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<br /> _J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ings with ceniral heating which must be maintained in a Safe, clean and 6.4 It is the purpose of ihis Ordinance to restrict occupancy of mobile homes <br /> saniTary condition. Said buildings shall be adequately IighTed during all to-ihe owners of such mobile homes, on the basis ihat owner-occupancy <br /> hours of darkness and shall contain laundry washers, dryers and drying is more likely to result in a well-maintained mobile home. Accordingly, <br /> areas and public telephones, in addiTion fo public toilets and lavatory. Toi- all mobile homes in Arden Hills shall be owner-occupietl and no mobile <br /> let faciliTies shall comply with requiremenTs of the Minnesota Deparim¢nt home may be inhabited by more Than one family. Unoccupied mobile <br /> of Health. homes musT be removed feom the court wiThin nineTy (90) days afTer ihey <br /> Each court shall have a building for the use of the operator distinctly become unoccupied. . <br /> marked "office" and such marking shall be illuminated during all hours Of , 6.5 Village employees, in[luding particularly police, building inspectors, healTh <br /> darkness. An illuminaTed map of the court shall be displayed at the offlCe. inspecTOrs, and the like, shall be permittetl in the mobile home court at all <br /> • Times for the purposes of making any inspections under ihis <br /> AIl ot said buildings must be consirucTed to meet exisiing Village code& reasonable Ordinance or other aI~cable ordinances or sTate laws. <br /> and shall provide below-grade storm shelters to house all mobile home 6.6 The area beneath allpmobile homes shall be enclosed with a normal exter- <br /> (mcouirtnimum). residenTs, providing fifteen (15) square feet for each mobile home ior material ihaT Shall be generallY uniform Through the entire mobile <br /> home courT except ihat such an enclosure musT be so consiructed ihat iT <br /> PorTable fire extinguishers, as approved by the Fire Chief, shall be kept is sublect to reasondhle inspecTion. <br /> in atl service buildings. 6.7 Campers, camping Trailers, moTOr homes, prefabricated home5, sectional <br /> 4.13 Fire extinguishers, as approved by the Fire Chief, shall be provided, houses, TenT irailers, dependent irailers, Travel irailers, or truck campers <br /> maintained and locaTed in each mobile home. - shall rmT be located 6n any mobile IoT. <br /> 4.14 A careTaker musT be on duTy aT all times in the mobile home court. The SECTION 7.0 . ADMINISTRATION <br /> operator of every mobile home court.shall maintain a regisfer in the of- , 7,1 Procedure - <br /> fice of the court, indicating the name and address of each current The procedural requiremenis of this Ordinance Shall be the same a5 fhose <br /> resident of said courT and the make, type, license and serial number of established in Ordinance No. 99; SecTion V, subsection C., for the consid- <br /> each mobile home and automobile of each currenT residenT, and the daTe eration of a Special Use Permit. <br /> of arrival of each mobile home on the premises. The corners of each lot 7,2 ppplications <br /> shall be marked with surveyor's irons, and each lot shall be numbered. The applicaTion for a Special Use Permit under the provisions of this Ord- <br /> 4.15 In addition fo the required off-sireet parking for each mobile home IoT, inance shall include the name and address of the developer and a descrip- <br /> ihe mobile home court shall provide and mainTain a paved off-sireef park- Tion of the consfruction schedule and consTruction cost. The application <br /> ing lot for guesis of occupanis. shall be accompanied by six (6) copies of all plans and shall indicaTe: <br /> 4.16 No dogs or animals shall be permitted to run at large wifhin a mobile 7,2( 1) Locafion and size of mobile home court. <br /> home court. No public address or loud speaker sysTem shall be permitted. 7.2( 2) Location, size, and fopography of all mobile home lots, mobile home <br /> There shall be no outdoor camping anywhere in the mobile home couFt and stands, storage areas, reereation areas, roadways, parking spaces and siTes <br /> no tenis shall be erected or occupied. - and all 5etback dimensions. <br /> 4.17 NofrailersshalloccupyanyloTinamobilehomepark. 