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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA for towing by anoTher vehicle and unfoitling at the campsite To provide <br /> - COUNTY OF RAMSEY temporary living quarTers for recreational, camping or Travel use. <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILLS 3.2( 8) "Double Wides." - Two (or more) mobile home uoniTS, separately towable <br /> Ordinance Na. but designed wiThout a permanenT foundaTion to be ioined inTO one integral <br /> 147 unit, capable of being again separated for repeaTed fowing (see also Sec. <br /> AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE LOCATION OF MOBILE HOMES tional House, and "Expandables"). <br /> AND ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND RULES OF OPERATION FOR 3.2( 9) "Ezpandables" - A mobile home containing a collapsible or Telescoping - <br /> MOBILE HOME COURTS, AND ESTABLISHING PENALTIES FOR VIO- uniT which meets highway towing sTandards when "closed;" expanded aT <br /> LATION. site ("pulled out like a bureau drawer To form a bay or an ell") for added <br /> The Village Council of the Village of Arden Hills does hereby ordain as fol- living space. <br /> lows: 3.2(10) Motor Home (Motorized Home). A vehicular siructure built on a self-pro- <br /> SEC710N 1.0 SHORT TITLE - pelled motor vehicle chassis, primarily designed to provide temporary <br /> This Ordinance shall be known, cited and referred To as the Arden Hills Mo- ' living quarters for recreational, camping or travel use. <br /> bile Home CourT, Ordinance, except as referred fo herein, where it shall be known 3.2(11) Prefabricated Housing. Conventional-Type housing for permanenT founda- <br /> as ihis Ordinance. tions, assembled and "finished" on site, from facTOry pre-canstructed sep- <br /> SECTION 2.0 INTENT AND PURPpSE arate secTions of walls, roofs, eTC., Typically lifted from-Trucks into place <br /> The intent and purpose of this Ordinance is to assure quality tlevelopmenT wiTh the aid of cranes. equal To that found in other Types of residenTial areas ihroughout the Village. Ex- 3.2(12) Sectional House. A factory-prefinished house designed for a permanent <br /> cellence of design, development and maintenance of mobile homes and mobile foundation which can include a full-depih basement, shipped in (normally <br /> home couris is the tlesired objective. The Village Council has the authority To vary two) completedsections,fastenedtogetherantl"finished"aTThesiTe. <br /> any o( the requiremenis of this Ordinance, provided iT acis wiThin the intent of the 3.2(13) Trailer, DependenT. A travel irailer which is depentlenT upon a service <br /> variance provisions as established in Ordinance No. 99, the Arden Hills Zoning 6uilding for toileT and lavatory facilities. . <br /> Ordinance, as amended. 3.2(14) Travel Trailer. A vehicular portable siructure, mbunTed on wheels, of such <br /> SECTION 3.0 - RULES AND DEFINITIONS size or weighT as noT To require special highway movemenT permits when <br /> 3.1 RULES drawn by a sTOCk passenger automobile, primarily designed and consiruct- <br /> 3.1( 1) No person, firm or corporation shall develop, operafe any mobile home ed to provide temporary living quarters for recreaTional, camping or <br /> court withouT having obtained a special use permiT, pursuant to }his Ordi- travel use. - <br /> nance. 3.2(15) Truck Camper. A portable structure, designed To be loaded onto, or affixed <br /> 3.1( 2) No person shall park or occupy a mobile home on any land situated out- to, the bed or chassis of a truck, consirucTed fo provide temporary living <br /> sideanapprovedmobilehomecourT,subiectTOthef011owingexceptions: quarters for recreafion, camping or Travel use. <br /> (a) Temporary maintenance of a mobile home for business purposes on the SECTION 4.0 MOBILE HOME COURT REQUIREMENTS <br /> business premises or adjacent property where the mobile home is used 4.1 A mobile home court shall contain area sufficient to accomodate at least <br /> in connectian wifh work on the premises. 