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<br /> <br /> <br /> TRAFFIC § 26-33 <br /> Operate: To ride in or on and control the operation of a <br /> snowmobile. <br /> <br /> Operator: A peraon who operates or is in actual physicai <br /> control of a snowmobile. <br /> Owner: A person, other than a lien holder, having Lhe <br /> property in or title to a snowmobile and entitled to the use <br /> or possession thereof. ' <br /> Roadway: That portion of a highway improved, designed <br /> or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic. <br /> Snowmobile: A self-propelled vehicle deaigned for travel <br /> on snow or ice on a natural terrain steered by wheels, skia <br /> or runners. (Ord. No. 125, § 2, 12-$-69) <br /> Sec. 26-31. Compliance with statutes. <br /> <br /> It ahall be unlawful for any person to 'operate a <br /> snowmobile upon the traveled portion of any public street or <br /> highway egcept in compliance with sil pravisions and <br /> requirements of Chapter 169 of the Minnesota Statutea, <br /> egcept those which by their nature have no application. <br /> (Ord. No. 125, § 3(m), 12-8-69) <br /> Sec. 26-32. Regiatration. ° <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a , <br /> snowmobile within the city unless such anowmobile ia <br /> currently and validly registered with the atate and its <br /> registered number is conspicuously displayed thereon in t <br /> accordance with state law. (Ord. No. 125, § 3, 12-5-69) ? <br /> ; <br /> Sec. 26-53. Operator's age. <br /> It shall be a violation for any peraon under fourteen (14) <br /> yeara of age to make a direct crosaing of a trunk, county <br /> state aid, village, or county highway as the operator of a <br /> anowmobile. A person fourteen (14) years of age or older, but <br /> less than eighteen (18) years of age, may make a direct <br /> crossing of a trunk, county atate aid, or county highway, or <br /> city road, only if he has in his immediate posseasion a valid <br /> 1525 <br />