7.2( 3) Detailed lantlscaping plans and specificaTions. - <br /> 4.18 AdverTising of the mobile home court on the premises shall be limited to . 7,2( 4) Location and width of sioewalks. <br /> one name plate sign conTaining the court name, which plate shall not ex- 7,2( 5) Plans for sanitary seWd9e disposal, surface drainage, waTer systems, eiec- <br /> ceed -TwenTy-five (25) square feet, wiTh lighiing, heighTs and location as irical service, telephone 5ervice and gas service. <br /> approved by the Village wiTh a twenty-five (25) foot set-back from any 7,2( 6) Plans for an overhead sireet IighTing system shall be submitted for ap- <br /> lot line. proval by the Village Engineer. <br /> SECTION 5.0 MOBILE HOME SITE REQUIREMENTS 7.2( 7) The meTbod of disposing of garbage and refuse. 5.1 Minimum Requiremenis . 7.2( 8) Lowtion and size of all streeTS abutTing the mobile home court and aN <br /> Lof Area perdwelling unit: 9000squarefeeT driveways from sucM sireets to the courT. <br /> - Lot WidTh: 75feeT 7,2( q) Plans and specificaiions for all road consTrocTion eiTher within the court - <br /> LotDepih: 100feet or directly related fo eourt operation. <br /> Front Yard Seiback: 30feet 7.2(10) Floor plans and elevations of all buildings To be consTructed within the <br /> Side Yard Setback: 10 feet mobile home couri. Rear Yard Setback: 25feef 7,2(11) Detailetl descripTipn of maintenance procedures and grounds supervision. <br /> 5.2 . An accessory sfructure, incfuding but not IimiTed to, awnings, sTOrage cab. 7.2(12) Complete data as TQ dwelling unit sizes and ratios of uniTs to total lot <br /> inets, carporis or porches, shall be considered to be part of the mohile Space. home for the purposes of al I seTback requirements. 7.2(13) Such other information as may be required or requesfed by the Village. <br /> 5.3 The area occupied by sTrucTUres shall not exceed Twenty-five (25) percent 7.3 PermiT Fees. <br /> of the Total area of a mobile home loi. The lot may be occupied by a mo- 7,3( 7) The fee for the Special Use PermiT on a mobile home-court shall be the <br /> bile home, an accessory building, a carport, an awning, and a sTOrage - standard fee established by Ordinance No. 99, the Zoning Ordinance, as <br /> closef or cupboard, all wiihin said iwenty-five (25) percent limitation. amended, plus a development fee of $10 for each mobile home lot in <br /> 5.4 Each mobile home siTe shall have iwo paved (concreTe or biTuminous) eff- the court, based upon the capacity of the courT as shown on the approved <br /> streeT parking spaces for automobiles. Each parking space shall be 71 Iedsf plans when the Specidl Use Permit is issued. This fee shall be paid before 300 square feet in size and shall not be locaTed within five (5) feet of the , issuance of the Special Use Permit and before any grading, excavation or <br /> side of any mobile home or wiThin five (5) feet of any lot line: The-drive. consiructionofanykilldisstartedonihecourisiTe. <br /> ways shall also be paved in simifar style. 7.3( 2) In addiTion to the Special Use Permit fee as provided herein, the owner or 5.5 Except for the areas usetl for the mobile home, patio, sitlewalk and off- operaTOr of a mobile home court shall pay a IocaTion fee of $10 for each sTreeT parking space, the entire remaining area of the mobile home lot mobile home priar t0 the parking of said mobile hOme in any mobile <br /> shall be sodded and maintained wiTh grass. At least Two (2) shade irees home court: This fee Shall be paid upon issuance af a completed location <br /> wiTh a minimum diameter of iwo (2) inches at the time of planTing shall permit for the mobile home pursuanT fo applications Therefor filed aT the <br /> be planted and maintained on each mobile home lot. Clerk-Adminisirator's pffice. <br /> 5.6 The mobile home STand shall consisT of reinforcetl concrete 51a4, 4 feet 7.3( 3) Inadditiontotheabovefees,ihenormalinSpecTionfeesshallbechargetl. <br /> longer and 2 feet wider ihan the mobile home and shall be con5lrucTed in SECTION 8.0 VIOLATIONS ANDPENALTIES <br /> such a way