden Hills, Falcon Heighis, Lauderdale, Litfle
<br /> siream channels shall be consiructed punuanf to the franchise. , Canatla, Mounds View, New Brighfon. North Oaks,
<br /> condifions of the proposal of Group W. SECTION 2: iNDEMNiFICATION AND INSURANCE Roseville, St. Anthony antl Shorevlew, Minnesofa, and
<br /> SECTION 4. PICTURE QUALITY AND TECNNICAL faroup W shall fully indemnify, defentl and hold that Group W shall compW wifh aN ten franchises of the
<br /> -REQUTAEMENTS harmless, City and all oi its agents and employees from above menfioned citfes.
<br /> Group W will be required to Transmit an undistorted liability and judgmenis lor damages in connecfion witri: SECTION TIME OF ACCEPTANCE; GUARANTEE;
<br /> signal to 1he subscriber, and further to comply with all Demage fo personsor properry, any daim arising out of INCORPOj2AT10N OF OPFERING; EXHIBITS
<br /> txhnical standards of their proposal and Federal the franchise, Group W's failure to comply with Groop W shall accept the franchise pursuanf to the
<br /> Communications Commission requiremenis, provfsions of the frenchise, or any daim Group W may procedures included in fhis section. The proposal of
<br /> SEtt10N 7. TWO-WAY CAPACITY have ayainsl City. Group W to the ten cities shall be incorporoted by
<br /> Group W shzll initially activate a twa-way capable SECTION 3. INSURANCE referenceintoihefranchise.5ummariesofihepropasa!
<br /> system. Group W shall mainiain liability insurance Por the shall be avaflable in the of(ICe of the Cify Clerk, the
<br /> SECT40N 4. FApUT1E5 entire term of the franchise lor amouMS as specified in public IiOraries, the local oHice of Group W, and the
<br /> Group W shall consfruct its facilfties as set forth in ifs the franchise and pursuant to the minimum office of any schoal disfrid in the City. The exhibits io
<br /> proposal to the CiTy, . requirements of tnis section. the franchlse are: Exhibit A- Group W scriedule ot
<br /> SECTION S. 5PECIAL CHANNEL AND pCCE55 SEC710N 4. LE7TER OF CREDIT rafes; fxnibit B- Form G, pape 2 of 40 (Group W's
<br /> REpUIREMENTS Group W shall maintain an irrevocable and un- anticipated sy4lem prowih and rate increase projec-
<br /> The System shall wrry broadcast stations, an cnntlirional Letter of Credit. 7he Letter of Cretlit shall tions); Exhibit C- the olfering (proposaU of Group W;
<br /> emerBency overritle channel and 17 spscial access - provide Mat funds be paid to the City upon demand by ExhitriT b- Group W lefter to the North Suburban
<br /> channels indutling pu6lic (4), eduwtional, gnvernment, the City pursuanf to the procedures and minimum Cable Commission dafed April 1, 1982.
<br /> leasetl (5), regional, religious, senlor citizens, library, requiremenls of this settion. This settion furiher 7peordinancewaspa5sedantlatlopteCThel3thdayof ~
<br /> . higher education, public xhooi (Z), anC a private Sctrool provides minimum amoums for penalties such as September, 1984.
<br /> access. The Eranchise tletails specHic acceu rules failure to construct the sysTem and leilure to co,mpty {gyllelin: Sept. 43, 1982)
<br /> which must be tleveloped OX Graup W. . with fernls ano canditions of the fraachise. Said - ' „
<br />