<br />
<br /> a
<br /> SECTION 6. INSTITUTIONAL NETWORK penaNies may he assessed against Group W b City
<br /> Ttle System shalt indude a separate institutional end collected directly from ihe LMter of Creo.r. The
<br /> reefwork which will permit 38 separate felevision Letter o( Credit must be maintained pursuant to the
<br /> channels to be sent fo each institution and 16 channels to Procedures and requiremeqts of this sectlon.
<br /> be returned. SECTION S. BONDS
<br /> SECTiON 7. SERVICE TO PUBLIC BUIIDINGS AMD Group W must maintaln wifh the Cify a bpnd con-
<br /> EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ditioned upon the faithful performance Gy Group W of
<br /> Group W will provitle institutional network service to the IranChise, antl turiher conditioned upon the term5
<br /> at least 83 instiTUtions listed in Seetion 7 0( {fie franchise. and requiremeMS of ihis section.
<br /> The System servinq the cities of Arden Hills, Falcon DEFAULT
<br /> Heighfs, Lauderdale, Litile Canada, Mounds View, New SECTION 1. NOTICE AND DEFAULT
<br /> Brighfon, Norih Oaks, RosevHlp, St. Anihnny antl CifyshallnotityGroupWinwritinqoFviolationsofthe
<br /> Shoreview snall be completely inTePCOnnected. The rranchise. Group W shaN Rave ihirly daYS fo cure such
<br /> System shaN also be consiructed so ihat other systems default, or be subject to the prxedures of this secti0n
<br /> noworhereaftercnnsirudedindnyareaadjacent tothe leading to termination of tAe iranchise.
<br /> System may be interconnected. SECTION 7. CROSS DEFAULT
<br /> SECTION 9. NARROWCASTING If Group W is io tlefauli W any of the franchises M the
<br /> ihe System shali be capable of sentling programs to citiesot Arden Mills, Falcon HelBhfs, Lauderdale, Little F
<br /> each community separately so ihal the resideMS a( one Canada, Mounds View, New 9riphton, NortA Oaks, !
<br /> community may v'rew a given program while af the Roseville, St. Anihony and Slwrevlew, Minnesota, any'
<br /> same time, resitlents of anofher communify may wafch one of fhase cities may declare Graup W In QefaWt of all i
<br /> d4flerent programming at the same time on the same fen franchise;.
<br /> - The sfandartl VMP channel 6 is designated for AND ABANDONMENT
<br /> unNorm reQional channel usage. SEtT10N 1. FORECLOSURE
<br /> ARTICLE IV. - Upon the Soreclosure or judkial sale of the System,
<br /> SERVICES AND PROGRAMMING, the provisions of the franchise governiny consenf M
<br /> SUBSCRIBER CqN7RACT5, COMPLAINTS transfer or change in ownership shall appiy.
<br /> '
<br /> SECTION 1. SEFVICES AND PROGRAMMING SECTION 2. RECEIVERSNIp Programming shall be provided as specified in the City shall have the right to Cdncel the francAlse 140
<br /> proposal of Group W. ProgremminB shall ne added and daysaffer iheappoiniment of a r@ce{verortrustee.
<br /> deleted pursuant ro the procedures of Section 1. SECTION 3. ABANDONMENT Geoup W may not abandon any portion of the SYSfem.
<br /> , - SECTION Y. INTERRUP710N OF SERVECE AND qny such abandonmenY may be deemed a cause for I
<br /> ORDINANCE N0. 776 SUMMARY COMPLAIN75 terminafion o1 the (renchise. ~
<br /> Final Franchise Service shall not be interrupted unless ahsolatety AR7ICLE XI. NorTh Suburban necessary. Ii service is interrupted tor more than 48 pURCHASE OF THE SYSTEM
<br /> Cabl¢ Communications Commission hours, subscriber shall be cretlited pro-rata for such SECTION 1, GENERAL
<br /> An ordinance, including addendum with exhibifs, interruption. An office shall be maintained in the area The Section providesfor the City's riBht fo purthase a
<br /> grantiny a franchise to Group W Cable of the North anO shell he capable of receivinp complainis and system, either pursuanf to the terms antl contlitionsof e
<br /> buburbs, Inc., a Minnesora cotpnratton (herelnafter requesfs for repalrs or adiustmenta at any time aeven pona fioe purchaxe offer which Group W Is wllling to
<br /> "Group W") to operete ana malntain a cable com~ days per week. This sedion furfher tletails subscriber accept reqartlin9 the system, or in the evenf of for
<br /> municatiMls sysrem in the City ot Arden HIliS settinp cOmplaint procEdures. feiture, revocati0n or Terminetion of the franchiaer,
<br /> forth contlitlons accampanyinq the granT oi franchiee; ARTfCLE V. SECTION 2. PROCEDURES
<br /> providing for regulaflon and use of the system; and CONSTRUCTION, INITIAL SERVICE AREA, The procedures for the City's ele[tion fo exercise its
<br /> pres[rlDinfl Ppnalties lor the vialafion of its prpvisions. . IINE EXTENSItlN AND right ]p purchase the System arE cqntelnrd In thls -
<br /> STATEMENT OF 1NiENT ANO PURPOSE; FIN- CONi7RUCTION STANOARDS seclioa The procepure provldes tor City's riqht to ac-
<br /> DINGS. SECTION 1. INI71pL SERVICE AREA cept the terms of a pending purchase offer, or the ap-
<br /> The Cify of Arden Hills (hereinafter "City") adopfs a All areas containing tlwell5ng units within the city poinYment Of an arbitration panel fo esfablish the terms
<br /> cable television franchise to bring about the develop- shall be consiructed as the initial service area. and conditions of the purchase of the sysfem.