150 mobile home lots, plus recreational areas and sireeTS as required by <br /> (b) Use of the mobile home as a temporary dwelling on premises where ihis Ordinance. Prior To occupancy of any mobile home in such court at <br /> - the occupanis of the home are consTructing, reconsiructing or alTering least 50 mqbile home stands must be fully developed as required by the <br /> a permanenT siructure. provisions of This Ordinance, including all required auxiliary builtlings and <br /> . (c) Permits for such excepted mobile home use may be issued by the other areas. Building Inspector for a period noT to exceetl 90 days if the conditions 4.2 All uTilities, such as sewer, water, fuel, eleciric, Telephone and television <br /> stated herein appear to his reasonable saTisfaction, but any renewal of antenna lead-ins, shall be buried To a depih specified by the Village En- <br /> such a permiT shall require approval of the Village Council, iT being 9ineer, and ihere shall be no overhead wires. Allutility connections shall <br /> the intenT of the Council ThaT extensions should be granTed only in un- - be approved by the Village priar ta connecTion. Plans for the disp05al of <br /> usual and emergency situations requiring a brief exTension. surfacestormwaTershallbeapprovedbylheVillageEngineer. <br /> 3.7( 3) The following are prohibited with respecT to a mobile home properly lo- 4.3 A111and areas shall be adequately drained and properly maintained free of <br /> caTed, eifher temporarily or permanently: tlust, refuse, garbage, rubbish or debris. The proposed method of garbage, <br /> removal of wheels Therefrom, consTruction of a pe[manent foundation or waste and Trash disposel must be approved by the Village and musT con- <br /> endosure Thereunder. ° form to the regulaTions of the State PolluTion ConTrol Agency. Refuse col- <br /> lection stands shall be provided for all refuse conTainers. Such stands shall <br /> In addition, consTruction of any additions to the mobile homes to pro. be so designed so as to prevent containers from being tipped, to minimize <br /> vide exira floor space is prohibited unless the atldiTions are provided by a spillage and container deterioration, and to faciliTaTe cleaning around ihem. <br /> manufacturer and specifically designed for use with mobile homes, but The storage, collection and disposal of refuse in the mobile home court <br /> subject to the ofher provisions of ihis Ordinance and other applicable ordi. shall be so conducfed as to create no health hazards, rodent harborage, <br /> nances wiTh respecT to seTback and similar maTters. insectbreedingareas,accidentorfirehazardsorairpolluTion. <br /> 3.1( 4) A mobile home shall noT be used as a permanenT place of abode or as a 4.4 All mobile home courts shall have one or more recreafional areas which <br /> permanent dwelling unless iT is properly connected fo a municipal wafer shall be easily accessible to a!I court resitlenTS. Recreafional areas shall <br /> supply and a municipal sanitary sewer sysTem. AIl water and sewer sys- be so located as To be free of iraffic hazards and should, where the top- <br /> - tems shall be consTructed in accordance with plans and specificaTions ap- ography permiTS, be cenirally locaTed. The recreational area shall be a <br /> proved by the Village Engineer. minimum of 10 percent of the land area of the enTire courT. All equipment <br /> The ordinances of Artlen Hills wifh respect to required Time of connections insTalled in such an area shall be owned and maintained by the owner or <br /> either To the municipal water system or the municipal sanitary sewer sys- operaTOr aT his own expense. <br /> tem are superseded by This provision, it being the inTent of the Council 4.5 All water supply and sanitation facilities musT conform to the current <br /> - That municipal water and sanitary sewer connections to mobile home recommendations of the Minnesota Depariment of Health. Fire hydranTs <br /> couris shall be made as a part of iheir original consirucTion. shall be provided as required by the V illage Engineer, and approved by <br /> 3.2 DEFINITIONS the Fire Chief. <br /> 3.2( 1) Mobile Home. Any type ofTransportable structure or vehicle nof drawn by 4.6 All mobile home courts shall have an area or areas set aside for dead <br /> iTS own power with permanently aTTached undercarriage and wheels which storage. The sTOrage area shall be screened. <br /> is designed, consiructed, and equipped for use as a single family dwelling 