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<br /> <br /> , J 26-22 AR.DW IiILIS GODE _ <br /> AHy'ICLE II. RECREATIt)NAL VEHICLES <br /> <br /> DIViSION 1. GENER.ALLY <br /> <br /> Sec. 26-22. Adoption of statQtes. <br /> (a) Subdivieiona 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, snd 7 of Section 84.90 of <br /> Minnesota Statutes, as now conatituted and as hereafter <br /> emended, are hereby adopted by referrence, made a prert of <br /> this chapter as though completely aet forth herein, and <br /> shall regulate the operation of reereational motor veluclea <br /> and snowmobiles, as defined therein, on landa not owned by <br /> the operator within the city. At lesst three (3) copiea of said <br /> sttatute, so sdopted, shall be marked as official copies and <br /> - filed in the office of the clerk-adminiatrator. <br /> (b) Any violation of the statute adopted by reference in <br /> thia section ehall be avicrlation of this aection lavhen it <br /> occurs within the limita of the city. Any pereon viotating <br /> any provision thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and <br /> shaIl be puniahed as provided ia eectioa 2-10 of thie Code. <br /> (Ord. No. 190, § 1, 7-14-76) Secs. 26-23-26-28. ReservetL <br /> <br /> DIVISION 2. SNOWMUBILFS* <br /> <br /> Sea 26-29. Intent. <br /> It is the intent of this diviaion ta augplement the laws of <br /> the state with respect to Lhe operation o€ anowmobiles, and <br /> Chapters 168 through 171, Minnesots Statutea. This divieion <br /> ig not intended to allow whet the state statutes prolubit nor <br /> to prohibit what the etate statutea exgressly allow. (Ord. No. <br /> 125, § 1, 22-8-69) <br /> Sec. 26-30. Defmitiona. <br /> For the purposes of this divisitan, the following words and <br /> phrsses ahall have the meaninp respectively eacribed to <br /> them: . <br /> 'State 14w retereace-Snowmohiles, MSA ~ 84.81 et eeq. <br /> 3upp. No. 3 1524 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ~ <br />