<br /> ment o( a eable felevision system and the wntinued SECTION 7. LINE EXTENSION POLICY AR7ICLE XII.
<br /> operation of it to better facilitate the communitafions Service shall be extentled to ihose areas not in the MISCELLANEOUS
<br /> needs of residents o( the City and fo better utilize and initial service area puesuant fo the formula nf Section 4. SECTION t. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OR
<br /> improve public services. The City Council found Group SEC710N 3. CONSTRUC710N TIMETABLE CONTROL
<br /> W's iechnicel abilily, finandal contlltion, legal Graup W shall construct substantially all areas of the Ownership in the system may nof be iransferred
<br /> qualifieeflons, and ch2racter to be apprapriaTe fo inifial service area which coniain dwelling units within vufftwuf the prior written consent of the Ciiy. 7be
<br /> consfruct and operafe a cable television system wiMin eighteen moMhs ot the granting of the Siate Certfficate procetlures for notifying the City of the iransfer oi
<br /> City. of Coniirmation. Delays in wnstruction shell resulT in ownersAip, and City evaluation of saitl frensfer, are
<br /> ARTICLE 1. penalties provided by the Iranchise. pravided for in this section.
<br /> The Ordinance shall be known and cited as the Cable Group W shall comply with all constrodion standards REVOCATION
<br /> Communications Ordinance. Tne deflnition secfion of the franchise as well as all appfiwble laws, or 7he City shall have the right fo require Group W to
<br /> includes 27 terms which are defined for the purpose of dinances, rules, re9ulations and codes, federal, state - remove, a1 Group W's expense, all or any portlon of the
<br /> the franchise. antl local. ARTICLE II. SECTION S. CONDI710N5 ON USE System within Cify upon the revocation or termination
<br /> GRANT OF AUTHORITY of the (ranchise pursuant to the terms and procedures of
<br /> . Group W may rrof, in i!s consfrudion of the Sysiem, ihis secfion. AND GENERAI PROVISIONS intertere wifh any gas, eledric ar television lixiure, SEC710N WORK PERFORMED BV OTHERS
<br /> SECTION 1. GRANT OF FRANCXIS£ ANO AC• water hydrant or main, or sewer line. ` Group W must iMorm th2 CitY of the names and ad-
<br /> CEPTANCE SzcYion 5 a5o p; ovides proceduree tor the raising and dresses ot any entity other ihan Group W wtiich shalf
<br /> The City granfs in Group W Cable a ran-exclusive lowering of lines, irimming o( trees, and the recognition periorm Services pursuant to the francAise.
<br /> Iranchiseto be properly executed and acknowledged by of potential liability for persons damaging Group W SECTION a. GENERAL PROYISION ON RIGMT5 AND
<br /> . Group W and delivered to City. Group W shall deposif facilities. REMEDIES wifh City a nom-refundable acceptance fee for the ARTICLE VI. All remetlies and righis 9iven to CiTy by the franchise
<br /> purpose of deferring the casfs and expenses at SY57EM'OPERA710N5 are in addition to any other rights which Cify mighf
<br /> tlevelopment of the Iranchise. Security tleposits, letfers SECTION 1. INFORMATIOH AVAILABILITY otnerwise have regarding the SySTem or Group W.