4.7 A landscaped area with minimum depth of 50 feeT shall be maintained <br /> place, living abode, or living quarters, suiTable for occupancy during the around the perimeter of each mobile home court. In addition Thereto, all <br /> entire year, which canTains the same waTer supply, waste disposal, and mobile home couris shall be provided wiTh five foot (59 high fences and <br /> electrical conveniences as immobile housing. It is the intention of the natural growih along the properTy boundary lines, not less Than 2'6" at <br /> Council That ihis definition shall include "mo6ile homes" as defined in the Time of planting. <br /> Sec. 327.14, Subd. 2 of Minnesota Statutes Annotatetl. 4.8 No mobile home lot shall have direcT access to a public street. Each mo- <br /> 3.2( 2) Mobile Home Lot. A parcel of land for the placement of a single mobile bile home lot within a mobile home courT shall abut on and have ac- <br /> homeforTheexclu5iveuseofiheoccupanTSOfsaidmobilehome. cess To a privaTe road used by.ihe inhabitanis of the court and built and <br /> 3.2( 3) Mobile Home Court. Any premises on which are parked two or more oc- mainTained by the owner ihereof. This road shall have a paved surface <br /> cupied mobile homes, but This definition shall exclude sales lots on which aT leasT ihirty feet (30 ft.) in width from curb To curb and lead To and <br /> automobiles or unoccupied mobile homes, whether new or used, are parked furnish ingress and egress from a public STreeT Through controlled drive- <br /> for purposes of inspecTion or sale. ways which shall not be less Than twenty-four (24) feeT in widTh. The pri- <br /> 3.2( 4) Mobile Home Stand. The part of an individual mobile home loT which has vate roads shall be paved wiTh a concrete or biTUminous material comply- <br /> been reserved for placement of the mobile home, appurTenant sTructures, ing wiTh the specificaTions for the construction of any village residenTial - <br /> or addiTions. sireet. <br /> 3.2( 5) Trailer. Any vehicle or siructure designed and used for human living The operation of motor vehicles on such private roads wiThin a mobile <br /> quarters which meeTS all of the following qualifications: home couri shall be subiect to the Highway Traffic Regulation Act of the <br /> a. IsnotusedasfhepermanenTresidenceoftheowneroroccupant; StaTe of MinnesoTa as adopTed by Ordinance of the Village of Arden Hills, <br /> b. Is used for temporary living quarters by the owner or occupanT while not withstanding the provision Therein excluding iTs operation upon private <br /> engaged in recreational or vacation acTiviTies; roads. <br /> (c) Is towed or ofherwise TransporTed, by its own or by other motor pawer <br /> on the public sfreets or highways incidenTal to such recreational or va qll such private roads shall be adequately lighted for the purpose of pro. <br /> - <br /> cation activities. tecting vehicular iraffic Thereon and pedestrian use ihereof. <br /> •3.2( 6) Trailer Parks. A park, court, camp siTe, lot, parcel or TracT of land design- 4.9 Sireet righT-of-ways shall not be less ihan sixTy (60) feet in widih. <br /> ed, maintained or intended for the purpose of supplying the IocaTion or 4.10 A concreTe curb and gutTer shall be consirucTed on each side of the road. <br /> accommodations for any irailers, as defined herein, and upon which said ThecurbandgutTershallcomplywilhallapplicableVillageordinances. <br /> irailers are parked. The Term "irailer park" shall include all buildings 4.11 A concrete sidewalk noT less fhan forty-eight (48) inches wide shall be con- <br /> used or inTended for use as a part of the equipment ihereof whether a siructed adjacent to the concrete curb (or a curb and sidewalk combina- <br /> chargeismadeforiheuseoftheparkanditsfacilitiesornot. tion, forty-eight (48) inches in width). This sidewalk shall be connecTed <br /> 3.2( 7) Camping Trailer. (or Folding Tent Trailer) - A vehicular portable siruc- to each unit enirance by a concrete walk not less ihan thirty-six (36) <br /> ture mounted on wheels and consiructed wiTh collapsible partial side walls inches in widTh. , <br /> of fabric, plastic or oTher pliable material which are adapted for falding 4.12 Each mobile home courT musf have one or more central communiTy build- <br />