thaT it will not heave, shift, or settle unevenly under the 8,1 ViolaTion of ihis Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor and upon convicTion <br /> weighT of the mobile home, due to frost acTian, inadequate 9rainage, vi- ihereof shall be punishable by a fine of noT fo exceed 8300 or imprison- <br /> braTion or other force5 acting upon the sTand. (Piers shall also be consid- ment for a period of noT to exceed ninety (90) days for each offense or <br /> - ered suitable). both. Each day ihat the violation is permittetl to exisT shall cOnstiTute a <br /> 5.7 The mobile home stand shall be provitled wiTh anchors and fie-downs, such Separate offense. <br /> as casT-in-place concreTe foundations or runways, screw augers, arrowhead 8.2 In the event of a Violation or a threatened violation of This Ordinance, <br /> anchorsoroTherdevicesprovidingforsfabilityofihemabilehome. the Council, or any member thereof, in addiTion to oTher remedies, may <br /> - 5.8 Anchors and tie-downs shall be placed at leasT at each Corner of the mobile institute appropriaTe actions or proceedings to prevenT, resirain, correcT, <br /> home stand and each anchor shall be able to sustain a minimum tensile or abate such violations of Threatened violaTions. <br /> sirengih of Two ihousand eight hundred (2800) pounds. SECTION 9.0 EFFECTUATION <br /> 5.9 Each mobile home lot shall be served by a cenTral fuel supply system, 9.1 SeparabiliTy <br /> ' - such as natural gas or a cenTral L.P. sysfem. No separafe or private fuel 9.1( 7) If any court of tompetent IurisdicTion shall adludge any provision of this <br /> containers, such as fuel oil Tanks or L.P. fanks, shall be allowed in the Ordinance fo be invalid, such judgmenT shall not affect any other provi- <br /> mobile home court. Periodic inspecTions by Village personnel of the enTire sionsofihisOrdinancenatspecificallyincludedinsaidludgment. <br /> courT antl all iis facilities may be-acquired. Utility and heaTing facilities 9.1( 2) If any court of compeTent jurisdicTion shall adjudge invalid the applicafion <br /> shall be inspecTed at least once every six months. of any porTion of this Ordinance To a parTicular siructure or location, such <br /> SECTION 6.0 - STRUCTURAL REQUIREMENTS iudgment shall not affect the applicaTion of said provision to any other <br /> 6.1 Every sTructure shall be developed and maintained in a safe, approved, sTructureorlocationnatspecificallyincludedinsaitlludgment. <br /> and substantial manner. The exterior of each sTructure in a mobile home 9.2 Other Ordinances. This ordinance shall be considered supplementary To the <br /> court shall be kept in good repair, and shall be repainted or refinished at Zoning Ordinance - Ord. No. 99, and the Building Code - Ord. No. 93, as <br /> such reasonable times and in such reasonable manner as may be required both have been amended to-daTe. In case of inconsisTency between ihis <br /> . by the Village, iT being the intenT of ihis provision that the court shall not ordinance and any other ordinance, including Those just cited, ihis ordi- <br /> be permitted to present a run-down or shabby appearance. nance shall govern. <br /> 6.2 All siructures, oTher than the mobile home, shall require a building per- 9.3 Effective Date. <br /> mit. It is noT the inTent to ihis Ordinance to repeal or abrogate any part- 7his Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and affer its passage <br /> of the Village Building Code. The provisions of ihis Ordinance shall be en- andpublicationandpassedbyTheCOUncilthis30dayofAUgust, 1971. <br /> forced in addition to and in coniunction with the provisions of said Building Henry J. Crepeau, Jr. _ <br /> Code. - Mayor of the Village af Arden Hills <br /> 6.3 Mobile homes shallnot be located, or permitted To remain in Arden Hills ATtesT: <br /> unless ihey (a) conform to all requiremenis of the sTaTUTes of Minnesota, Lorraine E. StromquiST including particularly those in Chapter 327 of Minnesota Statutes AnnotaTed Clerk Adminisfrafor <br /> as amended; (b) are in sanitary condition; (c) are sirucTurally sound, (Bulletin: SepT. 16, 1971) particularly with respect to the safeTy and welfare of their occupants. <br />