<br /> M credit, certificafes o( insurance, bonds, antl City shall nave the righf of reasonable access fo SECTION S. APPLICABLE LAWS AND COURT
<br /> organixational and creation documents of the company Group W's records. DECISIONS: SEVERABILITY
<br /> musi be delivered to City. SECTION 2: SERVIGE CONTRACT - Tlie Iranchise musi at all times be in compllance wifh
<br /> SECTION 1. AUTHORITY GRANTED If Group W mainfains a service confracT with sub- 1he rules of the Minnewta Sfate Cable Boartl and all
<br /> The Uty grants to Group W permiSSion to use the scribers, the form of 5aitl contract is aetailed in Section laws, ordinances ana regulaflons of federal, state and
<br /> sireets for erectin9, consiructing, operatinp antl 2, city government relafinB to the eahle teievislon sy4lem
<br /> maintaining the ca61e communications system. SEtTION 7. SUBSCRIBER PRACTICES antl the franchi3e. If any provision of this franchise i5
<br /> SECTION 3. AGREEMENT There shall be no charge for Uisconnecfion of any declared invalid or void, that section may be xvered
<br /> Group W agrees to be bound by all terms of the installafion or autlet. Seciion 3 also defails Group W's from the franchise wifh the remaintnp settions in full
<br /> irentbise and io provide all services set (orfh fn its righf to disconnecf for faiWre to pey the monihly suh- force and effect. If the City determines fhat a prOVis7on
<br /> proposal fo Cily, scriber fees. oi the Iranchise is affeciRC by Idw, ortlinance or
<br /> SECTION C. FRANCMISE TERM SECTION 4. FRANCFi1SE FEES, RATES, CHARGES, repulation, City shall heve the ripht To amend, modify,
<br /> ThefranUiseshallbeforal5year ferm. CHANGES IN FEES AND PROCEDURES elter or repeal any provlsions of Thefranchlse ta such
<br /> SECTION S. AREA Throu9houl the ferm o( the frenchise, Group W shall reasonable exfenl as necessary fo carry oui the in-
<br /> Thefranchiseisgrantetlforfhe munitipal6aundaries pay fo City an annual fee of 5 percent ot all grnss tended purposes ot ihe iranchise.
<br /> of the entire City. revenues. The rafes provided in the franchise shall be SECTION Z GRAN7EE ACKNOWLED6EMENT OF
<br /> SECTION A. POLItE POWERS guaraMeedfor 3 years after the franchfse is certifled by ypLIDlTY OF FRANCHISE Group W's righis are subjecf to the police powers ol the Board or uMil one year after completion of com Group W acknowledges that it has reviewetl the
<br /> the City. struction inthe initial servicearea, whichever is longer. tranchise and ihat under currenf law Group W belir,res
<br /> SECTIOH L USE OF GRANTEE FAGLITIES BaslcratesshallberegWatedpursuanttoihefermsand ihat the franrhise is rwt unreasonableor arbRrary.
<br /> The City nas the righf fo insfall and maintain any condltionsot ihelranchise. Ratesforpremium services ARTICLE XII1. fixtures il desires upon the poles and fixtures of Group may be raised by Group W fo the extent of the increase ADMINISTRATION AND ADVISORY BODY
<br /> W. • in the Consumer Price Index. Any increase in rafes in SECTION 1. AOMINISTRATOR SECTION B. WRITTEN NOTICE excess ot the Consumer Price intlex must be iustifietl to The City AdminisTrator or the City's designee shafi he
<br /> All nofices shall be delivered in writing to the offices City pursuanf to standards and procedures provitled for responsi6le for the adminisiration of the frdnchise.
<br /> ot City and the local and New York offices of Group W. in Sedion 4. The City retains the right to review the SECTION 1. ADVISORY 60DY , SECTION 9. RIGHTS OF INDIVIDUALS peHormante antl technological upgrading of the The City may appoiN ae advisory budy to monitor
<br /> No signals shall be transmitied irom the su65crtber Syslem. Group W sDall exerdse ifs besi efforfs to perlormance oF Group W in exewting the provisions of
<br /> terminal except as required to provide service maintain a modern, sfafe-olihe-arT System which is the franchise.
<br /> aufhorixed by the franchise antl the wbscriber. Im comparable fo ofnrr operating cable ielevlslon sysiems SEC710N J. QELEGA710N OF AUTMORITY BY GITY
<br /> formaTion (rom suGscriber terminals maY not be similarW sifuated. The City may delegate at any time fis righis or
<br /> gathered or stored without the express wriiten per- SECTION S. FRANCHISE RENEWAL - obligations under the (renchise to any body or
<br /> mission of the subscriber. 7hB terms and wnditions of The franchise may te renewed al any fime ior a organixation. the written authorization are inclutled in fhis section, periad of up to ten yearsoron a year to year basis ai the
<br /> SECTION 10. CER7IFICATE OF COHFIRMATION discretion of the City. AR7ICLE XIV.
