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<br /> 5 96•22 ARDEN HII.18 CODB ' <br /> <br /> ARTICLE II. REC1tEATIONAL VBHICLBB ' 77u"IC 126.33 ~ <br /> DIVISION 1. GENERAId.Y Operate: To ride in or oa and control t~}u operaGon of • enowmobile. ' Bec. 28-22. Adoptlon ot rtatatas. Operntor: A pereon who operatee or ie in sctual phyeical ' <br /> <br /> <br /> control of e snowmobile. <br /> (a) 8ubdivieione 1, 2, 4, S. 6, and ? of Section 84.90 of <br /> Minneeota Statutee, ae nav ooartituted and se hareafter Owner: A pereon, other then a lien holder, havinQ the <br /> amended, ue 6ereby adopted by referenoe, mede a pert of property in or title to a enowmobile snd entitled to the uee <br /> thie chapter ts thnugh ooanpletely met forth 6ereu?, and or poeeeesion thereof. • <br /> shell ngulate the operstion of »crwtiowl motor pehicla Roadway: That portion of a highway impmved, designed <br /> and unowmobiler, u defined tberoin, on landt not oaded by or ordinarily wed for vehicular traffic. <br /> the operator within the city. At leut t6ree (8) copies of oaid <br /> ttati?te, w odopteri, sheij be muieA r a'fsc;:1 oopim and Snowmobile; A eelf•propelled vehicle designed for travel <br /> filed ia the offioe of the cJwk-~dmini~ttatar. on raow or ice oa e natural terrain eteered by wv6eeL, skie <br /> (b) Any violation of the statute adopted by nfenaoe in ' or runnere. (Ord. No.126, 12,12•8-69) , <br /> this "ction shal] be a violatim of tbie "ction when it Sec. 26-81. Complianoe wit6 statntes. <br /> OcC4r8 1Y1t11A the ilYLlt! Of the C1tY. any Persop vioV+ing t <br /> any provieion thereof oholl be guilty Of a miedemeanor and It ehall be unlewful for any perwn to ' operate a <br /> rlal1 be punished ae provided in rsctian 1-10 di thir Code. enowmobile upon the traveled portinn af any p6bGc etreet or ; <br /> (Ord. No.190, 11, 7•14•76) highway ercoept in compliance with all ; <br /> ptovieione and <br /> 1 requirennents uf Chaptsr 169 of the Minnewta $tatutes, Yj <br /> 8ea. $8•$3-~-Z8. Bearved. e:cept thoee which by their nature luve no application. ~ <br /> (Ord, No. lZb, 1 3(m), 12•8-89) i <br /> DIVISION 2 SNOWMOBII.ES' ' <br /> Sec. 28•82. Begistration. ~ <br /> Bec. 26•28. lntent. It ahall be uniawful for any pereon to operate a ~ <br /> It is the intent of thie divirion to rupplament the laae of enowmobile within the city unlesa ruch enoavmobile is ' <br /> the rtste with reepect to the operation of anowmobiles, and currently end validly regietered with the etate and ite <br /> Cheptera 168 t6rough 171, Minneeote Statutee. Thie divirion registered number ie conepicuouely displayed thereon in <br /> in not intended to allow ahat the state tistutee pmlubit not accordance with etate law. (Ord. No. 125, 13,12-8-69) <br /> to p~hibit what the etate ~tabites eipn~ely ellow. (Ord. No. 8ec. 28-38. 0 g <br /> per4tor'~ a e. <br /> 126, 1,12•B-69) <br /> It ehall be a violation for any pereon under fourteen (14) I <br /> 8ec. 26•30. Definltlaw. yeare of age to make a direct crossing of a trunk, county <br /> For the purpoeee of thir divieipn, tthee folloaing words and state aid, villege, or county highway ea the operator of a <br /> phtaeee shell 6eve the meaniv4~ respecavety ascribed to enoavmobile. A pereon fourteen (14) yeare of ege or older, but <br /> tham; , less than eighteen (18) yeare of age, n?ay aoake a d'uect <br /> 0 eut~ law r~tee~ae~-Bao+~o6i7~, YSA f 8~.81 et ~eq. cr~~8 of a trunk, county atate aid, or oounty highway, or <br /> city roed, only if he hae in hir immediete poaeeeeion a velid <br /> eapp. No, 3 1524 , <br /> ~ 1525 <br />