<br /> Group W must obfain a regular cerfilicate af com ARTICLE VIC (Reserved) JOINT SYSTEM, ACCEPTANCE, -
<br /> ftrmafion from the Minnesofa Sfate Cable Board. ARTICLE VIIG INCOR"PORATION OF OFFERIN6,
<br /> SECTIQN I. CHANNEL CAPACITY - SUBSCRIBER SECTION 1. GENERAL This Sedion acknowledges fhat the Sysfem is in-
<br /> NETWORN The City retains all righis of indemnification, in- . Iended to be part of a joinf system which serves the
<br /> A System capable o( providing at least 107 dowm surance, letter oi credit or bond as provided in the
<br /> cJtiesof Arden Hills, Falcon Hei9hts, Lauderdale, Liflle
<br /> siream channels sball be constructed punuant to the franchise. Canada, Mounds View, New Brfghton, North Oaks,
<br /> contlitions of the praposal of Group W. SEC710N 2: INDEMNIFlCATION AND INSURANCE Roseville, Sf. Anthony and Shoreview, Minnesota, and -
<br /> SECTION 7. PICTURE OUALITY AND TECHNICAL Group W shaq fully indemnify, defend and hold mat Grwp W shall comply with all fen franchlaes af the
<br /> REOUIREMENTS harmless, City and atl of its agents and employees from above menfioned dties.
<br /> Group W will be required ro transmit an undistorted liabilify and jutlgments for damages in connection with: SEC710N 1. TIME OF ACCEPTANCE; GUARANTEE;
<br /> signal to the subscriber, and further to comply with all Damage to persons or property, any claim arising out of INCORPORATION OF OFFERING; EXHIBITS
<br /> fechnital standards of their proposal and Federal the franchise, Group W's failure to comply with Group W shall accept the franchise pursuant to the
<br /> Communications Commission requiremenfs. provisfons of the franchise, or any claim Group W may procedures indutled in fhis secllon. The prpposal ol
<br /> SECTION 3. TWO-WqY CAPACI7Y have agairtsT City. Group W ro the ten dties shall be incorporoted by
<br /> Group W shall iniTially activafe a two-way capable SEGTION 3. IN54RANCE relerence inlolhefranchise.5ummariesoftheproposal
<br /> system. - Group W shall malnfain Iiabiiity insurance for the shall be available in the otiYce of the City Clerk, the
<br /> SECTION 4. FACILITlES entire term of the Iranchise tor amounfs as specitied in public lihraries, the local office of Group W, and the
<br /> Group W shall consiruct iis facilities as set lorth in its the franchise and pursuant to the minimum Qifice of any school disirid in the City. The exhiWts to
<br /> proposal fo the City. requiremenis of this seciion. the iranchise are: ExAibit A- Group W schedule ot
<br /> SECTION S. SPECIAL CMANNEL AND ACCESi SECTION 4. LETTER OF CREDIT retes; Exhibit B- Form G, page 4 uf 70 (Group W's
<br /> REqUIREMENTS Group W shall maintain an irrevocable and um anticipated sysfem growih and rate increase projec-
<br /> The System shall carry broadca5t stattons, ao conGiiional Letter oi Credit, The Leiter of Credit shall fions); Exhibit C - the offering (proposal) oi Group W;
<br /> emergency overrlde channel and 17 Spvcial access provide ihat funds be paid Yo the City upon demantl by Exhibit D- Group W letler to the Nortb Suburban
<br /> ch3nnela irtclud7ng public (4), etlocatiortal, gavernmetif, the City pursuani to the procedures and min)mum Cable Commission dated April l, 1982.
<br /> leased (3), regional, religious, senior cititens, 4ibrary, requiremeMs o( fhis setlion. This section funher Tneordinance waspassedandatloptedihe131bdayoF ~
<br /> . highereducation,publicschaol(4),antlaprivateschool provide5 minimum amounts for penalties such as Septem6ef, 1984,
<br /> access. The franchise details Speclfic access roles failufe to construcf the system and failure fo co,mply (BWletin: Sept. 23, 198$)
<br /> w ic muat he dRvelQped by Group YY_ with -ferms anq eondiflons pf M
<br /> ,r franchlse. Seid
<br />